Feodosiya sanatorium complex "Voskhod" consists of two enterprises: LLC "Medea" and PJSC "Sanatorium Voskhod". It is located in the center of the Crimean resort town of Feodosia on the embankment, fifty meters from the sea. It is rightfully considered one of the best in the South-Eastern part of the peninsula.

Sanatorium "Voskhod". Crimea. Feodosia
A number of buildings of this he alth resort are architectural monuments and belong to the fund of the "Stary Krym". Voskhod (sanatorium) has a professional base for specialized treatment: diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. The picturesque Feodosiya Bay, invigorating sea air, a beach with a shallow sandy shore - all this creates comfortable conditions for the recovery and relaxation of guests.
Features of treatment
Sanatorium "Voskhod" (Feodosia) is characterized by high efficiency of treatment and rehabilitation of gastroenterological patients. This is due to the unique balneological features of this resort. The first feature is the fact thatVoskhod (sanatorium) is a seaside he alth resort. The sea allows you to significantly expand the palette of he alth-improving factors as a result of the inclusion of sea bathing and climatotherapeutic procedures in the medical process. Professor V. G. Boksha argued that the use of such procedures enhances the effect of all he alth-improving complexes. The second feature is the presence of a mineral spring. The number of sea resorts with mineral waters in the world is very small. A spring was discovered at the foot of Mount Lysaya at the beginning of the last century while drilling wells for irrigating vineyards. The found water had a very unusual taste and smell.

Mineral water
As studies have shown, this mineral water is similar in chemical composition to the Caucasian water "Essentuki" No. 20, and in terms of sodium carbonate it is not inferior to the Austrian "Obersalzbrum". They called it "Pasha-Tepe". The properties of this mineral water were studied at the Crimean Medical Institute. According to clinical studies, water has a positive effect in the treatment of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver, mild forms of gout and diabetes. Its composition is sulfate-chloride-sodium-magnesium with a mineralization of 4, 3. Magnesium in mineral water activates many enzymatic processes, and also helps to reduce cholesterol levels and normalizes the functional activity of the liver. In addition, of particular interest to medicine is the unique combination of sulfate ions with magnesium. This contributes to a very strong secretion of bile, a pronounced cystic reflex occurs. Mineral waters of this type are recommended for chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, residual symptoms of Botkin's hepatitis.

The main we alth that the Voskhod sanatorium in Feodosia has is the sea. A. P. Chekhov recalled with admiration about swimming on the beaches of this city: “The sea here … is wonderful, blue and gentle … You can live on its shore for a thousand years and not get bored. Bathing is so good that I, having plunged, began to laugh for no reason. Sanatorium "Voskhod" (Feodosia) is able to accept up to 470 people at the same time. It works only during the summer season from May to October. The he alth resort is located on the central embankment of the city, which allows vacationers to use the entire infrastructure of Feodosia. Sanatorium "Voskhod" is located near the famous art gallery named after I. K. Aivazovsky. It was built in the eighties of the last century according to the design of the artist. Nearby is the local history museum, there is a large exposition dedicated to A. S. Greene, whose life was closely connected with this resort town.

Treatment. Sanatorium "Sunrise". Feodosia
Reviews of experts note that the he alth resort provides a very effective treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the sanatorium accepts patients suffering from the following concomitant diseases: astheno-neurotic syndromes,neurosis, disorders of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis and others), as well as ENT pathologies.
Treatment Base
Sanatorium "Voskhod" (Feodosia) offers its guests an effective treatment with mineral waters. There are departments of thalassotherapy, mud baths, physiotherapy, intestinal, psychotherapy, massage, as well as a halochamber. The following doctors are visiting the he alth resort: gastroenterologist, psychotherapist, ENT and therapist.

Contraindications to spa treatment
Sanatorium "Voskhod" (Feodosia) does not accept patients with acute stages of chronic respiratory diseases and complicated by acute purulent processes. With malignant neoplasms, often recurring or heavy bleeding, with all forms of tuberculosis (active stage). With all acute infectious diseases until the end of the isolation period. With diabetes mellitus (decompensated and severe), thromboembolic disease, liver cirrhosis, myocardial infarction and all forms of jaundice. As well as pregnant women over 26 weeks.
How to get there
If you decide to visit Voskhod (sanatorium), come to Feodosia, Aivazovsky Avenue, 27. From Simferopol you can get here by train, bus or taxi. From the bus station of Feodosia - by bus to the Pushkinskaya stop, and from the railway station you can walk, the path will go directly along the embankment. The reception desk is located in the main building, near the light and music fountain. You wantrelax and heal? An excellent option is sunny Feodosia, the Voskhod sanatorium. The official website of the he alth resort (voshod-san.com.ua) will acquaint you with prices, admission conditions and other necessary information.

Reviews from vacationers
During the summer season, thousands of people come for rehabilitation and treatment to the sanatorium "Voskhod" (Feodosia). Customer reviews highlight the pros and cons of this resort. The advantages of the sanatorium include affordable prices, polite staff, first-class medical care, the most beautiful architecture of the resort, the sights of Feodosia. The disadvantages include modest furnishings in the rooms (however, the administration annually improves the material and domestic base), the lack of a heated pool (which would increase the season by two to three months). One of the main drawbacks is that the resort does not have its own private beach. As a result, thousands of people gather here at the height of the season, hence the unsanitary conditions. In addition, the whole impression is spoiled by the mass of merchants who walk between vacationers and offer sweets, pickles, drinks, ice cream and more. Considering that the majority of visitors to the he alth resort are on a diet, then such a "provocative" behavior of merchants can negate all the efforts of medical staff.

History of the Feodosia resort
There are four main stages in the history of this city. The first of them is the origin of the resort, which began in the firsthalf of the nineteenth century and continued until the Great October Revolution of 1917. The second stage covers the period of formation of the young Soviet state - 1917-1941. The third stage of development of the Feodosia resort begins after the end of the Second World War in 1945 and continues until 1990. The fourth period falls on the time of the emergence of independent Ukraine and the destruction of the USSR. Probably, after some time, the fifth stage will also stand out - the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation, but today it is too early to talk about this. Although the changes are already visible today, the government of the Russian Federation and the new administration of the peninsula pay great attention to the development of Crimea, restoring its status as a world resort. Today, large funds are being invested in the restoration of destroyed infrastructure and the creation of new facilities. Perhaps next year Crimea will change so much that it will be able to compete with most Mediterranean resorts.