The first network of rope parks in Russia is panda parks. Rope parks of various calibers are growing in number and quantity, which is understandable. After all, these are wonderful places for family holidays. Until a few years ago, it was exclusively street entertainment, depending on the season and weather.

And so the first indoor panda parks appeared in Moscow. At this stage, there are two of them, one of which - Panda Park "Riviera" - is located in the shopping and entertainment center of the same name.

What awaits the guests of the park
People of all ages will find entertainment here, from kids to adults, so whole families love to come here.
Panda Riviera Park has three levels. For children over 110 cm tall, there are two routes at a height of 1 meter above the floor. You need to look after the children yourself, the presence of an adult is required. Both adventurers and parent watchers can take a breath here. Directly under the hinged routethere are comfortable chairs.
The following levels are four meters high and are designed for older kids. Those who have grown up to 125 cm can go to higher routes, of which there are also two, but the first level is still suitable for them.

If your baby is over 135 cm, then they will offer four routes at a height of 4 meters, and beginners can still train at lower levels.
With a height of 140 cm or more, you can already swing on a seven-meter route, with some experience in such entertainment. Two tracks are at the service of such clients. And if experience is not enough, it is better to stay on the four-meter routes.

Well, absolutely giants of any age with a height of 150 cm or more will be offered 4 high- altitude routes 7-9 meters from the ground. Scary? Then stay at 4 meters.
There is always a choice for every taste, interest and age.
If the kid refuses air travel, then he may well frolic in the labyrinth, located here, for a fee.
Panda Park "Riviera" also has a climbing wall with several tracks of varying difficulty and up to 9 meters high. These attractions are available for a fee.
Clothes and shoes
Air adventure clothing and footwear should be comfortable. Clothing - loose, but not dangling, not restricting movement. Footwear - light, with non-slip soles. If suddenly you came here by accident, not having the necessary equipment, then here you will be given disposable socks and they will select the right Along with the disposable socks, you will receive the same hat to wear over it with a helmet.
All routes are absolutely safe, carefully thought out. Experienced employees conduct briefings, put on safety systems, adjust them according to the figure, take them to the route and, if necessary, guide the progress, suggesting what and how to do. If necessary, they will go upstairs to help cope with the difficulties that have arisen.
You can also order individual accompaniment.
Here you can find many unusual obstacles that are not found in rope parks like Panda Riviera Park. Reviews of children and adults are enthusiastic. Many come here several times.
When buying tickets, it is profitable to purchase a club card worth 100 rubles, this en titles you to significant discounts.
It's cheaper to pay for several routes at once, but don't be greedy, because not everyone can master more than two.
Children's routes are unlimited, that is, they can be passed as many times as you like, but all the rest can be passed on a paid ticket only once.
At the entrance, a bracelet with information about paid services is put on the visitor's hand. Passing the route, you need to attach it to the reader.
Parents who do not go the route themselves, but only accompany their children, enter Panda Park "Riviera" for free. They also wear a bracelet with relevant information.
On the territory of the rope town there is a small cafe where you can relax and have a snack, as well asobserve what is happening on the routes.

There are several rooms for birthday celebrations and animation services.
Panda The Riviera Park is indoors and open all year round, regardless of the weather, which is something that other outdoor parks cannot boast of.
How to get there
Metro stations from where it is easy to get to Panda Park "Riviera" - "Avtozavodskaya" and "Tulskaya". Free taxis go to the mall and back every 15 minutes. Walking is not difficult for walkers.