Yekaterinburg is the fourth largest city in terms of population, one of the country's megacities. It is rightfully considered the capital of the Urals and the largest logistics center in Russia. Therefore, many people from other cities spend their weekends in Yekaterinburg. Fortunately, the metropolis has a wide range of entertainment: from city parks to shopping centers.
Leisure parks

Most often, visitors are advised to visit city parks. Fortunately, there are many of them in Yekaterinburg. The largest is Mayakovsky Park. It is located along Michurina Street, 230. It is the oldest recreation park in the city. He began his history in 1934. Previously, there were merchants' dachas on the territory. And then, in the bend of the Iset River, they decided to create a recreation park. To date, it is the largest. Weekends with children in Yekaterinburg are best spent in it. Almost one hundred hectares of territory, most of which is a forest. Any child will be delighted with the abundance of attractions. Adults can hear a "singing fountain" unique for Russia. With a good set of circumstances, you can see squirrels andfeed them. Folk festivals and holidays are actively held on the territory of the park.
How to spend a weekend in Yekaterinburg with sense for study? For example, visit the dendrological park. Simply put, the botanical garden. It is located along Mira Street, 16. The main focus of the exhibition is plants. In addition to rare decorative flowers, trees and shrubs, the Alexander Nevsky Chapel can be found in the park. For young people there is a special forged bench for lovers. In the local greenhouse, guides will be happy to tell you about exotic flowers. You can also buy seeds and various plants for your home in the park.

Weekends with children in Yekaterinburg can be spent in the Sagaydak family recreation park. It is located at 111 Bebel Street. In addition to a good amusement park with a Ferris wheel, it has many sports grounds. Children can be taken to the petting zoo, where they can feed the squirrels and birds. The park has a monument to the mistress of the Copper Mountain, so in parallel, the child can be introduced to the famous tales of Bazhov.
He althy vacations
A weekend in Yekaterinburg can be an unforgettable memory if you know where to go. One of the most unusual places is the Limpopo water park. It is located at the address: Shcherbakova Street, 2. For ten years now, this sports complex has been a popular recreational spot for residents and guests of the city. In addition to swimming pools and cafes, everyone will find slides to their liking. There are separate slides for children of differentages and adults with plenty of steep slopes. Having rolled enough, you can go to the recreation area. On the territory of the complex there are sections of aqua aerobics and aqua fitness. Animators work with children for free.

Rescuers tirelessly monitor safety. For adults, there are special wave pools where you can swim and experience the storm. The highlight of the complex is spas. All types of massages, relaxation rooms and much more will allow you to fully relax. And hungry people can go to a cafe to taste or a sushi bar. Such an active weekend in Yekaterinburg will be remembered for a long time!
Memorable places
Almost everyone who comes to another city tends to visit as many sights as possible. It is a mistake to think that this happens only in the capital. Almost every city has its own unique objects. For example, in Yekaterinburg it is the Historical Square. It is located between Malyshev and Gorky streets. It is rightfully the heart of the city. From here the history of Yekaterinburg began. It is on this territory that museums, architectural monuments, exhibitions and samples of 19th century technology are concentrated.

A unique place
Where to go in Yekaterinburg at the weekend? To the rock garden. Yes, the rock garden. Such an unusual place is located in the Historical Square. All the Ural minerals are collected under the open sky. Each visitor can get acquainted with everything that this region is rich in. Here are the rotundas. At the exhibitionstones, you can find information plates with a full description of the exhibit and interesting facts.
Cult place from an esoteric point of view

You can spend a weekend in Yekaterinburg visiting Ganina Yama. It is with this place that sad events are connected - the execution of the royal family. But even before this incident, the place had a bad reputation. Once upon a time it was bought by a merchant. He believed in gold mines and hired people to develop mines and mines. Over time, all this was abandoned. A forest has grown in place of the mines. After the execution, the royal family was thrown into a swampy pit, where they spent almost the entire century. Relatively recently, the bodies were raised and buried. Now there are seven churches on the territory of Ganina Yama and a monastery is being built. Therefore, the answer to the question of where to go in Yekaterinburg on weekends for a believer is obvious. In Ganina's pit.
Weekend fairs in Yekaterinburg - what is it?
In recent years, weekend fairs have become especially popular. For residents of the region and villages, special trading areas are allocated where they can sell their goods. This allows small farmers and entrepreneurs to bypass middlemen and reduce the cost of their products. They are especially popular with the townspeople, as you can get natural products at a low price. Here you can also find rare products, such as homemade cheese.
How to spend a weekend in Yekaterinburg interesting and unforgettable? Visit different places, explore the areas. There is always something unknown in the metropolisplace even for the most sophisticated guest of the city.