Dead Sea: hotels, vacations, photos, reviews of tourists

Dead Sea: hotels, vacations, photos, reviews of tourists
Dead Sea: hotels, vacations, photos, reviews of tourists

The miraculous waters and unique climate of the Dead Sea attract tourists from all over the world. This huge, one of the most saline reservoirs on the planet, is 400 m below the line of the World Ocean, which makes it the lowest coast and forms a special atmospheric environment. Its waters contain a natural accumulation of minerals, the bottom is covered with a thick layer of life-giving silt deposits, and on the banks there are numerous thermal springs and natural pools of healing mud. These natural factors, combined with special climatic conditions, are able to restore strength and heal many diseases, which has created the world-wide fame of an unsurpassed resort on the shores of the Dead Sea.

Therapeutic effect

People come to this giant s alt lake not for the usual holiday. Bathing in the lake and activities with the healing components of the Dead Sea coast restore strength, he alth, sound sleep, youth, beauty. The list of diseases and ailments is quite wide, the symptoms of which disappear for a long time or permanently after a series of local treatment and prophylactic procedures.

  1. Dermatological diseases:psoriasis, mycosis stage I-II, erythroderma, scleroderma, ichthyosis and others.
  2. Pulmonary and ENT diseases: asthma, bronchitis, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others.
  3. Rheumatological diseases: polyarthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, osteochondrosis and others. As well as post-traumatic rehabilitation.
  4. Diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract: intestinal dysbacteriosis, colitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver dysfunction, liver failure
  5. Some diseases from the field of dentistry, endocrinology, gynecology, urology. Neurological disorders, especially stress and depression. Sleep disorders.

Complex treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel also helps with other problems, such as: obesity, migraines, metabolic disorders, loss of strength, chronic fatigue syndrome. Israeli resorts and sanatoriums are famous for their particularly effective treatments for psoriasis and rheumatological diseases.

s alt caves at the Dead Sea resort
s alt caves at the Dead Sea resort

Properties of water

The percentage of s alts in the waters of this sea is about ten times higher than in the oceans. Saturated with s alt and minerals, the water of the lake has a viscous, slightly greasy, high-density consistency, and thanks to this property, a person can freely lie on the water surface, read a newspaper or play chess with a neighbor. The solid sediment obtained from the process of evaporating the water of the Dead Sea is a pure composition of s alt, minerals and trace elements.

The time of each swim in the lake doctorsIt is recommended to limit to 20 minutes and repeat the procedure no more than three to four times during the day. Reception of water procedures of the Dead Sea has its own contraindications. People with Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia, those prone to epileptic seizures, suffering from AIDS, pulmonary tuberculosis, cirrhosis of the liver, those who have recently suffered a heart attack or stroke should refrain from them.

Dead Sea S alt
Dead Sea S alt

Micro and macronutrients

Lake water is rich in ions of substances, as well as simple and complex elements of almost the entire periodic table, which are indispensable for the functioning of the human body:

  1. Sodium (table s alt) effectively normalizes blood pressure, has an antiseptic effect on the skin and relieves pain in the joints.
  2. Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, muscle contraction, regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, has antispasmodic and antiallergic properties, acts as an antidepressant.
  3. Bromine has an antibacterial effect, is part of antidepressants. The substance itself and its vapors cause a relaxing effect on the muscles and nervous system.
  4. Calcium is needed to strengthen soft, connective, bone tissues, accelerates the process of wound healing, is involved in the stabilization of metabolic processes, and has high antibacterial properties.
  5. Sodium chloride is necessary for cellular optimization of energy processes and the speed of passage of nerve impulses, in tandem with chlorine controls the water-s alt balance in the human body.
  6. Potassiumcontributes to the high diffusion of nutrients that provide the cells of the body for its full-fledged work. The Dead Sea contains about 20 times more potassium s alt than ordinary sea water.
Sunset at the Dead Sea
Sunset at the Dead Sea

In addition to s alts, the waters contain a huge amount of magnesium, lithium, iodine, sulfur, iron, copper, cob alt, manganese, selenium, fluorine, a large number of compounds of bromine, silicon, sulfuric and sulfurous acid ions, many other organic and inorganic substances. Some elements and compounds are found in sufficient quantities only here. And the content of potassium and magnesium compounds is several dozen times higher than their amount in the Atlantic Ocean.

Ionic composition, amount and percentage of mineral elements of lake water are quite close to human lymph and blood plasma. Even a simple swim in its waters can significantly improve your overall he alth, and the water and air temperatures are conducive to this all year round. Therefore, there is no seasonality for tours to the Dead Sea, numerous establishments on the Israeli side of the reservoir are filled with vacationers every month.

Dead Sea water
Dead Sea water

Mineral composition

To date, the presence of at least 21 minerals in the waters of the Dead Sea has been confirmed. Most of them are of inorganic origin, do not contain oxygen, carbon and hydrogen in their structure. Such substances are protected from oxidation, retaining their beneficial properties for centuries. Many of the minerals have lipophilic properties, whichallow to detoxify the epidermis, removing toxins and other substances harmful to the human body through the pores of the skin. This procedure makes the skin supple, firm and fresh. Multiple studies carried out with the latest equipment and monitoring of clinical studies have confirmed the beneficial properties of Dead Sea minerals.

