Republic of Kiribati: attractions and interesting facts about Christmas Island

Republic of Kiribati: attractions and interesting facts about Christmas Island
Republic of Kiribati: attractions and interesting facts about Christmas Island

Hearing the word Kiribati, surely many will just shrug their shoulders. Relatively little is known about this state, which is not included in the list of popular tourist destinations.

Where is Kiribati? This tiny island country on the map can be found in the western part of the great Pacific Ocean. The land area of the Republic of Kiribati consists of 33 atolls. This is the name of the coral islands, which have a ring-shaped shape. This state also includes small coral islands. In the waters of the Pacific Ocean, all these small patches of land are spread over an area exceeding 3.5 million square kilometers.

The country includes island groups. These are the Gilbert, Phoenix, and Line Islands. The last of them, according to their location on the world map, belong to the southern part of the Hawaiian Islands.

Geographic location

The Republic of Kiribati is located in Polynesia and Micronesia. In the northwest, it borders on territorialwaters of two States, namely the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands. In the southwest and west, Kiribati has maritime borders with Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands and Nauru.

Republic of Kiribati on the world map
Republic of Kiribati on the world map

In the southeast and south - with waters belonging to Tokelau, the Cook Islands, as well as French Polynesia. In the northeast and north, the republic borders on the Outer Small Islands, which are part of the United States, as well as on Pacific neutral waters. The coastal strip of Kiribati has a length of 1143 km.


As mentioned above, the Republic of Kiribati is located on atolls, one of which, Banaba, is raised. According to the theory put forward by Charles Darwin, the formation of such formations was facilitated by the subsidence of volcanic islands and the gradual fouling of their surface with corals. This process led to the emergence of fringing reefs, and then barrier reefs. Thus, land appeared in this part of the Pacific Ocean.

round island of the Republic of Kiribati
round island of the Republic of Kiribati

The total area of the atolls of the Republic of Kiribati is 726.34 square kilometers. The distance from the easternmost to the westernmost island of the state is 4 thousand kilometers. All atolls are divided into 4 groups. Includes:

  • 16 Gilbert Islands;
  • 8 islands that are part of the Phoenix Archipelago;
  • 8 islands in the Line Archipelago;
  • Banaba Island, which is also called Ocean.

The Gilbert Atolls are located in the southeastMicronesia. Their area is about 279 square kilometers. All atolls of the archipelago are conditionally divided into three groups, each of which has a different amount of precipitation. This includes the Northern, Central, and Southern Islands. In this archipelago on the territory of Tarawa Atoll is the capital of Kiribati - South Tarawa.

East of the Gilbert, 1480 km away, are the Phoenix Islands. This archipelago includes 9 uninhabited islands and one inhabited (Canton), which is located in Polynesia.

Further east on the map you can find the Central Polynesian Sporades. This is the Line archipelago. On its territory is the island of Christmas (aka Kiritimati), which is the largest atoll on our planet. The easternmost part of Kiribati is also located in this archipelago. This is Caroline Island.

All the islands of the Line archipelago, except for Terain, Tabuaeran and Kirimati, are uninhabited. Of the 9 Phoenix Atolls, only Canton is inhabited.

Each of the small areas of land that make up Kiribati is divided by a large number of narrow straits and has a shape that is somewhat elongated from south to north. Almost all atolls of Kiribati have small s alt lagoons. They are surrounded by land either completely or partially.

The highest point of the country is an unnamed area. It is located on the island of Banaba and has a mark of 81 m.


Most of the atolls of the Gilbert Archipelago, as well as a small part of the Phoenix and Line Islands, are located in the dry belt of the oceanic equatorial zone.

The main feature of Kiribati's climate is its uniformity. In this island state, the air temperature never drops below +22 degrees. In different parts of the country, its range is +28…+32.

For a long time, the locals of Kiribati distinguish two seasons throughout the year. One of them starts in October and lasts until March, and the second lasts from April to September. The first one is more rainy.

From December to May, the country of Kiribati is dominated by winds that blow from the northeast and from the east. From April to November, air currents come to the territory of the atolls from the east and from the southeast. Moreover, from December to May, the winds are stronger.

islands in the ocean
islands in the ocean

The climate in Kiribati depends on the intertropical convergence zone, which determines the level of precipitation on the atolls located in the northern part of the country, as well as the South Pacific, on which the level of precipitation in the south depends. These areas, where the air currents converge, are directly connected to the El Niño currents, as well as to La Niña. With the first of them, the convergence zone moves north to the equator, and with the second - south, away from it. Under the latter option, the islands of Kiribati are subject to severe drought. In the first case, significant precipitation in the form of rain falls on their territory.

The driest months of the year are May and June. The rainy season in the Republic begins in October and lasts until April.


