The South Ural region can hardly be classified as one of the most sought-after and popular tourist destinations. Many people, choosing places for summer holidays, are guided by the principle "the further, the better." But this approach is not always justified. And drastic climate change is not good for everyone. Sometimes it's good to just look around. The Chelyabinsk region, for example, has many interesting and unique natural objects. Lake Turgoyak is one of them. In addition, it is located in the climatic zone of the Southern Urals, which is quite comfortable for most of our compatriots.

Lake Turgoyak, Chelyabinsk Region
This is one of the most beautiful reservoirs in the entire Urals. It is located near the city of Miass, in a hollow between the mountain ranges of Ilmen and Ural-Tau. Lake Turgoyak is characterized by a rather large depth and transparency of water. Its purity here is such that the bottom is visible at a depth of up to twenty meters. According to the characteristics, the water from this lake is usually compared with the Baikal one. The special purity of the reservoir is explained by the peculiarities of its hydrological regime. Into the lakeFour fairly large rivers flow in, and only one flows out. Water is in a state of constant circulation. Lake Turgoyak is a fairly large rounded body of water, slightly elongated in the meridional direction. Its coastline is 27 kilometers long. The maximum depth is 34 meters, the total water surface area exceeds 26 square kilometers. The surrounding natural landscape, among other things, makes it especially inviting for a stopover. Mountain slopes covered with dense relict vegetation come close to the coast of the lake. The forests on the banks of the Turgoyak are dominated by conifers, they are well preserved, there are not so many traces of their cutting down and other unauthorized interference with the natural environment as in many other Ural regions.

The undisputed tourist attraction is the island of Vera. Lake Turgoyak was once a refuge for the Old Believers who fled to the Ural taiga from their pursuers. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, there was an Old Believer skete on the island of Vera. It has not been preserved, but a large number of archaeological monuments and artifacts have been found here, the age of which is several thousand years. Archaeologists continue their work here and today, each field season on the island brings them new finds.

Recreation centers on Lake Turgoyak
The recreational potential of this place is used very actively. Lake Turgoyak is well known in the Urals. Tourists come here fromChelyabinsk, from Yekaterinburg and from more remote places and cities. Many feel quite comfortable in a tent on the lake. But for those who cannot imagine their existence even without the minimum benefits of civilization, there are recreation centers on the coast: "Silver Sands", "Krutiki", the hotel-club "Golden Beach". The latter is more suitable for sports lovers: surfing, diving, quad bikes and bicycles.