How many km from Moscow to Bryansk by train, car or plane

How many km from Moscow to Bryansk by train, car or plane
How many km from Moscow to Bryansk by train, car or plane

When planning a trip from Moscow to Bryansk, you need to take into account many factors. For example, what will be the trip, how many km from Moscow to Bryansk by car, train or plane. Also, it will not be superfluous to decide how much you are willing to spend on the trip.

Moscow and Bryansk: location of cities

Moscow is a world-famous city, the capital of the Russian Federation. The excellent and multifunctional transport interchange of Moscow allows you to get to many parts of our vast Motherland and the planet. The capital has several railway and bus stations, airports, metro, buses, trolleybuses and all kinds of other vehicles.

where is bryansk
where is bryansk

The city of Bryansk is located southwest of the capital, close to the international borders with Ukraine and Belarus. It has a unique history, currently more than four hundred thousand people live in it. First of all, it is a large industrial facility, in which more than 1,200 enterprises operate. Bryansk has a developed infrastructure and transport interchange; it is a large-scale railway and motor transport hub. also inthe city has an international airport.

To get from one city to another, you first need to find out how many km from Moscow to Bryansk. The answer will depend on what kind of transport the trip will take.

Highway travel

If you decide to go by car or taxi, the first thing you need to find out is how many km from Moscow to Bryansk on the highway. The distance to be overcome is 384 kilometers. The route will pass through the Kaluga region. There is a trip through the city of Moscow, the village of Kyiv, the cities of Naro-Fominsk, Obninsk, the village of Golovteevo, the village of Muromtsevo, the village of Ovsorok. The road is not always good, so the travel time will be about five hours. Be sure to take into account the time for stops - refueling, personal needs, snacks and rest. Usually this takes about an hour. In total, the trip, including stops, will take approximately six hours.

moscow bryansk by car
moscow bryansk by car

In addition, force majeure situations may arise along the way: road repairs, traffic jams and accidents. It is impossible to calculate the time for unforeseen situations, but it is necessary to take this moment into account, especially if you need to reach your destination by a certain time. There is a toll road in this direction, the quality of the road surface is better and there is lighting. Enough hotels, eateries and gas stations along the way.

How many km from Bryansk to Moscow by train

The train route will be slightly different from the road route. There are sever altravel options, depending on the train number. Trains 739A (Moscow-Bryansk), 075B (Moscow-Gomel), 073A (Moscow-Lviv), 055M (Moscow-Khmelnitsk), 023M (Moscow-Odessa) and many others run in this direction. Answers to the questions "How many km from Moscow to Bryansk by rail?" and “How long is the ride?” will also depend on the chosen route of the train. The fastest option is train No. 739A (Moscow-Bryansk). It runs from the Kievsky railway station in Moscow and Orlovsky in Bryansk, passes through Kaluga. There are no long stops along the way, due to this the travel time is 4 hours and 2 minutes.

bryansk by train
bryansk by train

The “longest” option is train 075B (Moscow-Gomel). Travel time 8 hours and 2 minutes. The cars are equipped with air conditioners and dry closets. Many trains have seats for the disabled.

Travel by plane

The fastest way to travel is air travel. There is one direct flight in a given direction. How many kilometers from Moscow to Bryansk by plane? It is necessary to overcome 348 kilometers or 216 miles. Flight time is about 1 hour 10 minutes. The flight is operated by S7 Airlines on an Embraer 170 aircraft. Departure is made from Domodedovo five times a week. Economy class is divided into two categories: standard and extended. The standard category does not provide additional services - ticket refund, seat selection and others. Reservations are recommended.

Travel cost

The cost of the trip will vary greatly depending on the transport on which you willtravel:

Moscow Bryansk by train
Moscow Bryansk by train

· The cost of traveling by car depends on your vehicle and its technical characteristics. By car, the trip will cost 1000-1500 rubles, by truck about 3000-4000 rubles. A bus ticket will cost 600-800 rubles.

· The price of a train ticket depends on the class of the carriage. A trip in a reserved seat will cost from 800 to 1000 rubles, in a compartment from 1300 to 2200. SV will cost from 3500 to 4500 rubles. There are also more economical options - for example, a seated car. In this case, the fare will cost about 500 rubles.

Air ticket costs from 1800 to 4400 rubles, depending on the conditions of the flight.

Answering the question "How many km from Moscow to Bryansk?", It can be noted that regardless of the mode of transport, approximately the same distance will have to be overcome. The cost and time of the trip differ much more. The cheapest way to travel is by train or bus, and the fastest is by plane.
