Ecological tourism is one of the most widespread areas of tourism. First of all, this is the easiest direction. For an adequate perception of historical monuments, you need to know a lot, have an idea about the history of art and culture. But the wonders of nature can impress even a five-year-old child.
Hot countries are the first thing that attracts a novice traveler. Just to see palm trees growing from the ground with your own eyes, swim in the sea, and then in another sea, dive and see flocks of amazing fish - all this cannot but be liked. But over time, it becomes clear that other regions are also attractive and interesting to explore.

It is at this stage that the desire to go north arises. The north of Russia is unusually attractive. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to go here on a package tour as a tourist. The infrastructure is not developed, there are few routes, the hotels are uncomfortable. That is why the Scandinavian countries are so popular. And in the first place among them, of course, Norway. The climate of this country, fortunately for the Norwegians, creates favorable conditions for life.and travel at any time of the year.
The climate of Norway is mild, temperate, maritime, especially on its western coast. It was formed due to the influence of warm ocean currents. Norway is located to the north of central Russia, but it is much warmer here in winter. This is surprising, given the latitude at which Norway is located. The climate of the western part of the country, if we consider only winter, is more like our Black Sea coast: the temperature rarely drops below -2C, and often +4C.

People come here to see amazing landscapes, what to do, of course, is better in summer. The harsh country of Norway, the weather here is cool even in summer. Vikings used to live here and the conditions are not conducive to relaxation. The warmest time of the year is the last two summer months. But even then the average temperature does not rise above 18 degrees. This is quite cool by Russian standards. The average Russian seeks to warm up properly in the short days of summer, so it’s a shame to go to see the fjords in such weather. But this climate is typical only for coastal regions.
Norway, whose climate is very different, can "boast" and very low temperatures in winter.

For example, in the far north, in a region with a subarctic climate, the average winter temperature is 22C. In summer, however, the temperature here is no higher than on the coast: +18С - the average daily summer temperature.
Country Norway, whose climate within a few hundred kilometers varies as followssignificantly - the object of careful study of specialists. After all, weather, average temperature, rainfall - the main thing that determines the flora and fauna of the region. There are many types of vegetation in Norway. These are tundra, and plants of the alpine belt, and mountain forests, and taiga, and heather, and even some mixed broad-leaved forests.
This diversity promises many new experiences for the ecotourist.