The second largest castle in Great Britain, Caerphilly Castle of the 13th century still makes an indelible impression with its scale and power. It is superbly preserved and embodies an entire era. Over the course of a long history, the castle has been attacked, rebuilt and restored. Today it is one of the most visited attractions in Wales.

Where is it
Caerphilly Castle is located in the county of the same name in south Wales. The city is located on the border between the counties of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire. Belongs to the administrative unit - the Glamorgan district, Wales. The city of Caerphilly has the status of a county and is one of the most visited tourist sites. The region is located in a mountainous area, and the fortress is built on a hilltop, it rises menacingly above the city spread below, surrounded on all sides by artificial lakes and moats. This location of the fortress was strategically advantageous and made it the target of many attacks.

History of construction
In the second half of the 13th century in Wales, the famous aristocrat Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, began to build a fortress forprotection of disputed territories. At this time, the Welsh principality was rising under the control of the independent ruler of Wales, Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. As a result of hostilities, he was able to conclude an agreement with Henry III and establish the independence of Wales from the English crown. Caerphilly Castle (Wales) was in the 13th century a city-forming object for the settlement of the same name. In 1282, Gilbert de Clare made a new attempt to reconquer Wales, which was successful, and the region finally became part of England. To strengthen the defense capability of his territories, Gilbert ordered the construction of fortresses in all the cities of his possessions. Construction began in 1268 and continued intermittently until 1290. Despite a long protracted struggle for territory, Gilbert managed to build a huge castle, which allowed not only to defend, but also to live comfortably. After the conclusion of the contract in Montgomery, the defensive function of the fortress ceased to be relevant for de Claire, and he began to equip the castle as a residential residence. In 1295, Gilbert died, but by this time Caerphilly Castle was almost completely rebuilt and ready for a busy life.

Castle in the 14th-17th centuries
Since 1313, Caerphilly Castle has once again found itself at the epicenter of a territorial struggle. Llywelyn Bren and the royal forces continued to struggle for control of the region. In the battle of 1316, the city of Caerphilly was almost completely destroyed, but the fortress survived. In 1317, Hugh le Despenser the Younger moved into the castle and married Gilbert de Clare's sister Eleanor. Caerphilly Fortress became her dowry. Hugh was on good terms with Edward the First and was fairly we althy. He decided to expand the castle by making a large hall for receptions. To carry out the work, he invited William Hart and Thomas de la Bataille. They created beautiful chambers, richly decorated with carvings. When the coup took place and King Edward was overthrown, Hugh and his wife took refuge in the castle from possible reprisals. Isabella's troops were brought up to the fortress. The castle did not last long. Hugh surrendered and the lands were given to Isabelle de Despenser, who, along with her second husband, invested heavily in the renovation and rebuilding of the castle. In 1486, the fortress passes into the hands of the Earl of Pembroke, but he did not want to live here. And the castle gradually falls into decay. The water locks around the castle become unusable, several times the territory of the fortress is flooded. For some time, prisoners are kept in the castle. In 1583 Thomas Lewis rented it. He disassembles part of the stone walls in order to build residential and service premises. Military operations during the Civil War of the late 17th century almost did not affect the castle, but led to damage to the southeastern tower, which became known as the Leaning Tower. In 1648, Cromwell ordered the castle to be blown up in order to leave the territory without a reliable defense. But the sappers of that time could not do it, only part of the walls and several towers succumbed to the explosives.

Castle life in the 18th-20th centuries
In 1776, Caerphilly Castle, whose history was only getting sadder, finds a new owner. Tom Stewart attempts restoration for the first time andsave the castle. In 1860, his great-grandson carried out a complete revision of the state of the fortress and began to vacate the premises from tenants who did not give a damn about the maintenance of the castle. The 4th Marquess John Crichton-Stuart was a fan of restoration and building. He invested a lot of money in the expansion of possessions and in the repair of the buildings of the fortress. Until 1950, he was engaged in the restoration and restructuring of buildings, restoring the historical appearance. He put the dams in order and refilled the ditches and lakes adjacent to the castle with water. By the middle of the 20th century, he brought the estate into a decent form, which recreated the appearance of the 15th-16th centuries. In 1950, the Marquis handed over the castle and all surrounding areas to the state.
Castle today
In the 21st century, Caerphilly Castle is managed by Cadw, a company dedicated to the preservation and operation of historic sites. Today, the fortress is the most visited attraction in Wales, more than 100 thousand people come here every year. Excursions, holidays and festivals are organized for tourists. A visit to Caerphilly Castle turns into an interesting adventure with a journey into the past due to the fact that the life of the Middle Ages is recreated here.

Caerphilly Castle, which is described in all encyclopedias of medieval architecture, is an excellent example of fortification architecture. Brutality and reliability are the two main epithets that come to mind at the sight of this powerful structure. The architecture of the castle is concise and convincing,there is nothing superfluous here, everything is subordinated to one goal - to defend against enemies. The fortress, square in plan, is surrounded on all sides by a powerful sandstone stone wall, with four watchtowers and narrow loopholes. The fortress has two defensive perimeters. The first ring is the stone walls, the second is the fortifications themselves. There is another high defensive wall in front of the main entrance to the fortress. Living quarters are located inside the fortress: a beautiful Great Hall for Receptions, striking with exquisite decoration, rather modest bedrooms and private quarters.

What to see
Caerphilly Castle, whose photos look spectacular at any time of the year, today is a real museum. The territory of 120 hectares allows you to make long walks and hold mass events here. What not to miss when visiting the castle? It is worth going around the perimeter around the fortress to see all the entrances to it and the impressive moats and lakes. You can take a walk along the partially restored parapet of the fortress wall, climb the tower to look at the city lying at the foot. In the museum exposition of the fortress you can see the uniforms and weapons of a medieval warrior. Siege weapons are installed in the center of the fortress. Be sure to see the drawbridges, walk around the islands on artificial lakes. In one of the towers you can watch a film about the history of the castle. To visit Caerphilly Castle, you should plan at least half a day, and preferably a whole day, in order to fully familiarize yourself with its features. The castle is very photogenicand tourists shoot it from all four sides, getting the most beautiful shots.
How to get there
Have you decided to see Caerphilly Castle? How to get to this interesting place? From the railway station of the capital of Wales Cardiff to the castle can be reached by train. Caerphilly town center is 1.5 km from the castle and is easy to walk.