Republic of Albania: brief description

Republic of Albania: brief description
Republic of Albania: brief description

The Republic of Albania (see photo below) is a small state located in the west of the Balkan Peninsula. The independence of the country was proclaimed on November 28, 1912. Be that as it may, during the first half of the twentieth century, it was constantly in occupation. The state finally became free after the end of World War II.

Republic of Albania
Republic of Albania


As noted above, the Republic of Albania is located in the southeastern part of Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Ionian and Adriatic seas. In the northeast it borders with Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo, in the southeast with Greece, and is also separated from Italy in the west by the Strait of Otranto. The area of the state is almost 29 thousand square kilometers. According to this indicator, it occupies the 139th position on the planet.

The relief is mostly mountains and hills, which alternate with deep valleys. There are several lakes in the country. As for minerals, the bowels of the earth can be called rich in natural gas, oil, phosphates, copper, nickel and iron ore.

Republic of Albaniaa photo
Republic of Albaniaa photo


If we take into account the state structure, then the country is usually called the "democratic republic of Albania". Its capital is Tirana. It is the largest city here. The state is headed by the president, and the government by the prime minister. The highest legislative body of the country is the People's Assembly (Parliament). The national currency of Albania is the lek. At the same time, on the territory of the country, along with it, the American dollar and the euro are in free circulation, with which you can pay almost everywhere, anywhere.


The population of the country, based on the latest census, is about 3.2 million people. In this indicator, the Republic of Albania ranks 132 in the world. The population density per square kilometer is 111 inhabitants. The average life expectancy is 80 years. The status of the state language is Albanian. At the same time, most of the locals understand and can communicate in Italian, Greek and even some Slavic languages. As for religion, the Republic of Albania is the only European state in which Islam predominates. In particular, about 70% of local residents are in its Sunni direction. Approximately 20% of Albanians practice Orthodoxy, while the rest are Catholicism and other concessions.

Republic of Albania attractions
Republic of Albania attractions


The country has a subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type. It is characterized by hot and dry summers, andalso wet winter. In the month of July, the thermometers usually range from 24 to 28 degrees above zero. In January, the average temperature is 7 degrees Celsius. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the nuance that this indicator largely depends on the height above sea level. In other words, mountain regions are much colder. The temperature here can drop to 20 degrees below zero. Precipitation is usually typical for spring and autumn. In a year they usually fall in the form of rains from 600 to 800 millimeters. In the mountains, this value is much greater. Numerous reviews of tourists indicate that the Republic of Albania is the best place to visit in September. It is at this time that the weather conditions can be called the most favorable. They are also not the worst in April and October.

Republic of Albania capital
Republic of Albania capital


The country boasts a rich history, attractive culture, and picturesque nature. In this regard, from year to year, for an increasing number of tourists, it is the Republic of Albania that becomes the object of travel. Sights from the time when its territories were under Roman rule have been well preserved to this day in the city of Durres. Here you can see the ruins of fortification walls, several castles and fortresses, as well as the Amphitheater built in the second century. Archaeological work is still being carried out in the Apollonia area, and all the finds are displayed in the local museum. One of the most interesting sights here is the so-called Mosaic House, which is surrounded by very beautifulfountains and statues. In principle, any city in the country can show its visitors many interesting places.

The cultural capital of the state, its population calls the city of Shkoder. The permanent local symbol is the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Zamil Mosque. On the territory of the city there is also one of the main Orthodox shrines - the old Franciscan church. Many interesting legends and stories are connected with the Rosefan fortress. It was built in the fifth century and served to protect the trade routes that ran here. Until our time, the building has been well preserved, despite the fact that it has repeatedly reflected long sieges and raids.

The capital of the state is especially rich in picturesque places. The main decoration of Tirana is its central square, surrounded by several rather interesting buildings. These include an international hotel and a historical museum.
