Kiselev Rock. Attractions of Tuapse: photo

Kiselev Rock. Attractions of Tuapse: photo
Kiselev Rock. Attractions of Tuapse: photo

Our planet is beautiful and charming. It has so many wonderful places that captivate from the first minutes. And to see them, there is no need to go to distant overseas countries, to exotic states or impenetrable jungles. On the territory of the Russian Federation, you can find objects that can easily compete with the French Riviera or the Swiss Alps. This is Tuapse, which is sometimes called the gate of Greater Sochi.

Kiseleva rock
Kiseleva rock

Sights of Tuapse

Tuapse is a city of industrial and port destination. It is located near the shores of the Black Sea. It is always warm here, even in winter the thermometer does not fall below five degrees Celsius. Therefore, if you do not like snow and frost, you can spend this time in Tuapse, especially since the developed infrastructure provides an excellent opportunity for this. The sights of Tuapse, the photos of which are literally mesmerizing, delight their residents and visitors with such masterpieces as the Kiseleva Rock, Honey Caves, Tsypka Lake, Colonel's Waterfalls and others. The area of the lake is three thousand square meters, and in the crevices of each of the three Honey Caves flows the real honey produced by the localbees.

The cascade of Colonel's waterfalls includes nine waterfalls of different heights, to which excursions are conducted by jeeps. Every corner of the city is worthy of the attention of a traveler! But the most famous of all the sights of Tuapse is the Kiselev rock. Each of us knows what this place looks like. Even if you have never been there, you still know what it is about. First, we will talk a little about the rock, but if the reader does not guess after that that he has already been here in absentia, then we will help him remember exactly where he met with the Tuapse rock.

sights of tuapse photo
sights of tuapse photo

Who is Kiselev?

Kiselev Rock is named after the great Russian landscape painter, professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev. This man was born in Sveaborg, which is today one of the administrative districts of Helsinki, in 1838. Alexander was a graduate of the Arakcheevsky administrative building, and since 1858 he became a student at St. Petersburg University. In the autumn of 1861, student unrest began to occur, so the university was closed. So the future artist became a freelance student of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Mr. Kiselev worked in the Russian capital, but very often traveled throughout the country. He did this in order to find new landscapes for his canvases, which in the best way reflected the nature of different seasons.

A little later, Alexander began to write Caucasian species, which gained incredible success. Among the masterpieces of the authorbelong to the painting "Summer landscape", "Ukrainian landscape", "View of the outskirts of Kharkov" and other works. At the beginning of the last century, Alexander Kiselev built a house in Tuapse, which is now the artist's house-museum.

Kiseleva Rock Tuapse
Kiseleva Rock Tuapse

Where is it and how to get there?

Kiselev Rock is located four kilometers northwest of Tuapse itself, between the mouth of the Agoy River and Cape Kadosh. This is one of the most beautiful places on the Black Sea coast. The height of the object reaches 46 meters.

Kiselev Rock (locals know how to get to it, as well as employees of travel agencies) - a chic place. So, the first way of travel: by fixed-route taxi or regular bus from Tuapse to the sign with the same name. Further, the path will have to be done on foot. The second method is a little more difficult than the first, but it is also more interesting. It consists of a walking tour from Agoy along the coastline. The whole journey will take no more than an hour. True, sometimes you will have to jump over rocks and wade through bends if the water is high. And the third way: by motorboat, steamer or pleasure boat from Agoy, Nebug or Tuapse. The cost of such a trip includes diving, swimming and a boat trip.

Rock of Tears

Kiseleva rock how to get
Kiseleva rock how to get

Once upon a time, the Kiselev rock (Tuapse) was called the rock of tears. And all because of one ancient Adyghe legend. Once upon a time, a young and beautiful Guash girl lived in the surrounding areas. She fell in love with a dzhigit, a native of the village, which was located next to her house. He bore the nameDysheek. The couple decided to seal their love by marriage. But according to tradition, the groom had to kidnap his bride. At the peak of the cliff near the sea, that very secret place was assigned. The signal for the beginning of the ceremony was to be a fire lit by Guash. On the night of the kidnapping, the girl decided to test her beloved for the last time. She placed a flaming lamp on a log and lowered it into the water. When the guy arrived and saw the floating light, he immediately understood the intentions of his future wife. On a horse, he descended into the sea and swam for a log. In the sea, the dzhigit plunged deeper and deeper. The horse was no longer visible, but Dysheek was a strong young man. And if it weren’t for the heavy chain mail… The guy swam to the fire, but he didn’t find the strength to return back.

The girl did not wait for her beloved. Since that time, Guash, who never became a wife, often and for a long time stood on the edge of a cliff, looking out for her fiancé. She wept bitterly and sang songs. The woman realized that she could not live without her Breather and jumped off a cliff into the abyss of the sea. Water has become a common grave for lovers. And the rock acquired the name "rock of tears". Rumor has it that from time to time at night, crying and sad songs are heard from the top of the cliff, which the girl sings.


Kiseleva rock how to get
Kiseleva rock how to get

Kiselev's rock (the map of Tuapse indicates its exact location) became known more than a hundred years ago. The painting by A. A. Kiselev with the image of a natural diva brought her popularity. The rock itself is a cliff with three faces, which protrudes far into the sea. This is a unique natural creationThe Black Sea coast is one of a kind. The rock is considered the hallmark of Tuapse. The cliff is visible hundreds of meters from the sea: it is light, smooth, as if polished by winds and sea waters. Small groves have grown on the top of the Kiseleva rock. Some types of lianas and Pitsunda pines grow in them. In addition to them, you can find 26 different types of shrubs and trees.

Recommendations for travelers

Kiselev Rock, photo of which is in our article, attracts travelers from all over Russia. And if you are already going to go here, then be sure to take a tube and a mask with you. After all, it is simply impossible not to dive here. This must be done. But be careful, because the local beach is littered with stones, large boulders and high ridges that run parallel to the shore. If you intend to stay here a little longer, then bring some food with you, as the nearest store is in the city.

sights of tuapse photo
sights of tuapse photo

Something interesting

Kiselyov's rock keeps many mysteries. One of them is the remains of marine sediments, which are located in the forest at the very top of the cliff. These remains are fossilized fauna and pebbles. In the local waters there is just a huge variety of fish, plants and crabs. Diving enthusiasts can spend several hours underwater watching the underwater marine life. At the same time, they will not freeze - the water is almost hot, but crystal clear and transparent.


Well, do you remember where you know the Kiselev rock?Not? As we promised, we answer: in 1968 it became the location for the filming of the famous film "The Diamond Arm". It is here that the scene takes place in which Andrei Mironov and Yuri Nikulin (Lelik and Gorbunkov, respectively) were fishing (White Rock).