The soils on the islands of Kiribati are very poor and highly alkaline due to their coral origin. ATMost of them are porous and do not retain moisture well. In the soils of the country of Kiribati, there are very few mineral and organic substances. The only exceptions are magnesium, sodium and calcium.

Phosphate soils are widespread throughout the republic. There are also brown-red soils on the islands, formed from guano, which is the decomposed droppings of sea birds, as well as bats.

Interestingly, none of the atolls of Kiribati can see the river. The absence of reservoirs on the islands is explained by their small area, low altitude, and also by the porosity of the soils. The only source of fresh water on the atolls are the so-called lenses, formed by rainwater that seeps through the soil. You can get to the moisture by digging a well. Such lenses on most atolls of Kiribati are the only source of fresh water. After the rains, the locals extract moisture for themselves from the leaves of coconut palms.

Freshwater lakes can be found only on two islands of the state. This is the atoll of Christmas and Teraina (Washington). In general, there are about a hundred small s alt lakes on the territory of the Republic of Kiribati. Some of them are several kilometers in diameter.

The relatively young geological age of the atolls, their remoteness from the continent, as well as adverse weather conditions contributed to the fact that there are only 83 species of native plants in Kiribati. And none of them is endemic. In addition, it is assumed that several plant species were brought to these territories by the natives. ATamong them are:

  • so pinnate;
  • breadfruit of two kinds;
  • yams;
  • giant taro;
  • taro;
  • swamp giant taro.

Plants such as the coconut tree and the roofing pandanus most likely have a dual origin. On some atolls, they were brought by man, while on others they are indigenous representatives of the flora.

Four species of plants, namely pandanus, breadfruit, coconut palm and taro, played in the old days and continue to play a leading role in the nutrition of the inhabitants of this island country.

The main representatives of the marine fauna are pearl mussels, holothurians (sea cucumbers), cones, tridacna, palm thieves and lobsters. There are a lot of fish in the ocean near the islands, of which there are from 600 to 800 species. The coastal waters of Kiribati are rich in corals.

As for fish, it has always been the main food for the locals. In coastal waters, reef perches, albuls, hanos, large-headed mullets, sultans and horse mackerels are caught. There are several varieties of sea turtles near the islands.

The fauna of the atolls is rather poor. During the conduct of a scientific expedition by the Americans in the early 19th century. researchers found here only the only representative of land mammals - the Polynesian rat. Today, the inhabitants of the islands raise pigs and poultry.

But the world of avifauna in Kiribati is very diverse. There are 75 species of birds in the country, one of which is endemic. This is a warbler bird. inhabitsshe's on Christmas Island.

Most of the landmasses of the Phoenix and Line archipelagos host large-scale bird colonies. That is why Starbuck and Malden Islands, as well as part of Christmas Atoll, have been declared a marine reserve area.


Little is known about how the islands of Kiribati were settled. There is an assumption that the ancestors of modern local residents moved to the Gilbert atolls in the 1st millennium AD. from eastern Melanesia. But the Phoenix and Line archipelagos remained uninhabited by the time they were discovered by the Americans and Europeans. Nevertheless, on these atolls one can find traces of the presence of a person who lived here in the distant past. A similar fact allowed scientists to assume that the local population for some reason left these archipelagos. One of the most popular versions explains this by small land areas, remoteness from other islands, an arid climate and a constant shortage of fresh water. Due to all these factors, it was difficult to live on these atolls. Most likely, the people who settled the islands soon left them.

The pioneers of the archipelagos located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean are American and British expeditions. Their ships visited these places in the period from the end of the 17th century. to the beginning of the 19th century The atolls were originally called the Gilbert Islands. It happened in 1820. The name of the islands was given by the Russian traveler and Admiral Krusenstern in honor of the British captain T. Gilberg, who discovered these lands in 1788. By the way, “Kiribati” is the local pronunciation of the English gilberts.

The first settlers from Britain arrived on the islands in 1837. In 1892, these territories became a protectorate of England. Christmas Island joined the colony in 1919 and Phoenix became part of it in 1937

During the Second World War, Japanese troops came to these territories. They occupied most of the Gilbert Archipelago and Banaba Island. One of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific took place on Tarawa Atoll. Here, in November 1943, battles were fought between the American and Japanese armies.

In 1963, the colonial authorities carried out the first significant reforms on the islands, which led to the formation of the Advisory and Executive Councils. The first of them included representatives of the local population appointed by the resident commissioner acting in these territories. In 1967, the Executive Council was transformed into a Government Council. And the Advisory delegated its powers to the House of Representatives. The latter included officials of the colonial administration, as well as 24 members elected by the indigenous population. In 1975, the territories of the archipelago were divided into two independent colonies. One of them included the Ellis Islands, and the other - the Gilbert Islands. In 1978, the first of them achieved independence and became a separate state. Its modern name is Tuvalu.

