How to get from Orenburg to Samara?

How to get from Orenburg to Samara?
How to get from Orenburg to Samara?

How to get from Orenburg to Samara? Most likely, a similar question interests many people. These are two beautiful cities famous for their architecture, sights and other historical values. Here every tourist will find a place to their liking.

What is Orenburg famous for?

Orenburg is a small city, its population barely exceeds 500 thousand people. Nevertheless, there are a huge number of places worth visiting. Every tourist should definitely visit the footbridge. From its height, the city plays with new colors.

orenburg samara
orenburg samara

It's worth talking about Sovetskaya Street separately. On it, each building and lane has retained its original historical appearance. There is also a huge number of monuments, boulevards and a magnificent embankment.

What is Samara famous for?

The city of Samara in terms of population is three times larger than Orenburg. In this place you can see a huge number of attractions. Samara Square has incredible beauty. Every day, outdoor enthusiasts gather on its territory. Students and schoolchildren can often be seennear the huge Sipa fountain, it allows them to gain new strength after a hard day. The magnificent promenade, helipad, railway station and much more - all this deserves special attention.

samara orenburg train
samara orenburg train

Two cities with their history and their beauties. It is worth visiting each of them! The route Orenburg-Samara is one continuous line, which makes it much easier to travel by private transport.


The distance from Orenburg to Samara is only 411 kilometers, so the fastest way to overcome it is by private transport. The journey will take about five hours.

orenburg samara route
orenburg samara route

It is worth noting that between these two cities almost everywhere there is a very smooth road and there are no traffic jams, which cannot but attract drivers. It is recommended to make the move in the morning or at night, when the track becomes almost empty. It is necessary to pass through the following settlements: Prosvet, Domashka, Neftegorsk (territory of the Samara region), Buzuluk, Totskoye, Sorochinsk (Orenburg region).

Another important advantage is the presence of a large number of gas stations, cozy cafes and repair shops. This path will require approximately a little more than 30 liters of gasoline. It will take about 1,400 rubles to move from one city to another, depending on the brand of liquid fuel.


Airplane has always been considered the fastest vehicle. With it, you canovercome the distance Orenburg - Samara in just one hour. As for the main advantages, in this method of movement one can single out speed, convenience and a high degree of security. A ticket for such a flight can be bought at affordable prices, the minimum is about 2350 rubles. Moreover, you can book a seat on the plane via the Internet.

samara orenburg distance
samara orenburg distance

However, this method has significant drawbacks. The airport is located at a fairly large distance from the city (about 27 km from Orenburg, about 15 km from the center of Samara). That is, the road will require an additional hour to spend. The second negative point is that the flight is carried out only five times a week. For this reason, there are never enough places.


The longest way to get from Samara to Orenburg is by train. The traveler will have to spend about 8 hours on the road. The positive quality is that this vehicle runs quite often, there are hardly any problems with buying a ticket. It is also one of the most convenient compared to car or bus, especially for the elderly, pregnant women and children. In the carriages you can lie down, walk around and have a bite to eat in comfort. It is worth noting that both stations are located in the city center.

samara orenburg distance
samara orenburg distance

The cost of the ticket is different, it depends on the degree of comfort. The minimum price is about 700 rubles. It is also convenient that the transfer is carried out at night: at three o'clocklanding at night, and at 10 o'clock in the morning the person is already in another city. Every day there is a train number 131U, 031U or 343U.


At the ticket offices of the bus stations in the cities of Orenburg and Samara, you can also buy a ticket for bus number 545. A distinctive feature is that the flight passes through the centers of the two cities and during the trip you can enjoy all the beauties to the maximum. The path will be long, the total time takes from 8 to 10 hours. This indicator is also affected by the type of transport, weather conditions and traffic congestion.

samara orenburg distance
samara orenburg distance

All buses are exceptionally comfortable with TV, air conditioning and comfortable seats. There are several rest stops during the journey. The cost of such a trip per person will be about 900 rubles.

Orenburg and Samara are two beautiful cities worth visiting. If you want to move quickly enough, then it is better to choose a plane. If you need to save money, you should give preference to the train or bus. The most convenient is to travel by personal vehicle, since you can travel to any point in the city on it, make the necessary stops on your own and enjoy the trip as much as possible, this trip will be especially beneficial if you take a few friends on it and throw in expenses with them.
