When planning a vacation in Novosibirsk, you should look through all the sights in advance and choose the most interesting ones. One of them, which is mandatory to visit, will undoubtedly be the Belovsky waterfall in the Iskitimsky district. This place captivates travelers not only with its beauty, but also with its unusualness. It is surprising that the waterfall is located in a flat area - this is a rarity in nature. On the way to it, tourists will be able to enjoy the magnificent nature of the Novosibirsk region. On both sides of the road there are fields where wheat, rye and even sunflowers grow. Not everyone will be able to drive by and not have a little photo session in the midst of such a magnificent view. Surrounded by birch forest, Belovsky waterfall is a place that is loved by body and soul. This place is very popular among the locals. It does not leave indifferent the travelers who visited it.

Creating a waterfall
Waterfall wascreated in the mid-80s, thanks to the workers of the quarry. People at that time worked here, mining coal. And when the groundwater of the local river began to destroy the quarry, the workers decided to leave it and left behind a heap of stones that should have held back the river. But after a while, the stream broke through the dam, and a pure Belovsky waterfall was formed, about 5 meters high. Thanks to this work, now not only a beautiful and clean ledge has appeared, but also a lake that has remained at the site of the quarry. Due to the fact that the latter is fed by several small streams, the liquid level is always high. The waterfall consists of two branches, the second works harder during floods or after rain. Although the current is quite strong, the water is still warm, so people can swim. This wonderful place not only pleases the eye with the beauty of nature, but also allows you to relax from the bustle of the city.

Visitors often use the waterfall as a natural hydromassage to relax the whole body, and then you can soak in the water of a small stream emerging from it. This will help you tone up on a hot day. You can come to the waterfall not only for swimming - there is an opportunity to have a picnic or a tent camp in a birch forest. Belovsky waterfall (Novosibirsk) is a popular place for fishing enthusiasts. If you move to shallow water, you can see perches and chebak. There will also be a great area for small children who love to play in the water. It is dangerous for kids to be near the raging stream of the waterfall. The only trouble for swimming will be small sharp pebbles. So in order to avoid problems, tourists should be careful, it is recommended to purchase rubber shoes in advance.
The path
A frequent problem for tourists that constantly arises when traveling to such a beautiful place as Belovsky Falls is how to get there. Unfortunately, navigators are not always able to accurately indicate the direction. So, along the M-52 highway, you need to go south. Having reached the sign to the village of Evsino, you should turn left. After you pass over the bridge over the railway, and then follow the sign along the road to the village of Belovo. You can get to the waterfall after the village itself, turning left and passing through the birch forest.
If a tourist focuses on maps to get to the waterfall, then it should be noted that the local lake has an official name - Otter. On the way to the mountain, you should calculate the speed, since there is a deep unexpected hole behind the mountain. You can easily get stuck in it.

Belovsky waterfall is surrounded by beautiful views, as well as banners and … garbage. Although the huge images indicate that visitors take all the waste with them, many of them are thrown in the forest. Every year, a fairly large number of people are located near the reservoir itself: some came with a tent, some with an awning. There is a backwater where you can swim. It will not be possible to take a picture against the background of a water body right away - there are too many people who want to, and many people go on excursions to this area.
For lovers of fishing (this is especially suitable for those who like to catch rare species of fish out of sports interest), it should be said that the Belovsky waterfall is inhabited by such a representative - Siberian grayling. It can be caught, photographed and released.
A few meters from the waterfall on the shore there are many elegant places where you can have a small picnic.
Recommendations, pros and cons
In the event that the trip does not last more than 1 day, then it is worth stopping directly near the waterfall in the direction of the birch forest. Those who stay with the tent for a long time should settle down near the lake. In this area it is calm and not noisy, there are fewer people. There may be broken glass on the shores due to uncultured tourists.
Belovsky waterfall in the Iskitimsky district has sharp stones, so when swimming, you should carefully move along the bottom. If you need firewood, you can use the resources of the forest, but they are not rubber. It's best to buy everything in advance.

Among the pluses, one can note the purity of the air, the waterfall itself can provide a pleasant service - to make a hydromassage. In the event that there is a boat, then it can ride on the lake.
The disadvantages of the waterfall are minor: noisy, crowded. The main disadvantage is the garbage that tourists leave behind.