The small state of Montenegro (Montenegro) is located on the Balkan Peninsula, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. It neighbors Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo.
Today, many of our compatriots are planning to spend their holidays in this Balkan country. And of course, they are interested in whether Russians need a visa to Montenegro. We hope that our answer will please many: a visa is not required for a short trip. It is necessary to issue it only if you plan to stay in the country for more than three months.

In this article we will tell you everything about Montenegro. For tourists, its nature is important, the features of recreation, we will introduce you to the advice of experienced travelers.
Since Montenegro is located on the Adriatic coast, the country's climate is Mediterranean, only in its northern regions - temperate continental. In the summer months, the average air temperature is quite comfortable for recreation (+23-+25 °C). In winter, the thermometerrarely drops below -7 °C.
Tourists with experience believe that the best time to relax in this country is the middle and end of summer. The weather in Montenegro in August is hot and sunny. For example, in Podgorica, where tourists usually visit at least for a day, the average temperature is +32 ° C, at night it drops significantly to + 19 ° C. In the resort towns of Tivat, Budva and Kotor, it is about +30, 3 °C during the day, and at night, on average, no higher than +17 °C.

The water temperature in August is +26 °C. The weather in Montenegro in August varies depending on the resort you choose. For example, in the very popular city of Bar during the day the air does not warm up above +25.8 °C, and at night it does not drop below +21.6 °C. And the water temperature in Montenegro near Bar is practically the same as other resorts.
Montenegro is famous for clean air with a high content of essential oils, ions, clean water of the Adriatic Sea, which contains 38 milligrams of s alt per 1 gram of water, healing sand on well-equipped beaches. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to this country every year to treat a number of serious diseases: respiratory tract, infertility, vascular and heart diseases.
On many beaches, the transparency of the water reaches 60 meters. It has an unusual azure blue color. This is due to the large amount of minerals and s alts dissolved in it. The average water temperature in Montenegro during the summer months is +26 °C. Sometimes cold currents bring cold water from the depths of the sea to the beaches, and then you have to wait two days,until it warms up well.
Where to go in Montenegro?
There are several popular resorts on the coast of the country. One of the most famous of them is Budva. This city has amazing beaches. Mogren and Slavic are especially good. In addition, the resort is distinguished by its magnificent nature. Tourists consider high prices for food and souvenirs to be among the disadvantages of Budva.
Rafilovichi, Becici, St. Stephen's Island cannot be called cheap resorts either. But here are the same well-groomed beaches and very pretty Mediterranean architecture.

Petrovac is a popular resort in Montenegro, which has a huge and comfortable beach, as well as a small pier for small ships and boats.
Sutomore is a resort that will interest those who are thinking about where to go in Montenegro at the lowest cost. Sutomore is perhaps the cheapest resort. Locals joke: "Tourists with money go to the sea, and without them - to Sutomore." There are usually few vacationers here.
Before the trip it is difficult to know everything about Montenegro. For tourists who want to make bargains and have a good rest, you should go to Bar - the business capital of the country. Here, prices for goods from Italy and other European countries are quite low, since the city is the only major port in the country. In addition, there are many interesting sights here. The beaches are mostly pebbly. There are significantly fewer tourists in Bar than in Kotor or Budva.
Ultsin is a resort located on the border withAlbania. The town is famous for its magnificent sandy beaches and many sunny days.
Bays of Montenegro
There are other popular resorts in the country, and travelers should know about them if they are interested in everything about Montenegro. For tourists, all information about the country is important, and therefore, probably, they will be interested to know that almost half of the country's best resorts are located not on the coast, but in the depths of huge bays. Here is a slightly different sea, which is different from the coast.
Kotorsky is the largest bay in Montenegro. It is sometimes erroneously called the southern fjord of Europe. For the convenience of vacationers, many guides subdivide it into Herceg-Novinsky and Boko-Kotorsky. We will not violate traditions and will tell about each of them separately.
Herceg-Novinsky Bay
It adjoins the sea. Its main feature can be considered wide expanses, when it is difficult to distinguish the opposite bank. The water here is slightly warmer than on the coast, but just as crystal clear. There are not many sandy beaches here, mostly pebble and concrete. Zhanitsa beach is especially popular, which until recently was a closed beach for the President of the country, and is now available for everyone to visit.

