Every corner of Russia is a unique monument of nature. The Pechora River stretches across the territory of the Komi Republic (northeast of the European part of Russia). This article will briefly describe some of the features of the nature of these protected places of Pechora: sights, landscapes, etc.

The peculiar relief of this area was created due to the action of the last glaciation of the territories of the Ural Mountains. Most of the ridges, river valleys, slopes and small hills were formed under the influence of glacial channels. In these places, the main part of the vast flat zones of the Pechora region are covered with ice sheets.
Pechora (Pskov region): relief, description
The territory of the nature reserve of the Pskov region is divided into 3 largest regions according to relief features and geological structure.

1. Pripechora lowland - a zone withinwhich the Yakshinsky site is located. This is a large flat area, the foundation of which is lined with Permian sediments, overlain by glacial layers. Heights (elev. absolute) here do not exceed 175 meters. The central sections of this area are swampy.
2. The Predgorny region (according to other words, hilly) is located on the western territory of the Ural site and extends to the very base of the Main Ural Range. It is represented in the west by the transitional Artinskaya Plain and 2 large ridges of uplands. Moreover, Western (B. Parma) has a height above sea level. sea approximately 437 meters.
3. The mountainous area is represented by 4 systems of ridges in the northern part of the Urals. Among them are the highest: Koip (height 1087.5 meters), Bear Stone, and Kozhimiz (height 1195.4 meters).
Pechora River (RF): characteristics
The Pechora River is the largest and most abundant in the European North. Its source is located on the territory of the reserve. These are 2 streams that merge between 2 mountain peaks: Pecherya-Talyakh-Chakhl and Yengile-Chakhl (with a height of 896.8 m.).
The entire length of the river is 1809 kilometers, and the catchment area has an area of more than 320 thousand square meters. km. The waters of the Pechora flow into the Pechora Bay, from where they flow into the Barents Sea. The Pechora is the most powerful and largest river located in the north of the European part of Russia. Every year it replenishes the sea with about 130 cubic kilometers of fresh water. And this is 2 times less than the volume of water brought by the Volga, but 1.5 times more than the volume of the annual runoff of the waters of the Dnieper and Don rivers in general. The Pechora basin accommodates in a commoncomplexity of 35 thousand rivers and streams and more than 61 thousand lakes.
The longest river in the basin is very popular for rafting Usa. Its length is 500 km.
Pechora is usually divided into the Upper, Middle and Lower zones. Pechora Upper stretches from the source to the very mouth of the river. Hair.
Landscapes of the territory
The natural landscapes of the Upper Pechora valley are peculiar. Attractions are found along its entire course. The river flows between the ridges of the Ural Mountains, where the mountain waters of the Upper, Cf. and N. Klyuchikov, Yurginskaya, Shchegolikhinskaya and other rivers. After the confluence of the Manskaya Volosnitsa, the river abruptly changes direction to the west. In the mountainous part, the river also flows into the river. Malaya Porozhnaya.
Then at the Bear Stone (mountain), after passing a long powerful threshold, the Pechora flows into the foothill area. The section of the channel from the mouth of Bolshaya Porozhnaya to Vysokaya Parma itself has a width of about 150 meters and is a flat shoal, mostly lined with rather large pebbles, which makes it very difficult to move in these places by boat.
This section of Pechora is also interesting in terms of landscape. The sights of nature here are presented in the form of small islands, in connection with which the river is divided into several branches. Below the confluence with the B. Shezhima river, relatively quiet reaches with small rare rifts are quite common. And the number of islands further decreases, but they increase in size.

Further there is an expansion of the channel and the disappearanceshallows, and just below the mouth of B. Shaitanovka, Pechora is already a steep and large bend. On the border of the reserve (western) on the banks, large limestone outcrops can often be observed (especially at the mouth of the B. Shezhim River).
Tributes of the Pechora
Almost all of its largest right tributaries flow from the Urals (from the peaks of Ilych, Shugor, Podcherye and Usa). On the hills of the Bolshezemelsky ridge, the sources of Laya, Shapkin and Kolva have their sources. Northern Mylva, Pizhma, Izhma, Sula and Tsilma (left tributaries of the Pechora) originate on the Timan Ridge, and Unya - in the mountains of the Ural Mountain Range Silver Belt. The Kozhva, Lyzha, Lemyu and Velyu rivers flow from the Lemyun Upland.
Pechora is unique not only for its position and peculiar landscapes. The geographic map earlier in the area of the river basin had marks that represented these territories as places for the extraction of furs and birds of prey. The largest of the upper tributaries of the river - Ilych, has a length of 393 km.
Feature of the Upper Pechora is interesting
What else can curious and interesting provide for the romantic tourists of Pechora? The sights of these places can be seen at the very source of this river. The first jets of water come from a very small spring, making its way between the stones on a mountain called Pecher-I-Talyakh-Syakhl, which is translated from the Mansi language as "the mountain that gave birth to Pechora".

Here, towering rocks, overgrown with plants: reindeer moss and moss, are presented to the review. Also in these places you can see dwarf birches with their curved trunks andnumerous talus of stones. The neighboring mountain is famous for the stone remains of Manpupuner. A little further, the majestic green peaks of the Silver Belt rise.
One more curious fact should be noted: once a helicopter landed on Mount Pecher-I-Talyakh-Syakhl, from which an unusual plate made of cast iron was unloaded, and on it was information about Pechora. Such a rare honor given to this river.
In conclusion about Upper Pechory

In fact, the Upper Pechora are mountainous. Here, the drop in water level over one kilometer averages about 3 meters. The vegetation of these places is mainly represented by pine trees interspersed with birch, fir and spruce. The upper course, by the nature of its course, is mainly represented by rocky rapids, followed by small rifts.