Saratov is a city with history, and its museums are a place where evidence of bygone times is kept. Once the third largest in the country, somewhat shabby in the 90s, but always striving for development, the city has preserved its essence, its past and future, thanks to the treasures of funds. Radishevsky, the Museum of Local Lore (Saratov), Chernyshevsky's estate are rightfully proud of their collections that keep a story about the history and culture of the region and the country. Since their foundation, they have been introducing residents and guests of the city to the artistic heritage of the whole world.
Going to museums today is perhaps not fashionable (however, the queues during the "Night of the Arts" refute this statement). And in vain! The halls contain a complex heritage of the past and masterpieces of masters from different parts of the world. Museum funds are a huge source of inspiration in various fields. Excursions can therefore be interesting not onlyschoolchildren.
Local History Museum (Saratov) - exhibitions
On the waterfront of the city there is a beautiful building, an example of classicism architecture. This is the first stronghold on the way of acquaintance with the heritage of the past - the museum of local lore. Saratov appears in its halls as the birthplace of many great people who conquered the country and the world with their talents in the field of art and science. Photographs, documents, household items of Vavilov N. I., Semenov N. N., Yankovsky O. I., Tabakov O. P., Schnittke A. G., Gokhman E. V. and many others.
The exposition "Natural rarities" introduces visitors to rare representatives of flora and fauna. All animals and plants collected at the exhibition are listed in the Red Book. For many, such exhibitions are the only chance to see the disappearing inhabitants of our planet.
Important milestones of the past are reflected in the exhibitions "The Road to Space" and "From the history of the Volga Germans". Everyone who comes here, even having thoroughly studied the topics, will find something to look at. Items of equipment, the plane on which Gagarin learned to fly, a copy of the Vostok-1 apparatus on one, interior details, household items, maps, decrees and documents on the second will help you feel the spirit of the era.

Permanent and temporary exhibitions of the local history museum contain a lot of interesting information about the past of the city and the region. Coming out of here, many begin to look at familiar streets and buildings differently.
First in the country
The Radishchev Museum started itswork in June 1885. It was founded by the artist Alexei Petrovich Bogolyubov. The museum became the first public one in the country among all such provincial institutions. Initially, his fund consisted of a collection donated by Bogolyubov, then paintings and art objects donated by Emperor Alexander III and other patrons were added to it.

The museum today is housed in two buildings that are of great value themselves. The first is located on Radishchev Street and was specially designed and built to house the collection. The second stands very close, on Pervomaiskaya. Until the 1990s, the Kufeld Gymnasium was located here.
Exhibitions, lectures, master classes
Today, the Radishevsky Museum is one of the largest in the country. It has a huge collection of art objects, the fund is constantly replenished. The museum was created, among other things, as a place for training young artists; a drawing school named after Bogolyubov was opened in its building, which is now located on Universitetskaya Street. And until now, numerous paintings and sculptures exhibited in the halls are a source of inspiration, examples of style and a visual aid for many beginners and experienced artists.
At the museum there is a library. It contains numerous works by contemporary authors, classical and Soviet literature. The most valuable copies of the library are originals and manuscripts of some works.
Lectures, master classes, musical evenings are held on the territory of the museum. Any fan can find inspiration hereart.
Museum of N. G. Chernyshevsky

The famous writer N. G. Chernyshevsky was born in Saratov and spent his youth. A museum has been located in his house since 1920. The old building has been standing in the city for more than 200 years. It stands out well against the background of neighboring buildings of the modern type and allows you to feel the difference between the two eras. Interior decoration, recreated interiors of the mid-19th century deepen this feeling. The Chernyshevsky Museum is a place where you can find personal items, letters, manuscripts and photographs of the famous Saratov citizen. It's easy to feel the spirit of a bygone era here.
Theatrical folk festivals and literary evenings are held on the territory of the museum. About a hundred thousand people visit the Chernyshevsky estate every year.
Ethnographic Museum

The local history museum (Saratov) is also represented in the city by its branch. It is located on Ulyanovsk street, in a beautiful mansion of the century before last. The Saratov Ethnographic Museum was founded in 1920. Interior elements, clothing, kitchen utensils and other household items used by the city's residents in past eras are constantly exhibited here. In 2014, a new exposition dedicated to the Saratov harmonica was opened. The Ethnographic Museum is a place where you can feel the connection with the roots, study the customs of the past. The expositions will be of interest to everyone who is looking for inspiration in the old days.
Chernyshevsky's estate, Radishevsky, ethnographic, Local Lore Museum - Saratov is notexhausted by the list. Of great interest are also the estate of Pavel Kuznetsov, the Gagarin Museum, Sokolovaya Gora. For children, the "Museum of Entertaining Sciences" has recently opened. Saratov is full of museums for every taste!