Metro "Dostoevskaya" is a fairly new metro station of the capital. Residents of Moscow got the opportunity to use it quite recently, in 2010, and some visitors to the city may still not be aware of its existence.
But in vain… The place is really interesting…
Metro "Dostoevskaya". General information and history

It's not hard to guess who this station was named after. F. M. Dostoevsky, with his work, left a significant mark not only in Russian, but, no doubt, in world literature.
Why is it so, because, as you know, Mother Russia is famous for its masters, like a pen, so, say, and a brush? The thing is that the great writer once lived in its vicinity on Novaya Bozhedomka Street, which is now also renamed in his honor.
Purely geographically, the Dostoevskaya metro station is located between Trubnaya and Maryina Roscha along the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line, not far from the well-known Tverskaya Street, which belongs to the Central District of the city.
If you go a little deeper into history,then you can find that the construction of two stations - "Dostoevskaya" and "Suvorovskaya" - was planned back in the 1990s, the projects were adjusted, but due to lack of funds they were frozen for some time.
For several years, the construction was postponed, it was taken seriously only in 2007. However, even then, something constantly got in the way: sometimes there was not enough funding for Dostoevskaya, sometimes the workers could not adjust the escalators, or the interior design was considered too gloomy.
After all, it inaugurated in June 2010.
Dostoevskaya metro station. What she looks like from the inside

Laid at a depth of 60 meters, Dostoevskaya is considered a deep station. To date, it has two exits, the first of which is located near the Central Academic Theater. of the Russian army, and the second, not yet built at the moment, will in the future go to Suvorovskaya Square.
As a rule, granite and marble are considered traditional materials for such objects, and the Dostoevskaya metro station is no exception.
However, there is a zest here, represented by a vault made of white fiberglass. Undoubtedly, this gave the room a certain airiness and lightness. The design is made using black and white colors and, of course, is dedicated to the life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky.
At the end you can see a portrait of the writer, and on the walls, inquisitive visitors can read quotes fromhis works. At first, the design was severely criticized by the public. The author was accused of excessive gloom, aggressiveness and even a certain bloodthirstiness of the interior. But the artist I. Nikolaev managed to defend his offspring, officially declaring that, using scenes from The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, Demons and Crime and Punishment, he wanted to emphasize the depth and tragedy of the great man's work.
Dostoevskaya metro station. What to see around

Perhaps, one of the main attractions should be considered Catherine's Park. It was broken a long time ago, but it was only possible to improve it in 2005. Now it is a very attractive holiday destination for both local residents and numerous tourists.
It should be noted that most of the establishments located in the vicinity are connected to the Russian army to one degree or another. Going here, the tourist has the opportunity to visit the aforementioned Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, the Museum and Planetarium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as visit the Studio of military artists.
Of course, there is nothing surprising in the fact that next to the station is the apartment of the author himself, which some time ago became a popular museum.