Although it seems strange, but the wonderful Mediterranean island of Cyprus, famous for its wonderful endless beaches, good diving and excellent cuisine, can offer guests a real winter holiday - skiing.
Even despite the fact that the average air temperature on the sea coast is +20 degrees Celsius, any vacationer in winter can ski down Mount Olymbos (Olympus, Olympos), enjoying the fantastic feeling of flying surrounded by fabulous natural landscapes. This is the Troodos ski resort, rich in interesting historical and architectural sights.
General information
Many amateur skiers know about the existence of a beautiful resort in Cyprus. This is both a recreation area and a nature reserve. These places have a wonderful climate and a unique combination of proximity to the mountains and the sea, thanks to which tourists can combine skiing with relaxation on the coast of the beautiful sea. Despite the small number of hotels with good infrastructure, there are many cozy bungalows andhouses.

In the winter season, outdoor enthusiasts prefer to relax on the island. Despite the Mediterranean climatic conditions, snow falls in the mountains at this time. An amazing combination of snow-capped, fluffy mountains and the sea coast, as well as fresh and clean air filled with the scent of pine needles, attract many tourists to these heavenly places.
Troodos ski resort (Cyprus) is open from December to March. It is located an hour's drive from the capital of Cyprus - Nicosia. Getting to the place is quite easy by car, bicycle or on foot. The height of this protected area above sea level is about 2000 meters.

Troodos (Trodos)
Mount Olympos (local Khionistra - "snow"), which is the highest point in the country, geologically consists mainly of dunite, and is surrounded by deposits of dolerite, peridotite and gabbro. Between this massif and the Kyrenia mountain range stretches Mesaoria (translated as "lying between the mountains") - a wide hilly plain formed by marine sediments, mainly of the Quaternary period. This is the largest mountain range located in the west of the island of Cyprus. The height of its peak is 1951 meters.

Features of the recreation area
The resort has quite a long history. In 1934, the first skiers appeared here, and already in 1947, thanks to the support of Great Britain, the first club was created.
Cyprus ski resort famous for downhill skiersthe fact that its mountain system is the highest in the country and is located almost in the center of the island. The highest peak is Olympus. From here you have a magnificent view of the Caledonia Falls (mountain waterfall).
On Olympus there are four tow lifts named after the gods: Zeus and Hera are installed on the northern slope, and Hermes and Aphrodite are in the Sun Valley. In total, there are 12 tracks equipped with different levels of difficulty. For beginner skiers who do not have their own equipment, here (at the base) you can rent any equipment.

Cyprus ski resort is open from 09:00 to 16:00. The exceptions are days with severe thunderstorms.
In addition to the ski slopes of various levels, the ski resort of Cyprus is also attractive for its no less interesting cultural and historical sites:
- Kykk Monastery, which is surrounded by many legends. It is in it, at an altitude of about 1200 meters above sea level, that the icon of the Mother of God, painted by the Apostle Luke, has been kept for more than 900 years. She was saved both during the period of fires and during the attacks on the monastery by marauders.
- Byzantine churches located in the mountains amaze with their architecture, frescoes and icons.
- Byzantine Museum with exhibits from the period of the XII-XVII centuries (carvings, icons, silver and bronze items, fabrics).
- Fantastic miniature waterfalls (Caledonian, Kantara and Milomeri), immersed in greenery recreation areas, rich flora and fauna.
- The Monastery of St. Nicholas (Cat Monastery) is a place that can please and surprise all cat lovers and people who are not indifferent to animals.
- Mouflon goats living in the reserve.

Besides all this, in the mountains that run from the city of Nicosia to Paphos (almost across the entire territory of the island), you can fish, hunt and take a quiet bike or hike.
Features of the ski resorts of Cyprus
All recreation centers on the island are concentrated near the highest Mount Olympus. There are also quieter small ski resorts, where tourists come to combine skiing from the slopes with outdoor recreation among magnificent nature. These ski resorts in Cyprus include the town of Pano Platres, which is considered the largest resort on the island (similar to the classic Alpine village). There are small hotels, very cozy taverns, bakeries and cafes, playgrounds for children and an amusement park, souvenir shops and shops. All this together with friendly staff and European service make the resort area quite popular among tourists.

Many tourists are focused on family holidays, with children. For kids and beginners there are ski schools. Sun Valley is one of these resorts.
There are slopes for professionals on the island, where athletes can demonstrate their skills. Often there are competitions, including internationalchampionships.
Ski resorts in Cyprus attract with the presence of equipped slopes suitable for both beginners and professionals. Most tourists note the magnificent nature of this area, the cleanest air and the opportunity to combine winter and summer recreation.
Here is a great opportunity to instill in your child a love for winter sports, using the services of highly qualified instructors.