Asuncion is the capital of Paraguay, economic, political and cultural center. Located in the western part of the state, on the flat left bank of the river of the same name. The natural conditions in Asuncion are formed under the influence of a hot, humid tropical climate. The average temperature in January is about twenty-eight degrees, in July about eighteen. In winter, southerly winds often blow in the city, bringing streams of dry cool air.

Beautiful country - Paraguay. The capital is located in the zone of tropical forests. Part of the coastal territory of the Paraguay River is in a swampy state. The flora is mainly represented by numerous species of palm trees and herbaceous cereal plants. There are areas where valuable and rare species of trees grow: guayacán, chvnyar, quebracho. In the boundaries of Asuncion and its environs, there are many species of the most beautiful tropical birds (toucans, rhea, ibises,parrots). Of the mammals, bats, capybara (a relative of the guinea pig) and armadillos live here. Termites build their large dwellings among bushes and trees. On hot days, people living in the capital suffer from the invasion of a large number of harmful insects - ticks, mosquitoes and locusts.

Language, population and religion
The capital of Paraguay is a million-plus city. Most of the inhabitants are mestizos of ideological-Spanish origin - Guarani. Immigrants from Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Germany, Ukraine and Russia also live in the city. The official languages are Guarani and Spanish. Among the inhabitants, the Guarani variant is common, which is characterized by a large number of words borrowed from Spanish. Most of the inhabitants are Catholics, in addition to whom Orthodox Christians and Protestants also live in the city.
City cultureThe appearance of the historical center of the capital has well-defined features of the conquest period. The city has majestic buildings of monasteries and churches that were erected by the Jesuits. There are educational institutions such as the Catholic University and the University of Asuncion.

Recently, painstaking scientific work has been carried out in the city to study the history of the state and culture. There are institutes in which scientists conduct research in the field of ethnography and linguistics. Among such institutions are the Academy of Culture and Language of the Guarani Indians, as well as the Association of Indians.
The capital of Paraguay is famous for its folk concertsmusic in the Guaranha style, which has gained popularity among the inhabitants. These musical compositions originate from the folk songs of the Guaranha Indians, who lived on the territory of the state even before the arrival of the conquistadors. The city also has a military and symphony orchestras. The capital of Paraguay is a city of people who love sports, especially football. It is here that numerous sports competitions, football, basketball and volleyball matches, auto racing are held. Asuncion, whose hotels are famous worldwide for their hospitality and quality of service, is waiting for fans and sports enthusiasts from all over the world!