New Caledonia is one of the oases of the Pacific Ocean. It is covered with tropical evergreen forests, in which rare species of trees and plants grow. Its deserted shores with golden and white sands, as well as mangroves, border on the bright lights of nightclubs and noisy parties in local casinos. The underwater world is breathtaking, and coral reefs reveal the diversity of ocean life.
French charm mixed with a touch of local Aboriginal tradition and Melanesian culture. Incredible views of waterfalls, relict trees and limestone caves are sure to leave a huge positive imprint on an unforgettable vacation. The enclosed lagoon of the main island, bordered by a coral reef that rivals the Great Barrier Reef in size, stretches for miles of pristine waters.
About the Country
New Caledonia is an island of the same name in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, surrounded bysmall islets in the Melanesian part. It is a special administrative unit of France. Its borders lie along the Australian economic zone from the southwest, meet Fiji in the southeast, and Vanuatu in the north. Since this is a French "colony", then banknotes are presented here in the form of a French Pacific franc. The country has only 245 thousand people.

The largest island formation is Grande-Terre, its relief is mountainous, and the coast is all indented with rocks. Numerous cozy secret bays hide the beauty of the coral reefs that are part of the coral ridge. The island has a large number of rivers and reservoirs, and the red earth soil is very fertile. In local forests, which occupy fifteen percent of the entire territory of the island, very valuable tree species grow, including araucaria. It is he who is depicted on the coat of arms of New Caledonia. From the animal world, a huge number of geckos can be distinguished, for the rest of the brothers of our smaller lands, the islands are very poor.
In 2018, the second referendum on secession and the acquisition of the status of an independent country is expected. In the meantime, the French High Commissioner, who is appointed by the President of France, is overseeing public life.
Historical background
The island was discovered by the famous traveler and navigator James Cook in 1774, and he named it after the name of his native country of Scotland - Caledonia, that is how it was called in ancient times. The history of the settlement of the island takesits beginning 3500 years ago. It, according to the study of historians, began in the XIII century BC. At the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologists discovered the remains of pottery in the territories of New Caledonia. In 1853, the French authorities established an expansion over the island and, a decade later, sent a ship with convicted criminals there. The French began to cultivate coffee plantations and cultivate coconut palms, and in the 19th century, the extraction of gold, lead, chromium and other minerals began.
After obtaining the status of an overseas territory, local aborigines - Melanesians - began to organize strikes and organize riots in honor of the declaration of independence of their country.

Ethnic composition is also dominated by Melanesians (Kanaks), the French are not far behind them in terms of numbers. Also, Polynesians, Indonesians and other nationalities constantly live on the island. Basically, the population of New Caledonia professes Christianity (Catholic and Protestant), there are also Muslims, Sunnis, but, along with these religions, the natives continue the traditions of local beliefs.
In addition to French, there are thirty-three Melanesian and Polynesian dialects.
Compared to other countries in the Melanesian region, New Caledonia is dominated by European culture rather than Aboriginal traditions. Even rural Aboriginal settlements have become Europeanized areas, although their external appearance is preserved in an archaic style. Those authentic round houses covered withinstead of a roof with palm leaves, they can only be found in very remote places.
Sometimes tribal leaders can still build such a dwelling for themselves, but clothes and interior decoration are already keeping up with the times. In cooking, New Caledonians also use European recipes, sometimes mixing them with their traditional ones.
Island Paradise
Holidays in New Caledonia begin with its capital - Noumea, which is a real city of fashion and entertainment. Here you can find cool boutiques with a casino, and beautiful gardens with sandy beaches. Near the main island, which was mentioned above, there is an archipelago called Loyet and the famous Ile des Pins (or pine island). The latter is a real dream for a perfect holiday: it is surrounded by white fine sand and incredibly clear water. It is a true escape from the hustle and bustle and can be reached in just a fifteen minute flight from Grande-Terre.
Shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes accept Australian and New Zealand dollars. You can exchange currency at the airport and at banks. Some banks charge a commission fee of five dollars for each cash withdrawal transaction, the commission does not apply to euros. Bank plastic cards are accepted in all city establishments, but when you leave the city, you will have to pay mainly in cash. For one week through an ATM, it is possible to withdraw no more than $ 350. Master and Diners Club cards are slightly limited in use, but tourists will have no problems with Visa and American Express. There isthe ability to cash and traveler's checks in banks or hotels of at least four stars.

