Many travelers dream of discovering the East and its sights. Uzbekistan is exactly the country where this can be done. This is a real treasure chest that will gladly share its secrets and unexpected discoveries with you!
Uzbekistan is a white spot on the tourist map of the world
Want to see original and unusual sights? Uzbekistan in this case is exactly what you need! This country is a huge treasure trove of historical monuments, ancient cities and amazing architecture. In addition, holidays here are quite inexpensive, staying in hotels and dining in Uzbek restaurants do not hit your pocket too hard.
A visa to enter Uzbekistan for citizens of Russia (as well as Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus) is not needed. All you need is a valid passport. Unfortunately, tourists have not yet figured out all the charm of this wonderful and interesting country.

The most interesting historical and cultural monuments of Uzbekistan are concentrated in cities such as Samarkand, Khiva,Termez, Bukhara. The Republic of Karakalpakstan may also be interesting for travelers.
It should be noted that Uzbekistan is not only mosques, ancient cities, mausoleums and museums. The country is famous for its national cuisine. The main Uzbek dish, of course, is pilaf. They also make delicious desserts here. As for drinks, you should definitely try the local tea. However, not a single meal is complete without it in Uzbekistan.
The most famous monuments of Uzbekistan
What is interesting about the state, which was once one of the centers of the legendary Silk Road? Which of its monuments should be visited first of all?
Traveling to Uzbekistan will reveal to you the culture and ancient history of this country. This is truly one of the most interesting states in Asia. Monuments of history and culture are preserved in many of its cities. These are Khiva with sharp high minarets, and Samarkand with sky-blue domes of its mosques, and sacred medieval Bukhara.
From Samarkand you can go to Shakhrisabz - a city with the remains of the giant Ak-Saray gate, the Kok-Gumbaz mosque and the mausoleum of Sheikh Shamseddin Kulal.
Samarkand and its main attractions
Uzbekistan is impossible to know without visiting Samarkand - the "crossroads of cultures". This ancient city was founded in the 8th century BC. Today, its many historical, architectural and archaeological monuments are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Scientists received many new facts about the history of Samarkand afterhow carefully they studied the local settlement of Afrosiab. It was on the site of these ancient ruins that the city of Samarkand existed until 1220. After its destruction by the army of Genghis Khan, the inhabitants began to settle at the foot of Afrosiab. During the excavations of the settlement, numerous ancient things were found. Scientists have found that the streets of the ancient city were straight and paved, and the buildings were decorated with highly artistic paintings.
Khoja Ziemurod Mosque is an object in Samarkand that attracts a large number of tourists. Especially those who carry some cherished dream in their hearts. The construction of this cult object began in the 10th century. According to legend, it was near this mosque that Tamerlane buried the relics of St. George. And so here all the dreams and desires of people come true. The main thing is that they be good.
Monuments of Khiva
Khiva is another ancient city of Uzbekistan dating back to the 6th century BC. Experts call it an important center in the development of world civilization.

Most of Khiva's monuments are located in the historical core of the city - Ichan-Kale. This is a kind of city within a city, surrounded by powerful and high defensive walls. A beautiful view of it opens from the Ak-Sheikh-Bobo tower.
In Ichan-Kala there is a beautiful palace of Muhammad-Rahim-khan with magnificent interiors. Amazes tourists with its unusual architecture and the local madrasah school. The Juma Mosque is another unique creation of human hands. The roof of the structure is supported by 210 carved columns dating fromXII-XV centuries.
Outside the fortress walls of Ichak-Kala there are also many old buildings and interesting sights.
Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum (Bukhara)
This mausoleum is located in the center of Bukhara and dates back to the 14th century. It was built by masters from Khorezm under Tamerlane.

The mausoleum consists of four adjacent rooms, each of which is crowned with a dome. The building also houses a holy spring, on the basis of which the water museum now operates.
Tourists are often told one legend associated with this building. Preacher Ayub, according to legend, once passed through Bukhara. The locals, dying of thirst, asked him for help. And then Ayub raised his staff and hit it hard on the ground. A spring with cool and clear water immediately appeared at that place, which exists in the mausoleum to this day.
Khoja Nasreddin is the national symbol of Uzbekistan
Khoja Nasreddin is a legendary character of Eastern folklore, who surprisingly combines naivety and deepest wisdom. The hero of numerous fairy tales, anecdotes and legends. The question of the reality of this person remains debatable, although some historians argue that such a person really existed and lived in Turkey.
Today, the wandering philosopher Nasreddin is immortalized in five states - Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkey and, of course, Uzbekistan.

Bronze monument to Khoja Nasreddin in Bukharawas installed in 1979. The sage is depicted sitting on a donkey. At the same time, he holds a coin with the fingers of his right hand, and greets all passers-by with his left. The smile on Hodja's face will be called good-natured by some, cunning by others. Tourists love to put their little children on Nasreddin's donkey in Bukhara. According to legend, this will provide the child with good luck in adulthood.
In conclusion…
For those who dream of knowing the secrets of the East, exploring its sights, Uzbekistan will be a real discovery. This Central Asian state has a huge tourism potential. Khiva, Samarkand, Bukhara, Termez and other cities of the country boast a solid set of historical and architectural monuments.
Uzbekistan is not only traditional tourist attractions, but also an amazing original culture and very interesting national cuisine.