Agree, today it is quite difficult to meet an adult who could not list the Arctic seas of Russia. With this task, perhaps, even the average student could easily cope. It seems that there is nothing complicated in this. However, let's remember. So, the seas of the Arctic shelf are the Barents, Kara, White, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi. Total six. What are their features? What do they have in common? And what are the main differences?
This article will not only answer all these questions, but will also try to prove to the reader that the Arctic seas deserve no less attention than the more familiar to us, especially in the summer, the Black or Azov. They are unusual for us in terms of temperature balance, but that doesn't really make them any less interesting.
Section 1. Arctic seas surrounding Russia. General information
In an attempt to reveal this topic, let's try to list the main features of these parts of the globe.
First of all, it should be noted that the Arctic seas of Russia are covered most of the yearthick layer of ice. From west to east they get colder. For example, if the influence of the Atlantic is still slightly felt in the Barents Sea, then further to the east the thickness of the ice increases significantly.

The Arctic seas are getting warmer thanks to the currents of the Pacific Ocean. This can be especially seen in that part of Chukotka, which is directly adjacent to the Bering Strait.
We also note that the so-called Arctic seas, in turn, have the maximum impact on the climate of Siberian regions. And, oddly enough, but most of all, such an impact is felt in the summer. This is because in winter they are covered with ice, like land, and there are no differences in temperature and humidity. But in summer, cold masses of water contrast strongly with warm land.
The fishing of various marine animals has long been associated with all the Arctic seas of Russia, which at one time led to the extermination of many species and was eventually banned. However, these places, despite the severity of the climate, constantly attract a huge number of tourists from different parts of the globe. One of the most popular routes is a visit to the North Pole. Many people, not paying attention to all the difficulties, tend to climb this "top" of the Earth on an icebreaker. Other favorite objects of the Arctic seas are rookeries of fur seals and walruses, "bird markets", places chosen by polar bears.
Section 2. Mysterious White Sea
The main difference between this section of the world ocean and all other seas of the Arcticlies in the fact that it is located south of the Arctic Circle, and only a small northern part of the water area goes beyond its limits. Thus, it turns out that the White Sea has natural boundaries on almost all sides. Only it is separated from the Barents by a thin and very conditional line.

Beloye is considered a relatively small inland sea of Russia. It occupies an area of only 90 thousand square meters. km. The average depth of the local waters is 67 m, and the maximum is 350 m. The Basin and the Kandalaksha Bay are especially deep areas of the White Sea. In the northern part, the shallowest water zones are located - no deeper than 50 m. It should be noted that the bottom here is uneven.
Surprisingly, within the waters of the White Sea reigns, so to speak, a mixed climate that has features of the sea and at the same time continental.
Section 3. Amazing Barents Sea
Those who want to follow how the nature of the Arctic seas is changing are advised to go to the Barents Sea, which occupies the most westerly position.
Geographically, it communicates with the Norwegian warm sea, as well as the cold waters of the Arctic basin. The total area of the Barents Sea is about 1,405,000 sq. km, the average depth here is approximately 200 m.
The climate is polar marine, the warmest among the other shelf seas of the Arctic Ocean. 3/4 of the surface of the Barents Sea is covered with ice every year, but it never freezes completely, even in winter. All this thanks to the inflows of warm Atlantic waters.

The bottom relief is heterogeneous, it has underwater hills, troughs and numerous depressions. All this largely affects the hydrological characteristics of the water body. For example, this sea is characterized by good water mixing and excellent aeration.
Section 4. Why not go to the coast of the Kara Sea?
The Kara Sea is located off the coast of the Taimyr Peninsula, northeast Europe, as well as the coast of Western Siberia. Its western border is in contact with the Barents Sea, the eastern - with the Laptev Sea.
This part of the oceans is completely located beyond the Arctic Circle. The area of the Kara Sea reaches approximately 883 thousand km², the average depth is 111 m, and the maximum reaches 600 m in some places.
The shores in the eastern part of Novaya Zemlya are indented by fjords, and on the mainland coast there are large bays and bays where the great Siberian rivers flow, namely: the Yenisei, Taz, Ob and Pyasina.
There are many islands in the Kara Sea, especially off the coast of Taimyr.
Maximum salinity (33-34%) is observed near its surface in the northern part. In spring, melting ice can slightly freshen the bays near river mouths (up to 5%).