Of course, having bought a tour to New Caledonia, everyone wants to take a piece of their holiday home as a keepsake. Therefore, in the list of the most popular souvenirs, amulets of local aborigines (Kanaks) and jade jewelry will be on the first lines. All this can be purchased in the markets. But since in European countries there is no particular habit of haggling, then here there is the same principle - the purchase is carried out for the price announced by the seller. Moreover, if a tourist starts haggling, the locals will take it as a sign of disrespect and at least refuse to cooperate with him.
Before purchasing a tour to New Caledonia, you need to think about how much a person can tolerate a hot climate, because the sun is much closer to the earth here and the radiation is very powerful. It is dangerous to be outdoors during the daytime - from 11 am to 2 pm. Use sunscreen daily and be sure to wear hats, UV protection goggles, and drink plenty of fluids (preferably fresh water).
Bathing rules are best observed, since all beaches are mostly part of the ocean coast. There are frequent ebbs and flows, and there is also a coastal current that can behave very unpredictably. Tour operators and guides recommend swimming in the lagoons. Do not forget about marine life. Inside the coral lagoons, representatives of the aquatic part of the planet, of course, are rare, buthere in other parts of the coastal zone, you can accidentally miss a sea urchin or even a shark.
Diving enthusiasts will definitely appreciate the deep-sea reef paradise. Diving should be done with an experienced instructor who knows the characteristics of the surrounding waters, as the great depths and complex currents around the islands can be an unexpected trap.

Movement on the roads is easier here, more than five thousand kilometers of good roadway stretches in different directions, a quarter of them will have to pay. The rules of the road are identical to French. The traffic here is average, and there are practically no congestions, because the largest settlement is the capital of the state.
New Caledonian Cuisine
An important point. When buying a ticket to New Caledonia, you need to understand that all cooking traditions come from French cuisine. The main component of the entire island diet is, of course, seafood: shrimp, oysters, lobsters, salads of local natives from ocean fish in lime juice. In addition, bananas, coconuts, sweet potatoes are widely used. From alcoholic drinks, New Caledonians prefer wines, and from non-alcoholic drinks - freshly squeezed juices of various exotic fruits and coffee, the very one that the French brought here. On the territory of the country there are more than two hundred restaurants with excellent European-class service and delicious dishes from chefs.
Climatic conditions
New Caledonia's climate is rated as tropic altrade wind. The air here is humid and hot, the air temperature practically does not change during the year and averages from 23 to 30 degrees Celsius above zero. The rains begin in November and continue until March, when cyclones pass over the islands. New Caledonia is characterized by the appearance of tropical hurricanes, in the autumn the trade wind season prevails - that is, clear skies, but very windy.

How to get there
Since there is no direct flight between Russia and the islands, the flight from Moscow to New Caledonia can be done in the following ways:
- Through French lands using Air Austral.
- Through Australia with Qantas and Aircalin.
- Through New Zealand, to which, however, you will also have to fly with transit, with Air New Zealand and Aircalin.
- Through the lands of Vanuatu, using the services of Air Vanuatu.
- Via Fiji, South Korea or Japan with Aircalin.
What to see while on holiday
Sightseeing in New Caledonia is best to start from the capital. After all, it is the clearest example of the fusion of cultures. Noumea has a special charm of the French province, although it is almost the only normal and real pride in these lands. The city center is notable for its green square and a large cultural center of local peoples. The sleeping areas are filled with old buildings of the colonial era. Several tens of square kilometers included: a library, a museum, a zoo, a hugean aquarium and tropical fish zone, Neuville, where you can see ancient pre-colonial ruins, a large number of yacht clubs and much more.

Around the capital there are mangroves that girded sandy beaches with a developed tourist infrastructure. Judging by the reviews, you should definitely visit the Rusa deer farm, where animals live in conditions close to their real habitat. No less interesting are the wineries hiding in the Amyu Pass valley. For local folklore, it is better to go to the vicinity of the city of Yengen, where the "Black Rocks" with the cultural center Bwarhat are located. Every week there are events aimed at reviving the traditional culture of the local people.
According to tourists, New Caledonia has its picturesque old fort Teremba near La Foa, which must be included in the must visit list, and it is also worth walking through the roofless market - Farino. Tourists also report the beautiful Pazerel de Marguerite bridge, which was designed by engineers from the Eiffel design office.
Let's go inland from civilization
Near the city of Burai is a natural turtle paradise. This place is located quite far from the capital, 150 kilometers. Therefore, here you can observe the pristine nature and representatives of ancient armored animals. The northern part of the island is more authentic, here you can enjoy views of the savannas and mountain landscapes. Rocky capes, thermal springs, waterfalls of unique beauty and tropical vegetation will not leaveindifferent to any traveler.
Here you can see whole coconut groves and see how real coffee is grown. Moreover, nickel is mined in this part, which is the main export commodity.

Separately, you need to consider the island of Pens. This is a closed VIP class resort. It is very expensive and is covered with unique trees - Norfolk pines. It has preserved the original natural beauty with sand, whiter than snow, and the life of the local natives - the Kanaks, who have been living on this land for hundreds of years.
Loy alty Island looks like coral atolls, they are like precious stones in a ring, framed by a picturesque picture of flora and fauna. There are a couple of tourist villages where you can order a diving service, rent a yacht and calmly relax from all the worldly fuss, following several memorable contrasting routes.