How long is the flight from Khabarovsk to Moscow? Flight features

How long is the flight from Khabarovsk to Moscow? Flight features
How long is the flight from Khabarovsk to Moscow? Flight features

How long does it take to fly from Khabarovsk to Moscow? What is such a journey? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Surely in Khabarovsk you managed to have a good time in the Dynamo recreation park. In winter, there is an ice town, and in summer there are various attractions. Many people like to walk along Lenin Square in this city and admire the fountains located there, fish or take a boat trip along the Amur, actively participate in festivities and folk festivals. Now you want to know how many hours you have to fly home?

Moscow and Khabarovsk

Few people know how much to fly to Moscow from Khabarovsk. What are these metropolitan areas? Khabarovsk bears the title of the most comfortable metropolis in Russia. The city was ranked 2nd by Forbes as a good place to do business. It is named after the Russian wanderer E. P. Khabarov.

If you are in the Khabarovsk Territory, you can visit these amazing places:

  • Shantarislands;
  • Amur bridge;
  • Amut (lake);
  • Dusse-Alin (mountainous country).

You can also see the famous endangered species of Amur tigers here.

how much to fly to moscow from khabarovsk
how much to fly to moscow from khabarovsk

Moscow is located on the river of the same name and is the capital of the Russian Federation. This is the largest metropolis, the center of political life, where the State Duma and the main residence of the President of Russia are located. Moscow is very diverse, just like Russia itself. This is a city with a long history. Moscow has a huge number of entertainment centers, several hundred educational institutions. The city is also the most important transportation hub.


So, let's try to figure out how much to fly from Khabarovsk to Moscow. It is worth starting with the fact that the flight time depends on several factors. Namely:

  • on the type of aircraft;
  • of the selected airline;
  • weather conditions;
  • flight type;
  • air mass flow.

And if it is impossible to predict and control the behavior of air flows and weather conditions, then it is quite possible to choose other factors to suit your needs and desires.

Direct flight

How long is a direct flight from Khabarovsk to Moscow? These two cities are separated by 6100 km - this distance can be covered in about 8 hours. With Aeroflot, the flight will last 8 hours 5 minutes, and with the Rossiya State Customs Committee - 8 hours 15 minutes.

moscow khabarovsk how much to fly by plane
moscow khabarovsk how much to fly by plane

It should be noted that for a direct flightthe price of the most inexpensive air tickets is 14,000-16,000 rubles (prices are lower in October and November, and higher in June and July).

Flight with transfers

Many people are interested in the Khabarovsk-Moscow flight. How long does it take to fly a plane from one city to another with a transfer? If you decide to fly to Moscow using connecting flights, then most likely you will need to transfer in Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, St. Petersburg or Krasnoyarsk.

Traveling with one transfer takes an average of 12 hours, and with a couple - 17. The minimum time between connections is usually 40 minutes. So, the flight through St. Petersburg (Transaero) will last 19.5 hours, Novosibirsk (Aeroflot) - 19.5 hours, St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk (Aeroflot) - 20.5, Yekaterinburg (Ural airlines ) - 23, and through Dubai and Seoul (Asiana Airlines) the flight will last 1 day 5 hours.

Select airline

Many airlines operate flights Khabarovsk-Moscow. How much time to fly from one city to another, you already know. You can get to Moscow from Khabarovsk on board Boeing 777, Boeing 767, AirbusA 333 of one of such airlines as Cathay Pacific, Russian Airlines, S7 Airlines, Aeroflot, Transaero and others.

moscow khabarovsk how much time to fly
moscow khabarovsk how much time to fly

The air hub Novy Khabarovsk (KHV) is responsible for servicing the flight we are considering. It is located 8 km from the city center. Here, passengers are provided with a transitroom (1st floor) with TV, interesting magazines and free Wi-Fi, business room on the 2nd floor, lounge for mother and child (2nd floor), cafeterias and shops.

Things to do in flight

The flight is quite long, so you can get a good night's sleep. Some on the plane are thinking about which of the household members can be pleased with the presents purchased in Khabarovsk. These can be berries, pine nuts, fish, red caviar, Ussuri balsam, Hapiku Nanai national doll, medicinal plants (ginseng, eleutherococcus).
