I bet you've never heard of the Rotten Sea. All have been to the Black many times, and some went to the Mediterranean or the Adriatic. And few people know about the Rotten Sea. We decided to fix this annoying problem and tell you why you should definitely go there.

What kind of phenomenon is this?
You won't believe it, but it is very close to the mainland of Russia. The Rotten Sea is located in the Crimea. The smooth mirror waters of this natural monument separate the peninsula from the rest of the mainland.
Another name for this body of water is Sivash. The locals know about it, and for them the sea is a real value. It has many medicinal properties and is not as polluted as other bodies of water.
Collection of periodic table
Sivash (Rotten Sea) in its composition is not much different from the nearest Black. The water in it is just as s alty, and in some places not quite clean. However, if compared with the chemical composition of the oceans, then Sivash has something to surprise you with.
Scientists have found that the Rotten Sea contains a concentration of s alt 5 times greater than in the oceans. And in general, Sivash has collected many different elements: sodium, potassium and magnesium in combination with chlorine, sulfatemagnesium and more.

Don't underestimate him
If you go to that part of Crimea, which is located near Sivash, you can hear how the locals call it a lake. But this is fundamentally wrong. Crimean Rotten and Shallow Sea, albeit a small one. However, for geographical reasons, it cannot be called a lake.
If we turn to science, then Sivash is a bay of the Sea of Azov. Although it is not too deep, its waters stretch in breadth. If you look at the map, the lagoon is a winding interweaving of water and land. It is accompanied by the formation of numerous islands, peninsulas and shallow bays.
A bit of geography
Well, it's time to get into the numbers a little. For example, the Rotten Sea has a length of more than 200 km, and in some areas its width reaches 35 km. There are about 60 small islands in its waters, which are home to unique species of birds, animals, and amazing plants.
But, unfortunately, Sivash cannot boast of its depth. The maximum figure throughout the bay is only a few meters. At the same time, in the summer season, when the temperature is high, part of the water evaporates. Because of this, the concentration of s alt in the remaining water increases significantly. For comparison: in the Rotten Sea, this figure is 17%, while in the Black Sea - only 2%, and in the Azov Sea - 1.1%.

Why Rotten?
Agree, the name of the sea is not the bestattractive. Perhaps that is why it is not so popular among tourists. But the Rotten Sea has plenty of medicinal properties. And all thanks to the very high concentration of s alts. Here they show up most clearly.
So where did this name come from? In summer, the water in the lagoon evaporates, the remaining part warms up strongly, algae begin to bloom and decompose after a while. All these processes emit a huge amount of sulfur, which gives an unpleasant smell.
By the way, they started calling this sea Rotten long before it became known about the reasons for its fragrance. Historical sources indicate that the ancient Greek thinker Strabo called him that.
Giving and taking away
In addition, the Rotten Sea helps other nearby water bodies to exist. For example, during summer evaporation, water is redistributed to nearby shallow lakes.

Sivash himself takes water from the Sea of Azov. It enters through the Strait of Genik, which helps to overcome the section of sand that separates the Rotten Sea and the Sea of Azov and is called the Arabat Arrow.
Sivash is not particularly attractive for vacationers. Although the entrance to the water is gentle, during the tourist season the bottom is covered with a thick layer of silt. Add to that the bad smell. As you can see, there are more than enough reasons not to come to Sivash.
Place for business
But for some types of fish in the Rotten Sea - a real expanse. Therefore, it often attracts fishermen. By the way,industrial hunting at sea is not conducted. But it plays an important role in the chemical and s alt industries.
Most businessmen prefer to mine s alt in Sivash. Several factories have been built on its banks, which are engaged in the extraction of natural resources and the production of phosphate fertilizers.
However, not everything is so rosy. A fenced-off area has been created in the western part of the lagoon into which chemical waste from nearby factories is drained. By the way, this is not the first case of such use of water resources. The practice of turning a lake into a "garbage bin" is quite common for factories, especially in states with underdeveloped environmental legislation.
Healing properties
Until the industrialists took away all the water resources for their needs, ordinary people use Sivash for he alth improvement. Not so long ago, it was discovered that the western part of the bay contains not only a high s alt concentration, but also a source of therapeutic mud.
By the way, the quality of this composition is considered one of the best in the world. For this reason, there are many clinics in this region that offer to improve their he alth with the help of mud baths.
Interesting fact: the oldest of these establishments originated in 1828. It exists even now. The institution operates under the name "Saki". Therefore, if you have a chance, be sure to visit this place.
By the way, because of the algae, the water in Sivash not only has a characteristic smell. They also give the corresponding color to the sea. Thanks to the s alts, the Rotten Sea is inhabited by specificplants, due to which the water is painted in a pale pink color. By the way, these algae are very much appreciated in cosmetology, as they do a good job of removing toxins.

It just so happens that these algae need harsh conditions for a comfortable life. This and insufficient amount of nutrients, heat, high s alt content and a lot of ultraviolet radiation. Over time, the plants adapted to live in such Spartan conditions and now attract some tourists.
For a person, a useful property is also that algae produce various carotenoids, which are responsible for maintaining immunity and removing toxic substances from the body. During our stay in the healing water, our body is saturated with useful elements, which are later processed into the necessary vitamins by chemical processes in the body.
As you can see, the Rotten Sea has many useful properties. Why pay for expensive spa treatments when nature gives us everything we need for free? And the next time you are in Crimea, do not forget to visit Sivash. Be sure you won't leave without vivid impressions.