Baikal is a majestic lake with endless shores and mysterious depths. The locals still honor shamans. It is believed that the lake gives a special energy to people. The deepest, largest, purest is all Baikal. The sights of this place are not limited to water expanses, there are many interesting and mystical places, a diverse animal world.
How to get there
The path to the lake lies through the city of Irkutsk. This is a small town with a fairly developed network of various hostels, and every traveler will find a place to spend the night. And therefore, for tourists who decide to see the sights of Russia, Lake Baikal is one of the must-have items. To get to the lake itself, you need to drive to the town of Listvyanka. This can be done on a scheduled bus.

On the way to the lake
Listvyanka is one of the places that lies on the way to Lake Baikal. The sights of this town are also known to many tourists. Among them, one can note a sable farm where animals with the most expensive fur in the world, the Barguzin sable, are grown. These animals are almost extinct in the natural environment.and therefore they are more often seen on such farms. But, unfortunately, the animals are grown in these places far from breeding and saving this species. After all, a sable fur coat is one of the most expensive in the world.

There is also a well-known nerpinary here. It's like a dolphinarium, only seals are trained here. These are such funny animals that are a symbol of Lake Baikal. The sights of Listvyanka will appeal to all tourists, but the most interesting is yet to come.
Olkhon Island - the heart of Baikal
This island is the largest in Lake Baikal. Its sights attract tourists because it is believed that this place gives people energy. This is especially said about the sacred cape Burkhan and prayer poles. It is said that it is here that people feel an extraordinary rise in strength and energy. It is here that locals come to pray, and for shamans this is a sacred place for their rituals.
Baikal is a lake whose sights are endowed with mysticism, and these pillars are one of them. Everyone can tie a ribbon on them, but everything is not so simple here, because its color depends on what the person asks for. For example, green is prosperity, yellow is we alth, red is love, and blue is longevity. These pillars are symbols of life, and people believe that they will help fulfill all their innermost desires. At the end of the ritual, be sure to leave a coin in this place. But you need to pay attention so that it is exactly golden in color.

Shamans in this area mean a lot to people. People come to them for advice on any occasion, here they act as judges, advisers, and the locals trust their words very much.
Baikal is a lake full of various animals. And one of its symbols is the seal. In addition to the fact that you can look at them in non-pinaria, having sailed a little from Olkhon towards the Ushkany Islands, you can watch these cute animals in the wild. Before that, you must purchase a permit and a special pass, without them they are not allowed on the island. Seals are afraid of people, so you won't get close to them, and you can watch, unfortunately, only from afar.
Natural Wonders of Lake Baikal
Baikal is a lake, the sights of which amaze with their diversity, in addition to mystical places, interesting animals, there are also unique wonders of nature here. These include a rock on Cape Khoboy. It is interesting because from a distance it resembles the profile of a woman.
According to legend, this is a petrified local woman who was punished by the spirits for being jealous of her husband.
In addition to this, in Baikal there are such species of fish that cannot be found in other water bodies. For example, Baikal omul, Siberian grayling, black grayling, whitefish, golomyanka and many others. Not all of them are edible, but many of them can still be caught or purchased here and enjoy the taste of these unique Baikal inhabitants.

This lake is amazing because you can drink water from it without cleaning it. The thing is that the water here is purified several times a year. This is truly amazing, especially in modern times, when most bodies of water are unsuitable for drinking water from them.
Like many other sights of Russia, Baikal is a unique place on planet Earth. Therefore, it is very important to preserve its natural wonders for as long as possible.