In the picturesque mouth of the Sviyaga, there is the island city of Sviyazhsk, founded in 1551 by Ivan the Terrible. Then he served as an outpost during the capture of Kazan. The city is located on a high hill, and on all sides it is surrounded by water. This settlement was not always an island. He became it in 1956 after the Kama reservoir was opened. After this event, many residents left the city, because you can get to it by boat, which departs from the river station of Kazan. A few years ago, the construction of an artificial road began, which continues to this day. The city has a rich history, which is reflected in the monuments and buildings.

Sights of Sviyazhsk, in spite of everything, attract a huge number of tourists. And there is really a lot to see in this city.
The main attraction of the city
Sights of Sviyazhsk are, first of all, historical and architectural monuments of 16-19 centuries. The main ones are the monasteries: the female John the Baptist and the male Assumption-Bogoroditsky. They rise in the western part of the island and are quite clearly visible from the right coast of the Sviyaga, where the Kazan ski sports and recreation complex is located.

Churches included in the monastery
Continuing to look at the sights of Sviyazhsk, you can dwell in more detail on the three churches that are part of the architectural complex of the monastery. Trinity Church is the only wooden building that has survived from the fortress of Ivan the Terrible. Here, every corner, every log is saturated with history. Even a simple bench may turn out to be the one on which Grozny himself sat. The main value of the temple is a fresco depicting Saint Christopher with a horse's head. There are many legends around this fresco, one of which tells of a handsome young man who was constantly tempted. To save himself from numerous sins, he asked the higher powers to make himself ugly. The church questioned this legend, so the Trinity Monastery is practically the only place where such a fresco has been preserved.
Sights of Sviyazhka include in their list the second church of the complex, Sergievskaya. It is the first stone building in the monastery, which was built in the 17th century. In the central part of the monastery complex rises the third temple - the Cathedral of the Icon of AllSorrowful Joy. It was built in the 19th century.

But this is not all that the island of Sviyazhsk has to offer for inspection. Sights include 21 monuments of federal significance in their list. Agree, a lot for such a tiny territory. It is impossible not to mention such a majestic building as the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, built in the 16th century. Its main value is not architecture, but frescoes on the wall. Of the ancient architectural structures, the Church of Constantine and Helena, built in the 16th century, has survived.
Other sights of Sviyazhsk
What else to see when you arrive in the city of Sviyazhsk? Attractions (2013 excursions confirm this) are also modern buildings. It is interesting to walk along the River Station. You can diversify the walk by visiting the information center. In addition, the city has several museums that will also be of interest to guests.