Boka Bay of Kotor
It is connected by a small isthmus with Herceg-Novinsky Bay. Nearby is the village of Lepetany. Its name in translation into Russian means "city of beauties". Of the resorts, it is necessary to highlight the cities of Kotor and Perast.
Fans of toursattractions can visit the Church of the Mother of God. If you are planning a trip to the Bay of Kotor, it will be useful for you to know that it is much hotter here than on the coast.
Youth Holidays
If you are going to relax in the company of cheerful friends and girlfriends, then you will probably have a question: “Where is it better for young people to relax in Montenegro?” As a rule, in this case, the resort of Budva is recommended. And it is no coincidence. This is the noisiest and most active city, where night bars, restaurants, and clubs meet at every step. Numerous sports competitions, music and theater festivals are held here. In addition to a rather rich nightlife, Budva offers guests a rich excursion program, so no one will be bored here.

Holidays with children
Frequent guests of Montenegro are families with children. This category of vacationers should be aware that the Adriatic Sea warms up to the most comfortable temperatures only by August. Noisy cities are not suitable for families with children. In addition, it is necessary to take into account how convenient the entrance to the water is, what kind of bottom is on the beach.
For a family holiday in Montenegro, the town of Petrovac is the most suitable. Here, sweets are sold at every step, and in hotels, the rest of young guests is thought out to the smallest detail. You can go to Kotor with children and stay at the Hotel Monte Cristo, which is family-oriented.

Here babysitting services are available, plusAll staff are Russian speaking. And now we will present you the best beaches in Montenegro for families with children.
Small Ulcinj Beach
The first on our list will be the urban and very clean beach of Ulcinj. It has a gentle entrance to the sea, which seems to have been created specifically for families with children. The depth increases gradually. The beach is covered with characteristic brown bas alt sand, which is considered healing.
If for some reason you don't like this beach (for example, due to the proximity of the port), go to the Tropicana beach, which is located two kilometers from Ulcinj. It is equipped with water attractions, and there is also an amusement park for kids.

Sutomore Beach
Almost the entire surface of this beach is covered with golden sand with alluvium of small pebbles. It stretches for 1.5 km. From the side of the city, it is limited by the embankment with a resort entertainment complex.
Travel Tips
Probably, we have told you almost everything about Montenegro. For tourists, of course, absolutely all information is important, and therefore, as it seems to us, they will still be interested in answers to several questions. The advice of experienced travelers will help us in this. The first and, perhaps, the most pressing question that concerns all tourists without exception, both well-to-do and somewhat constrained in their means: “How much money do you need to go to Montenegro?”
In Montenegro, the most common euro. Therefore, it is more profitable to take this particular currency with you. To feel comfortable, you must have75 euros per day per adult. You can live on 50 (including excursions and shopping), but in this case you will have to save a little. If you have 100 euros for a day, you can hardly limit yourself.

If you are planning an inexpensive vacation, but do not want to give up a few excursions and want to buy souvenirs, then for a week you will need 400 euros per person. With this money, you will feel quite confident, although you will not be able to roam too much.
Of course, it all depends on your preferences. According to the most conservative estimates, in order to eat exclusively in restaurants and cafes and not limit yourself too much, you will need:
- for 7 days - from 600 euros;
- for 10 days - from 800 euros;
- for 14 days - from 1100 euros.
What to take with you to Montenegro?
For tourists going on vacation to this country for the first time, this issue is very relevant. The answer to it depends on many factors: your income, the choice of the resort, the time of visiting the country. Many vacationers, going to the resorts of Montenegro after the jump in food prices in 2014, began to take non-perishable products with them. They explain this by saying that it allows them to save on food by directing funds for additional excursions.
Going to the beach, take water with you, as it is more expensive on the coast, hats, towels and money: the crime rate here is very low, so you can not worry about their safety.

Reviews from vacationers
Most tourists liked the hospitable and friendly Montenegro. Holidays here are really wonderful, especially in August. This opinion is shared by those travelers who went on a trip with their loved ones, and lovers of active youth recreation. There are some complaints about the somewhat inflated prices for food in both hotels and supermarkets.