Stonehenge is a huge stone mystery in the heart of Europe. Where is Stonehenge located? Anyone can answer this question, because almost everyone knows about it.
The existing information about the megalith (about its origin and purpose) still does not answer the question of how people four thousand years ago could design and build such a structure. An ancient observatory, a landing pad for alien creatures, a portal to another world or a pagan tomb - all this is Stonehenge (England). For many centuries, the best minds of mankind have been struggling to solve it. And much remains unknown….

Stonehenge is also called cromlech - this is the oldest structure of vertical stones lined up in a circle. They can form one or more circles.
Where is Stonehenge
This is a structure in a field located 13 kilometers from the small village of Salisbury. "Stone fence" - this is how the name Stonehenge is translated. London is located 130 kilometers to the southwest. The territory belongs to the administrative district of Wiltshire. It consists of a circle around which are 56small burial "holes of Aubrey" (named after the explorer of the 17th century). The most famous version is that lunar eclipses could be calculated from them. Later they began to bury the cremated remains of people. In Europe, wood has always been associated with life, and stone with death.
Stonehenge structure
In the center is the so-called altar (a six-ton monolith of green sandstone). In the northeast - a seven-meter Heel Stone. There is also the Block Stone, so named for the color of the iron oxides protruding on it. The next two rings are made up of large hard blocks of blue color (siliceous sandstone). The construction is completed by a circular colonnade with horizontal slabs lying on top.

In general, the building consists of:
- 82 megaliths weighing 5 tons;
- 30 blocks, each 25 tons;
- 5 triliths of 50 tons each.
They all form arches with the most precise indication of the cardinal directions. It was not for nothing that the ancient Britons called this place the “Round Dance of the Giants.”
Stonehenge Stones
The boulders used in the megalith have different origins. Stone structures (triliths or megaliths) and individual stones of rough processing (menhirs) consist of gray calcareous sandstone and limestone. There are volcanic lava, tuff and dolerite. Part of the blocks could come from a site located 210 kilometers away. They could be delivered both by land (on skating rinks) and by water. In our time, an experiment was conducted that showed that a group of 24 people could move a stone weighing oneton at a rate of one kilometer per day. The weight of the largest blocks reaches 50 tons. Ancient builders could transport such a block for several years.

The stones were processed in several stages. By mechanical means and by the method of exposure to fire and water, the necessary blocks were prepared for transportation. And already in place, finer grinding and processing was carried out.
Stonehenge - history and legends of antiquity
According to legend, the megalith appeared thanks to the legendary wizard Merlin, the mentor of King Arthur. He brought some stone blocks from South Wales, where there has long been an accumulation of sacred springs. In fact, the road to the place where Stonehenge is located was very difficult. The nearest quarries with rock are at a great distance, and one can imagine how titanic the efforts for the most difficult transportation were. The closest thing was to deliver them by sea, and from there 80 kilometers by land by dragging.
The huge Heel Stone gave rise to another story - about a monk hiding from the devil in the boulders. To prevent him from escaping, the devil threw a stone at him and crushed his heel.
All these legends of ancient Britain, where Stonehenge is located, most likely have little to do with reality. Today, more detailed studies prove that the construction was carried out in three stages from 2300 to 1900 BC. It functioned for about 2.5 thousand years and was abandoned around 1100 BC. And the characters of British history lived much later.

Whobuilt Stonehenge
There are many nations claiming to build this megalith, from the ancient Romans to the Swiss or Germans. Until now, it was believed that it was built in the second millennium BC as an ancient observatory. The famous astronomer Hoyle found out that the ancient creators already knew the exact orbital period of the Moon and the length of the solar year.
In 1998, computer simulations came to the aid of astronomers. With its help, they came to the conclusion that this is not only a lunar and solar calendar, but also a cross-sectional model of the solar system. Moreover, there should be not 9 planets, as is currently known, but 12. Perhaps in the future we will have more discoveries related to the composition of the solar system.
English historian Brooks, who has explored Stonehenge for many years, proved that it is part of a giant navigation system.
Besides the astronomical function, Stonehenge was also used as a ritual structure. This is evidenced by a large number of cemeteries and other ritual sites in the vicinity. And some researchers put forward a theory about the tomb of the pagan queen Boudica. This fearless woman did not want to surrender to the Romans and chose to take poison. Although there have never been human burials at Stonehenge. For all the time, only one remains of an archer was found in a moat, dated to the 7th century BC.
This land has always been considered sacred, because at all times tourists and natives have tried to break off and take a piece with them as an amulet. A hundred years ago, local residents even had a type of business -rent hammers to beat off a piece for yourself as a keepsake or stamp your name on a boulder. Now a tourist cannot even touch the megalith with his hand, asph alt paths are specially laid at some distance from the stone blocks.
Druid Sanctuary
There is a hypothesis that this is the place of power of the druids (at the intersection of energy lines), allowing them to conduct the most serious rituals to unite with the forces of nature. The orientation of the monument to the solstice is another argument in this favor. Since this isolated tribe did not leave behind any written evidence, the purpose of Stonehenge has remained a great mystery.

New Druids consider it a place of their pilgrimage, and representatives of other pagan movements like to visit this area. On the days of the winter and summer solstice, huge crowds of Druid worshipers meet their main deity. The rays of the sun, which has reached the zenith, fall exactly between the vertical stones of the largest trilith, and together with the sun's rays, people are enlightened. And it often happens that the weather is cloudy around, but the sun is shining inside.
The majesty of Stonehenge
Another feature of Stonehenge is its high seismic stability. During construction, special plates were used to dampen and soften shocks. At the same time, there is almost no subsidence of the soil, inevitable in modern construction.

One thing is for sure: whoever the mysterious builders were, they had colossal knowledge in mathematics, geology, astronomyand architecture. And if we take into account that such structures were erected then all over the world (the pyramids of Egypt and the Mayan culture), then we can safely say that modern people simply do not know a lot about their past. According to calculations, if Stonehenge is rebuilt today with the tools of that time, it will take 2 million man-hours. And the manual processing of stones would take 20 million. So the reason why people have been working on it for so long must really be very significant.
How to get there? Stonehenge on the map
In a private car, tourists get on the A303 and M3 road, which leads to Amesbury. Comfortable trains run from the station to Waterloo to Salisbury and Andover, and from there you can get there by bus.
In London, you can purchase a one-day group tour, which already includes an entrance ticket. The same bus runs from Salisbury, picking up tourists from the railway station. The ticket can be used throughout the day, and buses leave every hour.

How to get to the center of Stonehenge, bypassing the bans?
According to the rules, it is forbidden to come close and walk inside Stonehenge (tourists cannot come closer than 15 meters), but some tour operators make indulgence and allow a walk, but only early in the morning or late in the evening. Such groups usually have a limited number of participants, so it is advisable to book places in advance. However, the weather must be good. The historical monument is carefully guarded to avoiddamage to the ground, so you will not be able to get inside Stonehenge in case of rain.
This building is not in vain included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Someone considers it a poorly preserved pile of stones, while someone dreams of just touching it and strives for this all their lives. Nevertheless, the mystical secret of Stonehenge has always existed, and to this is added admiration for the power of the human mind and perseverance, which made it possible to build this miracle.