12.07.1979 The Gilbert Islands also became independent. Today we know them as the Republic of Kiribati. The territories of this state were increased in 1983. This happened after the entry into force of the friendship treaty between Kiribati and the United States. According to this document, America renounced its claims to 14islands in the Phoenix and Line archipelagos, recognizing that they are part of the Republic.

The main problem of this state has always been and is the overpopulation of its atolls. In 1988, part of the inhabitants of Tarawa were resettled to other islands with fewer people.

In 1994, the country elected its president. They became Teburoro Tito. He was re-elected in 1998

In 1999, the republic became a member of the UN. In 2002, the island nation of Kiribati passed a law that allowed the government to take the decision to shut down newspapers. It happened after the appearance of an opposition publication.

In 2003, President Tito was re-elected. However, in March of the same year, he was removed from his post. In July 2003, Anote Tong, who headed the opposition party, took over as head of the country. To date, the post of head of state is held by Taneti Maamau.

An interesting, but at the same time sad fact of the history of Kiribati: in the 20th century. The atolls of Kiritimati and Malden were used by the United States to test their atomic weapons. In 1957, England detonated a hydrogen bomb off the coast of Christmas Island.


The development of the national economy of the state of Kiribati was rather slow. The only exception is the period from 1994 to 1998. During this time, the country was experiencing rapid economic growth thanks to the measures taken by the government.

But in 1999, the growth of the GNP indicator was noted only by 1.7%. The combination of slow economic growth and poor service levels has resulted inout of all 12 Pacific countries included in the Asian Development Bank, Kiribati was in 8th place. The comparison was made when calculating the Human Development Index.

The formation of this small country is hindered not only by the fact that it owns only a small part of the land. Geographical and environmental factors play a negative role in the development of the economy, including significant remoteness from the main markets for goods, the long distance of the islands from each other, restrictions on domestic sales and vulnerability to natural disasters.

How is it possible to develop the economy of the state of Kiribati? This will happen only if:

  • attract migrant workers by offering them Kiribati citizenship;
  • cash aid from other countries;
  • state financing of the national economy.

However, with such a development model, it is necessary to maintain a high level of domestic consumption.

Until 1979, that is, before independence, the country exported phosphates. Their deposits were actively developed on the island of Banaba. The export of this mineral reached 85% of the total volume of products sold abroad, and the proceeds from it amounted to 50% of the state budget and 45% of GNP. In 1979, the deposits were completely developed. Since then, the country began to export fish products and copra (dried pulp of coconut fruits). Another source of income for Kiribati is the issuance of fishing licenses in its waters.

Main employer inthis island republic is a state. However, it is also unable to solve the problems of employment of young people, who for the most part do not have the necessary education.

An additional source of income for Kiribati in recent years has been the issuance of licenses for the right to catch fish in the special economic zone.


According to the data available as of July 2011, 101,998 people lived in the republic. 33.9% of the population of Kiribati were children under 14 years of age. The largest group of local residents, whose age ranged from 15 to 64 years, included 62.4%. People over 65 years old are the inhabitants of the islands, whose number has reached 3.7% of the total. The average age of citizens of the state is 22.5 years. Population growth was 1.228% in 2004.

residents of the Republic of Kiribati with a tourist
residents of the Republic of Kiribati with a tourist

Inhabitants of the Gilbert Islands are Kiribati and Malaysians. They all speak a language belonging to the East Austronesian group. It is called "Kiribeti". On the atolls of the Line and Phoenix archipelagos, most of the locals are Tuvaluan Polynesians. The official languages here are English and Kiribati.


What is the dominant religion in Kiribati? 52% of believers adhere to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Congregationalist Protestants on the islands are 40%. The rest of the country's inhabitants are Muslims and Seventh-day Adventists, Mormons and Baha'is, followers of the Church of God, etc.

Coat of arms

This state symbol of the country was approved in 1979 after receiving the islandstate of independence. The coat of arms of Kiribati is an image of a yellow frigate bird that flies over the blue-white waves (symbol of the Pacific Ocean) and over the sun. At the bottom of this state badge is a yellow ribbon. The national motto of the country is written on it. This is the phrase "He alth, Peace and Prosperity" in the Kiribati language.

coat of arms of the Republic of Kiribati
coat of arms of the Republic of Kiribati

The rays of the sun symbolize the islands of the state. And the luminary itself indicates the location of Kiribati near the equator. The flying bird is a symbol of freedom, strength, and indicates the national dance of the people of the country.


