Distance from Yeysk to Krasnodar: time, transport, cost

Distance from Yeysk to Krasnodar: time, transport, cost
Distance from Yeysk to Krasnodar: time, transport, cost

If you look at the map, it seems that the distance between the cities of Yeysk and Krasnodar is small. There are many ways to get from the resort town of Yeysk to the capital of the region: by car (own or as a fellow traveler); by bus; train; sports - by bike, motorcycle or on foot.

Depending on what type of transport is used to travel from Yeysk to Krasnodar and back, the time spent on the road, as well as finances, is determined.

Distance on the map and on the road

If you plot a route on the map, then between the cities of Krasnodar and Yeysk the distance will be only 190 km.


But roads are not built in straight lines, so in real life the two cities are separated by 240 km - 50 km more.

By car

Perhaps this is the easiest and most convenient way to travel. There are several options for how to overcome the distance from Yeysk to Krasnodar.

Option 1. You can leave Yeysk to Starominskaya and turn to Novominskaya, the path will passalong the R-250 highway. After Novominskaya, the highway passes into R-268 and becomes the main road of the region. The average speed is 60-70 km/h and the track is in good condition.

Option 2. Go to Yasenskaya and keep the path along the estuary to Novoderevyankovskaya, from where you can turn either onto Novominskaya or Staroderevyankovskaya. It should be borne in mind that this is a dirt road of local importance. Then you still have to go to the R-268 highway.

Road to Yeysk
Road to Yeysk

How long will it take to travel from Krasnodar to Yeysk? In both options, everything depends on the traffic saturation and is 3.5-4.5 hours.

With a fuel consumption of 8 l / 100 km, about 20 liters of fuel will be needed.

If you are going to take passengers to save on fuel, or intending to hitchhike, you need to make sure that you are safe. You need to choose a passenger / carrier on trusted sites.

By bus

You can travel the distance from Yeysk to Krasnodar by bus. This fast and comfortable vehicle will take you from city to city in 4-5 hours.

Yeysk bus station
Yeysk bus station

The cost of the trip depends on the carrier, the ticket price starts from 500 rubles.

There are 6 flights on the route. In Yeysk, buses depart from the bus station on the street. Communist. In Krasnodar, you can take a bus at the bus station-2 (Gavrilova St., 1) or the bus station on Privokzalnaya Square, 5.

JSC "Kubanpassazhiravtoservice" sends the first flight from Yeysk to Krasnodar at 04:50, it arrives in the capital of the region at 09:40. Followed by flights to06:30, 07:10, 10:30, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45. The distance between Yeysk and Krasnodar buses pass daily.

From Krasnodar to Yeysk, the first flight leaves at 07:40. Without taking the first bus, you can leave on the following flights: at 10:31, 12:11, 13:35, 15:25, 17:01, or on the last one at 19:40. These flights also depart daily.

You can go from city to city thanks to the services of a private company-carrier "Express Taxi", which involves minibuses.

On the train

A short distance from Yeysk to Krasnodar can be covered by train. However, it should be borne in mind that Yeysk is located away from the main railway arteries, as if in a transport dead end, there is no direct railway connection. Therefore, you will have to travel in transit with a change at Starominskaya-Timashevskaya station.

The following trains leave Yeysk for Starominskaya-Timashevskaya: at 08:43, 17:18, 23:48. In an hour and a half they cover a distance of 70 km. Ticket price - about 175 rubles.

Yeysk railway station
Yeysk railway station

3 trains also run from Starominskaya-Timashevskaya to Krasnodar. The first one leaves at 09:17, the next at 15:10 and the last one at 17:50. A ticket will cost about 200 rubles.

The Russian Railways schedule is inconvenient for guests of the city of Yeysk and local residents, because, having left the resort town by the first electric train, you still won’t have time to get to the first electric train from Starominskaya station.

Another way to take advantage of Russian Railways is long-distance trains that stop atStarominskaya-Timashevskaya. There are several such trains, they go to Novorossiysk, Adler or Anapa from Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Minsk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Samara, Grodno, Perm, Murmansk.

They make stops here at different times:

  • 00:05 (composition 087G);
  • 01:00 (trains 475G, 285G and 117Y);
  • 02:29 (trains 628B and 302B);
  • 02:39 (trains 335E and 325E);
  • 02:49 (109V);
  • 04:09 (285A).
Departure of the train from Yeysk
Departure of the train from Yeysk

Pay attention. Long-distance trains stop only at night, which is not very convenient for the residents of Yeysk. Yes, and the cost of tickets increases to 800 rubles.

Sport travel

This is also a good option, especially in the summer. The distance from Yeysk to Krasnodar can be covered on foot in 2 days or by bike in 15-17 hours without making stops.

A racing motorcycle will overcome 230 km of roads in 1.4-2 hours.
