Ufa is the capital of Bashkortostan. The city is the cultural and business center of the republic and ranks 31st in the list of the largest cities in Europe in terms of population. The history of the settlement goes back to ancient times. However, the oldest building that has survived on the territory of the city is a residential building built in 1774.
Only in 1803, William Geste, a Scottish architect employed in Russia, drew up a master plan for the development of the city. However, it was not immediately put into practice, and only in 1819, after a number of amendments were made, the plan was approved, and the direction for the construction of the city was determined. The territory of the settlement borders has been increased.
Today Ufa is a large city with a population of more than 1 million. On the territory of the settlement there are many monuments, parks, entertainment venues, including the Ufa circus.
The first temporary building of the circus opened its doors to visitors in 1906. In those years it was located in the Gostiny Dvor area. Later, for the money of the merchant Klyauznikov D. E., the capital building of the circus was erected at the address: Uspenskaya Street, 67.
The modern Ufa circus opened its doors in 1968 already on October Avenue. ATunlike the former circus, the modern one has a huge arena and can accommodate 2,000 visitors at the same time. The building is equipped with dressing rooms, rooms for keeping animals, living quarters for artists.

Famous artists who performed at the arena
The first program in the Ufa State Circus was created under the direction of Teresa Durova.
Throughout the existence of the circus under the dome performed:
- Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin;
- Clown Pencil;
- Oleg Popov;
- Kio I., illusionist.
Already in 1970, a professional troupe training studio was organized.
In 1973, on September 7, a program called “Blossom, Bashkortostan!” was presented at the arena. The highlight of the program was the performance "Bears of the Burzyan forests". Acrobats, jugglers, aerialists also performed.
The team of the Ufa circus toured not only around the country, but also traveled abroad. Today, the institution is among the top five best circuses in the country.

Interesting facts
In pre-revolutionary times, the local authorities were against the construction of the circus and hardly allowed traveling troupes into the city. And when, nevertheless, the decision to erect the building was approved (in 1906), the Duma gave a clear order: "There should not be wrestling athletes in the circus," although such performances attracted the most visitors.
The building of the first capital structure of the Ufa circushas survived to this day and is located along Kommunisticheskaya Street, 67. The old circus worked until the Civil War, in 1930 a factory school was placed here. In the mid-60s, the building was handed over to accommodate a branch of the correspondence department of the financial and economic institute. Later, students of the Institute of Physical Culture began to study in the building. By the way, this is happening to this day.
According to the project of the Ufa State Circus, circuses were built in many cities over the course of 7 years: in Donetsk, Krivoy Rog, Kharkov, Bryansk, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Perm, Lugansk and Samara.
The circus building was once closed for repairs, which lasted from 1993 to 1994. On the eve of the opening, the visor collapsed near the building. Then no one was hurt, but there was a lot of noise around this event and the official opening after the repair was postponed.

Circus today
Every year, the circus hosts a capital Christmas tree, which attracts artists from the republic and Russia. Troupes come from other cities and countries.
Since March 11 this year, the program "Z altania - the world of white tigers" has attracted many visitors in the Ufa circus. The show was like an exciting but dangerous journey into the wild. The program also featured other animals, various tricks and illusion numbers.
In June 2017, a new program "Lasta Rica" was presented at the Ufa Circus. The performance was prepared by the Perm Circus under the direction of E. Maykhrovskaya.the audience was entertained by the clown May. Fur seals and penguins, monkeys, horses, royal poodles and geese also performed in the arena.
Prices in the Ufa circus have always been affordable, from 500 rubles.

Latest news
Today the circus doors are closed. The institution has been under the threat of closure for more than one month. The reason for this decision is that the building does not meet fire safety standards. In addition, the entire building and the roof of the structure are in disrepair. Supporting structures can collapse at any time. The roof was leaking and water got into the electrical room. The building does not even have a fire warning system for visitors.
After long checks and litigation, the Supreme Court of Bashkortostan approved the decision of the district court to close the circus.
Since the commissioning of the building (1968), there has never been a major overhaul. As a result of the meeting, the Russian State Circus decided to allocate funds for the repair of the building, but they will come only in 2018. The fate of the employees and members of the troupe is unknown, they may have been sent on vacation.