How to check in for a flight to Domodedovo? Easier nowhere

How to check in for a flight to Domodedovo? Easier nowhere
How to check in for a flight to Domodedovo? Easier nowhere

As a rule, passengers who prefer to use airplanes as a means of transport were forced to leave their homes a few hours before departure, all in order not to be late for the flight and check in on time.

General registration rules

All airports have their own rules for the above procedure, usually for domestic routes check-in starts 2 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure, and for foreign flights it starts 3 hours before the plane takes off.

Check in for a flight to Domodedovo
Check in for a flight to Domodedovo

Today, check-in for flights at many Russian airport terminals is simplified to the maximum in order to ensure the comfort and convenience of citizens.

Domodedovo Airport in modern conditions

Domodedovo Airport today is one of the leaders in terms of cargo transportation both within the country and abroad. Moreover, the geography of its routes is extensive: Central Asia, the North Caucasus, the Far East, Siberia.

Many passengers are interested in the question: “How to register forflight to Domodedovo?

This airport has an island check-in system: six points, two of which are equipped with 12 counters, and four points with 10 counters. There are 2 check-in counters for small luggage, and those passengers who prefer to travel without luggage can use 8 check-in counters.

Check-in areas for foreign routes are located on the left side of the main entrance to the building, and for domestic routes - on the right side.

Alternative check-in options at Domodedovo airport

How to check in for a flight to Domodedovo? There are several ways.

The classic option is to go to the front desk. As a rule, passengers with children and people with disabilities use it, as it increases the degree of aviation security.

Check-in for a transaero Domodedovo flight
Check-in for a transaero Domodedovo flight

How to check in for a flight to Domodedovo yet? Elementary - through the "World Wide Web". One day before departure, you need to go to the airline's Internet portal, check in online, issue an electronic ticket, which will make it possible to book a seat on the plane.

An SMS message with a code comes to your phone, and when you arrive at the airport, you will have to go to the check-in counter, located directly in front of the departure area, and print your boarding pass.

Are there other ways to check in for a flight to Domodedovo? Of course, yes.

At the airport there are several booths of brightly coloredorange, through which you can personally check in for the flight. The system menu is designed very conveniently. She herself gives you instructions for use.

It should be noted that for those who do not have luggage, it is preferable to check in via the Internet and mobile phone. This method has been described above. Moreover, it can be used to register for a Transaero flight (Domodedovo cooperates with this airline).

Domodedovo aircraft flights
Domodedovo aircraft flights

If you go through the above procedure yourself, then you will have to deal with the luggage issue. For this, a special counter is provided - Baggage Drop Off, where an airport employee will check the information you provided, enter information about your luggage into the system and send it to the plane.

It can be stated with confidence that there are more and more people wishing to register by alternative methods for Domodedovo flights every day.
