What is the most famous European capital? Heads of the cities of the Old World

What is the most famous European capital? Heads of the cities of the Old World
What is the most famous European capital? Heads of the cities of the Old World

State borders change frequently. Powers themselves appear and disappear from the political map of the world. It may happen that one state joins another, or vice versa: the once united country is split into pieces, like the Soviet Union once was. Even more often, such changes occur with the capitals. Indeed, even with the inviolability of state cordons and political stability, the government of the country may decide to transfer the main city to another settlement. One does not have to look far for an example: in 1997, the capital of Kazakhstan was moved from Alma-Ata to Astana. When the state breaks up, and some parts begin to exist separately, new administrative centers appear. In this article we will discuss several questions: which European capital is the largest; the most ancient; newest and best. Of course, there is no city that could satisfy all these indicators. And yet…

list of European capitals in alphabetical order
list of European capitals in alphabetical order

List of European capitals in alphabetical order

In order not to get confused, let's remember all the main cities of this partSveta. At the moment there are forty-four states in Europe. There are 44 capitals in total. And if we count Turkey, which, at least on the edge, but still “stands” in Europe, then all forty-five. Some capitals are huge both in terms of area and population. In others, all residents know each other by sight. But more about sizes later. Now we will simply list which capitals are in the states of Europe. If you remember the cities with the letter "A", then it will be Athens, the Dutch Amsterdam and the highlands of Andorra la Vella. The list with the letter "B" is more extensive. These are Bucharest, Belgrade, Brussels, Berlin, Bratislava, Bern and Budapest. Not less than the capitals and the letter "B". These are the Vatican city-state, Vaduz, Vilnius, Warsaw, Vienna and Valletta. Dublin and Zagreb are next. Three capitals with the letter "K" - Copenhagen, Chisinau and Kyiv. The four major cities begin with the letter L: Lisbon, Luxembourg, Ljubljana and London. The same number - on the "M": Moscow, Madrid, Monaco and Minsk. Oslo follows alphabetically. On the letter "P" we have Paris, Podgorica, Prague. Under the letter "R" are Rome, Riga and Reykjavik. Here are the capitals whose names start with "S": Sarajevo, San Marino, Skopje, Stockholm and Sofia. There are two main cities under the letter "T" - Tirana and Tallinn. And closes the alphabetical list of Helsinki. If we consider Turkey as a European country, then Ankara should also be added to the list. Although this city is located in Asia.

European capital
European capital

The most ancient capitals of Europe

Many cities have been in the status of "the capital", but over time lost this value. Younger populations emergedpoints that were located near trade routes and other important highways. Thus, these "upstarts" very quickly overshadowed the former capitals. And they pulled over the glory of the capital city. Nevertheless, six European capitals have a very respectable age. These are Athens, Rome, Belgrade, Lisbon, Skopje and Paris. And if we take into account that right in the capital of Italy, a city is located on the Vatican Hill, which is a theocratic state, then their number increases to seven. Which of them is the oldest European capital? Definitely Athens. The capital of modern Greece was first mentioned in chronicles in the 15th century. BC e., that is, about three and a half thousand years ago! By the way, Belgrade could also claim the title if the competition was held in the category "The oldest city among modern European capitals." It is mentioned in many historical sources at the same time as Athens. But it was a modest settlement of the Celts called Singidunum. Well, the Eternal City of Rome was founded later than Athens - in 753 BC. e. Paris (Lutetia in antiquity), Skopje and Lisbon appeared on the world map also before our era.

famous European capital
famous European capital

The largest capitals in Europe

There is no need to guess for a long time. The largest European capital is Moscow with almost twelve million people. London is in second place. It was founded in 43 by the Romans. Now eight and a half million people live there. Well, Berlin closes the top three. The new capital of Germany is home to three and a halfmillion people. Kyiv is breathing down her neck (2.8 million people).

The youngest capitals in Europe

This issue needs to be taken seriously. If we proceed from which city has recently become the capital, then the answer will be: Bratislava. But this settlement is by no means new. On the contrary, the city boasts a centuries-old history. By the way, Bratislava has repeatedly been the capital. But on the modern map of Europe, she appeared with this status only after the split of Czechoslovakia. And if suddenly Catalonia achieves independence and becomes an independent state, then Barcelona will become the youngest capital. But the history of this city is also rooted in antiquity. But what is the youngest European capital? This is Madrid. In 1561, the capital of the Kingdom of Spain was moved from Toledo to a small town.

The youngest European capital
The youngest European capital

The best European capital

Citizens of every country think their main city is the most beautiful. And it's hard to argue here. But if you ask tourists which European capital seems to them the most beautiful, then the majority of respondents will name Prague. But if we take the factor of well-being and comfort as a measure, the result will be different. Helsinki. In the Greenest Capital nomination, Stockholm and Warsaw hold the palm.

the best European capital
the best European capital

Other leaders

City of romance, haven of lovers, trendsetter… As soon as they don't call Paris! This is perhaps the most famous European capital. Highest above the levelsea located Andorra la Vella. Monaco is the leader in terms of the number of casinos per capita.
