Famous sights of Bashkiria

Famous sights of Bashkiria
Famous sights of Bashkiria

Sights of Bashkiria attract citizens from different countries. Although in our time, foreign places are also available for travel. Often tourists are attracted by this republic and its beauty.

Interesting places

Bashkortostan (another name is Bashkiria) is a republic of the Russian Federation located in the Urals and the South Urals. The territory is separated from the city of Yekaterinburg by a long ten to twelve hours by car. The republic is part of Russia, but this region has its own traditions, celebrities and monuments.

sights of bashkiria
sights of bashkiria

Interesting places in Bashkiria are not only the Chaliapin Concert Hall in Ufa, but also the Kapova Cave, and the entire Shulgan-Tash Nature Reserve. The capital of the region is one of the most beautiful million-plus cities in our country, Ufa. This is a city with ancient monuments, cultural traditions, developing in step with modern trends. It has places to relax, walk and shop.

Very often tourists choose the Bashkir region for a useful and pleasant holiday. But what is worth seeing in Ufa and its environs? In this article, we will take a closer look at the sights of Bashkiria.

Since it was already mentionedReserve Shulgan-Tash, we will tell you about it. On the territory of this nature protection complex, some of the most ancient rock paintings that can only be found in the world were discovered. They are made in ocher, amaze the viewer's imagination with their artistry and naturalism. These masterpieces are about eighteen thousand years old. In addition, rare charcoal images were found.

Amazing caves to visit

Very interesting objects in this region are the caves of Bashkiria. The Kapova Cave is located on the territory of the reserve, in which these ancient images were found.

attractions of bashkiria on the map
attractions of bashkiria on the map

The drawings on the territory of the monument traditional science refers to the Paleolithic era, as the objects of the images are mammoths, rhinos. It is also interesting that some of the drawings resemble geometric images: stairs, huts, oblique lines, as well as anthropomorphic figures. The cave itself has more than three kilometers of passages and galleries, the Shulgan River flows inside it.

If we look at the sights of Bashkiria on the map, we can find that the total area of the Shulgan-tash reserve exceeds twenty-two thousand hectares. It is in this place that the famous honey lindens are bred, and the bees produce delicious Bashkir honey. This is not only a delicacy, but also a useful medicine for colds. Bashkir honey is sold in all regions of Russia and is in great demand. As you know, honey is a kind of symbol of the region.

Park named after V. I. Lenina

The sights of Bashkiria are very diverse. If you are not a fan of visiting nature reserves, then in the capital of the country, in the city of Ufa, there is something that you can see.

sights of bashkiria photo
sights of bashkiria photo

For example, the park named after V. I. Lenin. This is a great place to walk at any time of the year! The space between the Church of the Resurrection and the Governor's House was a pasture for pets in the middle of the 19th century, and then became a park. There are two fountains here, where students often swim in the summer after passing exams. Thus, it is not only a place for walking, but also a kind of cult space.

Ufa Theater

If you are a lover of cultural recreation, you can visit the Russian Academic Drama Theater in the city of Ufa.

interesting places in bashkiria
interesting places in bashkiria

The squat building, built in 1894, is a temple of theatrical science, which employs an experienced troupe, consisting of people's and honored artists of the Republic of Bashkiria.

Monuments of Bashkiria

Among the unusual monuments in Ufa, one can name a monument to a janitor and homeless animals. The first one is relatively new, installed in 2007. Near the bronze janitor, newlyweds and just young people like to be photographed, in addition, the monument shows the value of this seemingly insignificant profession.

caves of bashkiria
caves of bashkiria

The sights of Bashkiria (you can see a photo of some of them in our article) are not only diverse, but also accessible for visiting, as many of themcan be viewed very easily and for a small fee. If you are in the republic, then you should definitely see such buildings as the Railway Station, the Television Center, the Congress Hall, the House of Trade Unions. These structures are very beautiful.

Thus, almost all of Bashkiria is an open-air museum. This region is located in the continental climate zone, it is always warm here in summer. Ufa is a city that stretches for more than 70 km, and it takes a lot of time to drive along this metropolis. But during such a trip, you can see many ancient and modern buildings, monuments and parks. In addition, the sights of Bashkiria include many religious buildings, both churches and mosques.

Small conclusion

But, according to tradition, the most interesting place for tourists to visit in the Bashkir region is a cave in the Shulgan-Tash reserve. This storehouse of ancient knowledge has attracted tourists from all over the world since ancient times, as it is considered one of the most ancient monuments of human knowledge.

Come to Bashkiria! It is worth visiting this republic, there are many interesting places that every person needs to see, regardless of his age and social status. You will definitely enjoy this exciting journey!
