In the summer, during the holiday season, many people tend to leave the city and spend time with friends or relatives in nature. As a rule, the traditional food for outdoor recreation is fragrant and mouth-watering shish kebab. It is not difficult to prepare it, but even this seemingly simple matter has its own nuances. The first of them: what to cook meat on?
Charcoal barbecue is obtained with a light smoky aroma and excellent natural taste. Birch charcoal for barbecue is sold in stores, and it is great as a fuel: it gives a good heat and does not impregnate the meat with unnecessary odors. But that's just how to kindle coal for a barbecue?

It seems that it is difficult? But this is only at first glance: after all, in order to ignite coal, you need to create a fairly high temperature, and for this you cannot do without additional combustible materials. Luckily, the same stores that sell charcoal also sell charcoal lighter fluid.
Instructions are included with the liquid. It usually says how to kindle charcoal for barbecue with it. First, as a rule, the coal is evenly laid out in the grill and lightly poured on top of this liquid. Then you should collect it in a hill and water it again. Care must be taken to ensure that the ignition fluid only gets on the coal itself. It must be saturated with combustible material, so after the above steps, you need to wait a couple of minutes, and only then set it on fire. It is better to do this with the help of special long matches or a fireplace lighter. However, a stick with a paper on the end is also suitable.
Special liquid is an excellent tool, but if for some reason it is not available, then you can use other means. One of them is dry alcohol. If it is at hand, then you need to do the following: spread the coal in two or three layers on the grill, make one or more small funnels in a pile, put a cube of dry alcohol on the bottom of each funnel, and then set fire to the alcohol. When the coals in the funnel ignite, you need to pour more on top so that the rest also ignite.

In addition to dry alcohol, fuel briquettes and dry incendiary mixture are also sold, with which you can set fire to charcoal in the same way. These products are safer than lighter fluid as they do not flare but burn evenly.
If there are no special substances that could help the coal catch fire, do not despair, and certainly do not look for a replacement for them like gasoline and other chemical combustible substances that are not adapted for this purpose. Coal can also be ignited using an old tin can, from which the bottom and top must first be removed.
The jar needs to be put on the grill, put a newspaper inside, and put coal on top. In addition to paper, you can takeshavings, dry sticks, and in general everything that can be done quickly. Next, you should set fire to the newspaper from under the bottom of the can and wait for the coals to light up. As soon as this happens, you should raise the jar and add more coals so that the neighboring ones also catch fire.
There are several other ways to light barbecue charcoal without a special liquid: using a building hair dryer, kindling with an autogen, using a special design called a starter, and using a hair dryer to fan the heat.

Whatever method is used, the main thing is that it be available. Then the question of how to kindle charcoal for barbecue will not become the cornerstone of the entire process of preparing this wonderful dish.