The road from Yekaterinburg to Kamensk-Uralsky: distance

The road from Yekaterinburg to Kamensk-Uralsky: distance
The road from Yekaterinburg to Kamensk-Uralsky: distance

The distance between the cities of Yekaterinburg and Kamensk-Uralsky is approximately 102 kilometers. It is overcome in 2 hours, but the exact time depends on the specific mode of transport. You can do this by private car, use the services of a taxi, as well as by train, train or bus.

Yekaterinburg Kamensk Uralsky
Yekaterinburg Kamensk Uralsky


From the capital of the Urals to the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, it is advised to take the train. An electric train (which is popularly called an electric train) will arrive in a time period of 2 hours and 10 minutes. This applies to morning trains. Some evening trains make many stops along the way. In this case, the trip will take a little more than three hours. The best option is to get on the fast electric train "Lastochka". He walks in the morning and evening, reaching his destination in just an hour and a half. The cost of a ticket for this type of transport in 2017 is 217 rubles. A ticket for an ordinary train will cost passengers 142 rubles.

Yekaterinburg Kamensk Uralsky distance
Yekaterinburg Kamensk Uralsky distance

It is also worth considering that it is possible to get fromYekaterinburg to Kamensk-Uralsky by long-distance train. You can find out about the availability of such routes on certain days and times on the website of the city's railway station, as well as by calling the phone numbers of its ticket offices. The price of tickets varies, it all depends on the seat chosen and the type of carriage: general, compartment, reserved seat.


The bus journey from Yekaterinburg to Kamensk-Uralsky starts from one of the two bus stations in the city. From the North, the distance is slightly longer, respectively, and the travel time will increase. This will be affected by the condition of the roads of the Ural capital: the presence of traffic jams, accidents.

Standard travel time by bus is 2 hours. Traffic goes along the P354 highway in the direction of Kurgan. For this road, the terrain is flat, in some places mountainous. The total length of the entire route is 375 kilometers. In addition to buses that go directly to Kamensk-Uralsky, you can get there by transport, the final destination of which will be Kurgan. The minimum ticket price for one person will be 250 rubles. It is best to purchase a ticket at the station ticket office before the trip.

How to quickly overcome the distance from Yekaterinburg to Kamensk-Uralsky?

An easy way to save travel time is to call a taxi, which will take the traveler not only to the station, but also to the desired house (or any other point in the city). This option should be used if there are several passengers. The price of a trip for three people will be the same as for one. The minimum will be 2990 rubles, an insignificant overpayment for increased comfort and speed.

Ekaterinburg Kamensk Uralsky distance by car
Ekaterinburg Kamensk Uralsky distance by car

The distance by car from Yekaterinburg to Kamensk-Uralsky can be overcome in an hour and a half, if there are no serious traffic jams on the way. Problems on the track arise as a result of accidents or sudden traffic jams. For example, this happened in May 2015, when a bear gave birth in one of the vans of a large convoy of cars belonging to the Moscow circus. The cars had to stop, and as a result there were serious difficulties in traffic. In a normal situation, you can cover 102 km in your own vehicle in 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Active Internet users who do not have a personal car use the site to search for fellow travelers, which provides a convenient opportunity to find a car following a given route and contact the driver personally, agreeing on a price.
