Canada is a state in North America that unites different cultures and languages. In terms of its territory, the country ranks second after Russia.
Relevance of the issue in the modern world
Every year not even thousands, but hundreds of thousands of travelers come here. Some of them seek to get acquainted with the local culture and traditions, while others need to visit relatives. There are those who have made the decision to move here permanently.
What language is spoken in Canada? The answer to this question, as a rule, is of interest to each of the above categories.
It so happened that English and French have official status in the country. Although it should be noted that the majority of the population use only one of these languages for communication.
Variety of dialects of the great northern country

“English is spoken in Canada,” many will immediately say. And then they will think: “Maybe not, it’s as if French is also popular there.” Strictly speaking, this is the whole point. The country is huge, it is inhabited by completely different people, which means that there is nothing surprising in the fact that there can be languagesseveral.
Inhabitants of many regions of Canada use mainly English, which is a mixture of American and British pronunciation. Often ordinary words from the British dialect can be incomprehensible to an American. And some terms are pronounced by the English-speaking population with an inherent American accent. In the provinces of the Atlantic coast, several types of English accents are used in speech. Linguists believe that it is connected historically. In the past, the fishing and hunting communities of this region led an isolated life and had little to no connection with other settlements.
In Montreal and Vancouver, where many migrants from China live, you can often hear Chinese conversation. Canadians who speak fluent English are exempted from taking exams in French. Despite this, most learn it on their own because of the need for business communication or for personal reasons. In Canada, many foreign languages have priority in learning. Spanish and German are especially popular. It turns out that unambiguously answering the question of what language is spoken in Canada is even more difficult than it was originally supposed.
Features of local bilingualism

To date, the number of French-speaking Canadians has exceeded seven million people, which is almost a quarter of the total population. A special place is occupied by the province of Quebec, where preference is given to the French language, and whose inhabitants have long been trying to give it the status of the main one. And this desire is soit is great that in recent years more and more often at the houses of local residents you can see a slightly changed flag of the country, combining Canadian and French.
French-speaking regions also include northeastern lands from Lake Ontario, the area around the city of Winnipeg, and part of the metropolitan area near Ottawa. That is, it turns out that many people speak French in Canada, an impressive part of the country's population.
Bilingualism in Canada dates back to the time of historical ties between England and France, who fought to colonize these places. Both languages were simply necessary for traders to develop market relations. Interestingly, bilingualism is more common in those provinces where French-speaking residents live. Interestingly, all Canadians must be able to speak English, but English-speaking citizens do not have to learn French.
Regulations for expats

What language is spoken in Canada? Which one to study first? - these questions are most important for those who decide to move to Canada for permanent residence. And not in vain, because once there, you will need not only to communicate with the local population, but also to work, providing materially for yourself and your family members.
Bilingualism is officially recognized in Canada, but only more than 15% can communicate in two languages. The government is making every effort to promote bilingualism in the country.
- Office work is conducted in two languages.
- Civil officials and media workersshould be able to express themselves in the state languages.
- Many English-speaking Canadians prefer to choose schools for their children where subjects are taught in English and French.
Most migrants arriving for permanent residence in French-speaking areas of Canada may encounter misunderstandings when communicating. The classic French that is studied in Russia differs significantly from the local one.
This language barrier is difficult to overcome at first without knowing English. Many people have to learn French again. And for this, all conditions have been created. The further development of bilingualism has great prospects and provides more opportunities.
It turns out that the question of what language is spoken in Canada is, in principle, not entirely correct. It would be more correct to ask about which languages you need to know in order to feel comfortable in this country. Yes, yes, that's right, initially in the plural, otherwise it just won't work.