How to choose the best Black Sea cruise?

How to choose the best Black Sea cruise?
How to choose the best Black Sea cruise?

If you ask lovers about where they would like to go together, you can often hear the answer: "On a sea cruise." This type of travel has always been and remains one of the most romantic. People have always wanted to sail on a beautiful ship through the endless expanses of the sea. First, children dream about it, and then young people and representatives of the older generation. If until recently it was believed that such a trip is a pleasure only for we althy citizens, today many travel companies offer such a tour at quite reasonable prices. For example, you can go on a cruise on the Black Sea at any time of the year.

black sea cruise
black sea cruise


For Russians, the Black Sea is the main symbol of warmth, sun and summer. Although it is nice and beautiful in winter. You often have to travel by rail, by motorway, but it is not always possible to sail on a ship and by sea. And, going on vacation to the sea coast, tourists hope that this time there will definitely be such a walk. Many companies recommend not relying onmaybe, but look at the site and choose a tour in advance. A cruise on the Black Sea is good because vacationers not only sunbathe on golden beaches, bask under the rays of the warm sun, but also see many different cities and countries. Sea transport moves gently on the water and makes stops at every point of interest.

black sea cruise reviews
black sea cruise reviews

All About Cruises

Sea cruises can be completely different. The Black Sea washes many countries. In one trip you can visit Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey. The journey can last from seven days to a month. Of course, you won’t be able to go on such a trip every year, so it’s very important to choose the right tour. Employees of travel agencies will always advise and talk about their offers.

Sea voyage on the Adriana liner

adriana black sea cruise
adriana black sea cruise

This is a small sea boat. About three hundred people can easily be accommodated on board. The length of the liner is 104 m, and the width is 16 m. The range of services on it is quite wide. It has swimming pools with sea water, restaurants, bars, shops, a beauty salon. There is no need to be afraid that during the voyage you will get sick, you will get tired of constantly swimming somewhere. In each port, vacationers are offered to visit the most interesting excursions. In addition, "green stops" are arranged. That is, in addition to the usual excursions, various events are held on the beach with vacationers. The liner departs from Sochi, and the final stop is in Istanbul. In addition, you will be able to visit Novorossiysk, Y alta and other cities. Touristsa cruise on the Black Sea will be interesting. "Adriana" is a liner, the trip on which will be exciting and unforgettable.

About the cabins on the boat

The manufacturers of this ship have thought about the fact that passengers can travel with all the comforts. It has four passenger decks, where comfortable cabins are located. All of them are of different categories, but each has a separate shower, toilet, safe. Cabins are designed for a different number of people: from two to four. The most convenient are those that belong to category A and L. They are external and with a window, while swimming in them, you can watch the sea, marine life, and the life of seagulls from your room. Although cabins with a porthole are also quite suitable for long voyages. But the premises of other categories are designed to ensure that people feel comfortable. The lighting and ventilation system is made according to all norms and standards. But many tourists believe that a bed during a trip is needed only for a night's rest. After all, on a trip, you want to communicate more, learn new things and have fun. And this is enough on the liner.

sea cruises black sea
sea cruises black sea

All about sailing

The liner provides everything to make an unforgettable cruise on the Black Sea for tourists. Istanbul is one of the cities that you should definitely visit. Everything is interesting there: nature, architecture, history. Tourists are accompanied by an experienced guide who knows what to show and tell. If you think that a long voyage will not give anything, then this is an erroneous opinion. On the liner you can enjoy swimming in the pool, there is always seawater. It is located on the upper deck, so you can sunbathe all day long. In addition, the liner has a library, a reading room, various board games, and children's rooms. Various events are constantly held for vacationers, ranging from night discos to theme nights. Such a cruise on the Black Sea is amazing. Reviews from tourists are always only positive. A group of artists does not let them get bored. These are children's animators, professional musicians, DJs, singers, presenters. If the tour is designed for school holidays, then there are always experienced teachers who are responsible not only for the safety of children, but also for ensuring that they receive only positive emotions from the trip, improve their he alth and broaden their horizons. For many parents, a cruise on the Black Sea is also good for this. If there is a fear that during the trip you will be cut off from the world, then it is in vain. Wi-Fi is also available on board the ship today. You can always go online and chat with loved ones.

black sea cruise istanbul
black sea cruise istanbul

General information about sea cruises

Every tourist trip is good in its own way. As they say: "New experiences change people." Nothing broadens one's horizons and influences the worldview like traveling to different countries. People use land transport every day, but, alas, rarely by sea. Travel companies do everything to make any cruise on the Black Sea unique and unforgettable. The cost of the tour includes travel on the liner, accommodation in a cabin (depending on the category), three meals a day, entertainmentactivities, use of the pool. As well as booking fees, insurance. For small children, travel is free, but provided that they are not provided with a separate bed, and for babies aged 5 to 11 there is a fifty percent discount on the total cost. The food system during the trip is of the "buffet" type. In addition, vacationers are always provided with bed linen, a towel for sunbathing. The area by the pool is equipped with awnings and umbrellas from the sun. Everything is done so that the rest is organized at the highest level.
