Railway is the largest cargo carrier in Ukraine.
History and structure
On August 24, 1991, according to the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, all Soviet property became the property of the newly formed country. Already on December 14, Ukrainian railways received their own administration. A truly historic event. In 1998, the Charter of Ukrainian Railways was adopted. A document that regulates the work of the enterprise, strictly enforceable.
The railway of Ukraine is represented by six divisions.
Donetsk railway
Founded in 1872. To date, the total area of the railway track exceeds fifty-eight thousand square kilometers. Almost half of all cargo transportation is carried out through the railways of Ukraine in the Donbass. The company's clients are mines, plants, factories, ports.
Ukrainian railways in Donbass have at their disposal the largest marshalling yards.
The general structure includes locomotive and multiple unit depots, transportation directorates, construction and installation departments. Subdivisions of power supply and "signaling of railways of Ukraine".
Lviv Railway
The office is located in Lvov. Operating since 1861, the oldest road in the country. Serves the western regions of Ukraine. The length of roads exceeds 4700 km. It is an export destination to Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and also to Belarus. Some of the transition stations are equipped with devices that allow you to change the gauge. Thus, the temporary downtime of wagons with the possibility of automatic change of wheelset is minimal.
Ukrainian railways can be proud of the Lviv railway station, which is rightfully one of the best in Europe. The total number of stations is 354.
Odessa railway
Serves the six southwestern regions of the country.

The road is strategically important - in the service sector, the country's largest ports - Odessa, Izmail, Nikolaev, Kherson. The total freight turnover in the country is 20%. The first train was launched in 1865. Electrification of sections began in 1962. Today, electricity is available on most of the hauls.
Southern Railway of Ukraine
The largest Ukrainian division. The road control is located in Kharkov.

Started in 1869. The total length of the tracks exceeds three thousand kilometers. Functioning takes place within the borders of Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Chernihiv and Kirovohrad regions of Ukraine.
The direction is an important link with Russian railways. Transit traffic exceeds sixty percenttotal traffic.
The number of serviced enterprises exceeds three thousand. Among them are such giants as the Poltava Mining and Processing Plant, an oil refinery and an automobile plant in Kremenchug, the Kharkov Tractor Plant, and the Kryukov Carriage Building Enterprise.

Electrification work began in 1956. The total number of stations is almost three hundred.
South Western Railway
The geographical position of the South and South-Western roads does not correspond to their real location on the map of the country. In this form, they went to Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Renaming costs a lot of money, so the names remain in their current form until better times.
Started in 1870. The main task is to connect the port of Odessa and the southwestern borders of the Russian Empire.
The directorate is located in Kyiv. The actual location is the north and northwestern part of the country. Export activities are carried out with the bordering Russian Federation, Moldova, Belarus.

The total length of the roads is about five thousand kilometers. More than ninety-five percent of hauls are electrified.
Pridneprovskaya railway
Started in 1873. Territory - south-east of Ukraine.
There are 244 stations. The total length of the routes exceeds three thousand kilometers. The main freight traffic is iron ore, coal, equipment, grain.
All railway departments of Ukraine have hospitals, clinics, he alth facilities, stadiums, gyms, tennis courts, swimming pools on their balance sheets.
Total turnover exceeded six billion dollars. The number of employees in all divisions came close to five hundred thousand. The number of passengers carried per year is about half a million people.