For settlements in the Republic of Kiribati, the Australian dollar is used. But besides him, since 1979, the country has its own banknotes. These are Kiribati dollars. Their ratio to Australian is 1:1.

There are also coins in Kiribati. Their face value is 1 and 2, 5 and 10, 20 and 50 cents. In the form of coins in Kiribati, 1 and 2 dollars are used.

All metallic money is made in the same sizes as Australian. The only exception is the 50 cent coin and also the $1. Interestingly, the first of these coins is round, while the second is dodecagonal.


The Pacific state is located in 3 time zones at once. So, on the atolls of the Line Archipelago, Kiribati time is ahead of Moscow by 11 hours. On the Phoenix Islands - by ten hours. Gilbert Atolls for 9 hours

One of the interesting facts about Kiribati concerns the passage through the countries of the International Date Line. Phoenix archipelagos andLines lie to the east of it, being already in the western hemisphere. However, they are conditionally considered located in the east. This avoids a time paradox when it is still Sunday in one part of the country, and Monday has come on the islands of another.

1.01.1995 The government of Kiribati decided to consider the country to be in the same time zone. However, given the vast extent of its territory, in practice this is not observed at all. Most often, the time on the islands is indicated exactly as it is based on its belt location.


The main part of the republic's population lives on the Gilbert Islands. And most of them are located on Tarawa Atoll. Here is the capital of Kiribati - the city of South Tarawa. About 50 thousand inhabitants are registered in it. In addition to the capital, the city of Kiribati, there are 9 more settlements, the number of which exceeds 1.5 thousand people.

Residential areas of the capital of Kiribati (photo below) are located on several small islands connected by bridges and dams.

atolls of Kiribati
atolls of Kiribati

South Tarawa includes four municipalities. Their names are Betio and Bairiki, Bikinibeu and Bonriki. All these municipalities are located on the islands of the same name, being part of the capital of the state of Kiribati. It is on their territories that all the main commercial, government and educational institutions of the country are located. So, in Betio there is a power plant that operates for the entire atoll, the Maritime Institute and the port. Interestingly, this islandalmost flat and devoid of vegetation. Its entire central part is occupied by a wide strip of the Hawkins airfield. It is in this place that the sights of Kiribati are located, which are military relics of the period when the famous battle for Tarawa took place. Monuments commemorating the brutal battle on Tarawa include the Memorial Chapel built in the village of Abaroko and the Heroes of the Outpost Memorial, which commemorates the 22 British servicemen killed by the Japanese in October 1942.

The main feature of Betio is the military cemeteries, which can impress anyone with their numerous rows of wooden tombstones, because on the island, which is only 3 km long, more than 5.5 thousand war victims are buried.

residential buildings in South Tarawa
residential buildings in South Tarawa

The president lives on Bairiki and the parliament sits. The city market and the National Court of Kiribati are also located here, as well as some ministries. Bonriki is considered the tourist center of South Tarawa. It is here that the largest hotel, designed for 60 residents, the Ministry of Education and the National Hospital is located. There is an airport in Bikinibeu.

Life is in full swing on the small islands that make up Tarawa. So, there is a secondary school on Eita. On Moroni there is a small fish market and a church, on Ambo there is a golf club with nine fields, on Teaorerek there is Saint-Louis College and the headquarters of Catholics. On the island of Antebuka, a supermarket and a car dealership of the Tarawa Motors company were built. Tiny reefs inthe northern part of the capital Kiribati attract the attention of tourists. It is here that a large number of pile houses are located, which are rented out to travelers for living.

On numerous islands is the only Main Street. She goes on land, through the passages in the reef, then along the bridges.

The capital of Kiribati (pictured below) is only three meters above sea level. In this regard, any natural disasters can have a devastating effect on all objects of the atoll. In addition, the process of salinization of the soil does not stop on the island. This has a negative impact on fresh water reserves, which are clearly not enough here anyway.

islets of the Republic of Kiribati
islets of the Republic of Kiribati

Many locals earn their living by collecting coconuts and fishing for pearls.

South Tarawa is located in the equatorial climate zone. Throughout the year, the capital city of Kiribati is warm and fairly humid due to high average rainfall. Air temperature averages 25-30 degrees above zero.

Interesting facts

The Republic of Kiribati is the only state in the world that is located simultaneously in all hemispheres - in the East and West, in the South and in the North.

The country has the largest atoll on our planet (388.39 sq. km). This is Christmas Island, which occupies 48% of the republic's land mass.

On the Caroline Atoll, located in the Line Archipelago, people are the first to celebrate the New Year (outside of Eurasia and Antarctica). This is due to the fact that this island isthe easternmost piece of land located in the 12th time zone.

Since January 28, 2008, the Phoenix Island Group has been the world's largest marine reserve. Its area is 410.5 thousand square meters. km.
