The distance from Moscow to Ryazan is only 200 kilometers. And modern transport allows you to get there in a matter of hours. Business contacts, tourist interests and many potential experiences are mutually available to residents of both cities.
Sergey Yesenin's homeland is an ideal place both for large cheerful companies and for a lone traveler who longs for new romantic experiences and interesting acquaintances.
How to get there by car
The distance from Moscow to Ryazan by car can be overcome in about 2-4 hours. Such a long time is due to the high congestion of Moscow roads.
You need to move either along the E30 highway or along the Novoryazanskoye highway. In the first case, you will have to take a detour, but you can probably avoid busy roads.
This travel option is not the most convenient.
- Firstly, you won't be able to bypass the toll sections of the route.
- Secondly, spending 4 hours to cover 200 kilometers is very short-sighted.
- Thirdly, such a move will tire you, and you will not get the impression of the city.
Save moneyspent on fuel, you can take fellow travelers with you. Fortunately, modern technology provides a lot of opportunities for the selection of those.
The average cost set by drivers is 350 rubles. It is cheaper than other ways of transportation for a fellow traveler and convenient for the owner of the car, as it allows you to "recapture" the full cost of fuel.

Railway is even easier
Moscow and Ryazan are connected by a high-speed railway. Not "Sapsan" is waiting for you, of course, but you can get there. And very quickly.
Twice a day a direct train Moscow - Ryazan leaves the capital. It goes about 2.5 hours. There are also a huge number of passing flights, for example, No. 46V - a sit-down train going to Voronezh. Using it, you can get to Ryazan even faster.
Besides the speed and relatively low price, a serious plus is that the trains are now very comfortable. There is an electrical outlet in every seat, bio-toilets in every car and the opportunity to order coffee and an hour with cookies.
Ticket price ranges from 700 to 1500 rubles.

Travel by bus
From the bus station Kotelniki or Krasnogvardeiskaya you can go from Moscow to Ryazan by bus. It will take longer than by train - about 3-4 hours. Buses are not very comfortable, but you can endure a few hours. A serious disadvantage of this method of transportation is the lack of any amenities in transport. There is nowhere to charge the phone, goto the toilet or wash your hands too. Of course, the bus will make several stops, but this will not add comfort to the journey.
In general, the event is more than dubious. A long trip in unsanitary conditions, when you also get motion sickness, is not the best idea.
The average ticket price is from 400 to 1000 rubles.

What to choose?
Of course, each person understands comfort differently. Someone does not see their journey without their own car, someone likes hiking and is able to get from the station to the hotel with a backpack.
Perhaps the most adequate option is to travel by train from Moscow to Ryazan.
- First, it's very fast. A couple of hours - and you are already in another region.
- Secondly, it's quite cheap. A round-trip ticket in a comfortable carriage will cost 1.5-2 thousand rubles.
- Third, it is very convenient. Seated cars have comfortable seats with tables and footrests.
Don't waste a minute of your life in vain - travel, fill your life with events and impressions. Is it possible to worry about vain problems when you have a train carriage in front of you, and a new city lies ahead with its own special spirit and entertaining sights? So feel free to go from Moscow to Ryazan and spend an unforgettable weekend in central Russia.