It should be noted that almost all the Arctic seas of Siberia are under a noticeable influence of river runoff. For example, in Karsky this percentage reaches 40%. In general, it is known that the rivers carry here 1290 km³ of fresh water annually, and 80% of this amount comesJune to October.
By the way, another important feature is that from October to May the Kara Sea freezes completely. That is why the local people even called him "ice bag".
Section 5. Laptev Sea
Do you know which of the Arctic seas is the deepest? Laptev, of course! Geographically, it is located directly near the coast of Eastern Siberia. Previously, it was even called Siberian.
Immediately, we note that this sea is completely beyond the Arctic Circle. In the north, the Arctic Ocean is cold and almost completely covered with eternal ice, in the west, several straits connect the Laptev Sea with the Kara Sea, in the east, beyond the straits, the East Siberian begins, in the south, there is a heavily indented coast of the Eurasian continent.
Its total area is 664 thousand km², the average depth is 540 m, the southern part is considered the shallowest (up to 50 sq. m), and an area of great depths was found near the edge of the shelf, for example, in the Sadko trench the maximum distance in depth reaches an almost unthinkable figure of 3385 m.

The eastern part of the sea is quite seismic, a little to the west of the New Siberian Islands earthquakes up to 6 points sometimes occur.
As a rule, most of the year the Laptev Sea is covered with ice. Giants-icebergs are abundantly formed from glaciers here.
The salinity of the water is average - 34%, but near the mouth of the river. Lena, it drops down to 1%, because the full-flowing river brings fresh water here. ExceptLena, other major arteries flowing into the Laptev Sea are Yana, Olenyok, Anabar and Khatanga.
Section 6. East Siberian - the shallowest Arctic Sea
This part of the world's surface belongs to the category of the so-called marginal continental. Geographically, it is located near the coast of Eastern Siberia. The boundaries of these waters are generally conditional lines, and only in some parts it is really limited by land. The western territory of the East Siberian Sea runs along about. Kotelny and then runs along the Laptev Sea. The northern cordon completely coincides with the edge of the continental shelf. In the east, it is outlined by Fr. Wrangel and two capes - Blossom and Yakan.
The waters of the East Siberian Sea communicate well with the Arctic Ocean. The sea area is 913 thousand square meters. km, but the maximum depth reaches 915 m.

There are few islands in East Siberian. The coastline has strong bends, in some places the land protrudes directly into the sea. The continents in the Arctic seas, as a rule, are represented by plains. True, in some areas there is still a slight slope.
Note that this sea is under the influence of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and that is why its climate is considered polar maritime, with a strong continental influence.
A relatively small amount of continental water comes here. The largest rivers flowing into this sea are the Kolyma and the Indigirka.
Section 7. What do you know about the Chukchi Sea?
Between Fr. Wrangel andThe American Cape Barrow is the Chukchi Sea with an area of 582 thousand square meters. km. Probably, anyone who is interested in culture and traditions understands that it got its name thanks to the name of the people who inhabit its shores.
In general, the Chukchi Sea is characterized by a cold climate, intense ice conditions created due to the influence of the Canadian ice cycle.

The Chukchi Sea connects to the Pacific Ocean through the Bering Strait, 86 km wide and up to 36 m deep, but about 30 thousand cubic meters penetrate into the Arctic through it. km of relatively warm water. In August, its upper layers near the strait can warm up to +14 °С. In the summer, unlike the cold season, the Pacific waters move the ice edge away from the coast.
Section 8. Nature and man: the seas are becoming noticeably cleaner
In today's world, we are used to avoiding the topic of ecology whenever possible. Why? The thing is that somehow it has already become a habit to scold industrial enterprises, unscrupulous vacationers and dishonest officials from the local administration. In general, we somehow already know at the subconscious level that everything is bad, and it will be even worse ahead.

But recently, scientists from the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, after returning from the Murmansk-Dudinka voyage, brought with them 200 liters of sea water for analysis for Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 - radionuclides that are indicators of anthropogenic impact. The results of hard work are encouraging:the northern seas are becoming cleaner, nature is still coping with the previously received and accumulated damage.
Radioactive elements, unfortunately, are still detected, but in smaller quantities than in the 90s.