Air environment

Dry (humidity 25%), calcined by the surrounding desert, the air around the lake is saturated with healing components of the Dead Sea. It is very clean, because there is not a single large technical production within a radius of many hundreds of kilometers. It contains a minimum amount of pollen. Filled with ions of s alts and minerals, the air creates the effect of natural inhalation, having a healing effect on patients suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In summer, at elevated temperatures of water and air, under the influence of evaporation, a milky mist forms over the surface of the reservoir. It is clearly distinguishable even in the photo of the Dead Sea. This sheet is an excellent natural filter that significantly reduces harsh ultraviolet radiation, and makes tanning safe.

Unique pond mud

Silky deposits mined from the seabed have a powerful therapeutic effect. They can be called a mineral-microelement bomb. Such mud is a wonderful calming and anti-inflammatory agent that acts on a hormonal level.

During the thousands of years of existence of the reservoir, more than a hundred meters of alluvial sedimentary rocks have accumulated at its bottom. Such siltsubstance, as well as simpler mud, has no less healing properties than water, since mud is enriched with the same minerals and trace elements, biologically active substances, organic and inorganic compounds, micro and macro elements.

mud therapy
mud therapy

Mud therapy for the musculoskeletal system

In Israeli sanatoriums near the Dead Sea, mud baths and applications are successfully used for a very popular therapeutic area: traumatic and inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, as well as any diseases of the joints. Indications for mud treatment:

  • rheumatoid arthritis non-acute stage;
  • polyarthritis of infectious etiology;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • joint pain due to old injuries;
  • periarthritis (pathology of periarticular tissues);
  • arthrosis, joint inflammation;
  • fractured limbs.

Inflammation of the joints (arthritis), a common problem that occurs at any age. The disease is a direct indication of mud procedures, and this method is recognized as the most effective among all known. Many hotels in Israel near the Dead Sea are located near therapeutic centers and sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of joints.

SPA treatments at the Dead Sea resorts
SPA treatments at the Dead Sea resorts

Cosmetic effect of water

Beauty products with Dead Sea water, widely used for anti-aging treatments that slow downaging and wilting of the skin. The amount of elements and substances contained in this priceless water, including antioxidants, activates the body's defense mechanisms and tissue regeneration processes. The effect of funds based on the waters of the Dead Sea:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • healing scratches, abrasions, bruises;
  • water improves blood circulation, increases the supply of epidermal cells with oxygen and nutrients, which, by renewing the skin at the cellular level, makes it extremely soft, supple and tender;
  • cleanses pores, prevents collagen loss and activates collagen production.

Mud beauty treatments

Dead Sea tours are popular not only because of effective therapy. Mud procedures of this unique area produce an unsurpassed cosmetic effect. Soft and oily in structure, the mud is pleasantly applied to the skin and easily washed off. It perfectly disinfects the skin, cleanses it of dead scales, saturates it with useful trace elements, and has a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, the functional process of the epidermis is normalized, the water balance is restored, due to which a number of changes occur:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out, skin turgor and elasticity increase;
  • visible age-related changes slow down;
  • hair becomes shiny, and their roots become stronger, dandruff, itching, peeling disappear.

Due to the properties of low thermal conductivity, the mud layer is able to maintain a stable temperature for a long time, which contributes todeep heating of the skin layers and, therefore, the most effective penetration of useful elements into the cells of the epidermis. The special structure of the fine fraction enhances the positive cosmetic and therapeutic effect of the mud.

Dead Sea beaches
Dead Sea beaches

Hotels and resorts

Hotels on the Dead Sea in Israel and Jordan are represented mainly by the class of three, four and five stars. In addition, as in all resort regions of the world, there are resort hotels (Resort and Resort & Spa) on the shore of the reservoir, which have their own developed infrastructure for physiotherapy, SPA procedures with sea water, s alt and mud.

Also, not far from the most famous sanatoriums, there are hotel complexes, whose guests can undergo procedures in he alth facilities. The sanatoriums on the coast of the Dead Sea in Israel are leaders in the treatment of many diseases and provide an impeccable combination of effective treatment and a full-fledged comfortable rest. It successfully combines the natural and climatic conditions of the reservoir, the high level of professionalism of medical and related personnel, the latest physiotherapy equipment, he althy and tasty food, and many other conditions for a good rest.

When deciding on a he alth trip to the Dead Sea, it is necessary to decide on the place of treatment and the specialization of the sanatorium, which should correspond to the desired therapeutic direction. Below are a few of these sanitariums.

HotelsDead Sea
HotelsDead Sea

Elina Center

"Elina Center" - a sanatorium and he alth complex in the city of Or Akiva. Specialization:

  • complex rehabilitation therapy after fractures and craniocerebral injuries;
  • Restoration of joints, cartilage and connective tissue;
  • Restoration of some functions of the spine;
  • treatment of intestinal diseases;
  • treatment of venous diseases of the lower extremities;
  • methods and techniques of alternative medicine.

Patients will be offered a choice of two service packages: basic and full. The main package includes applications, massages and baths with Dead Sea mineral s alts, hydromassage and mud wraps.

Khamey Gaash

Clinic "Hemi Gaash" ("Hot Springs Gaash"). A unique institution created on the basis of thermal mineral springs, the healing properties of which are effectively used in the treatment of diseases of the circulatory and vascular systems, joint and spinal mobility disorders, and various diseases of the epidermis.

Dead Sea coast
Dead Sea coast

Hamey Tiberia

Heimie Tiberias He alth Complex relies on treatment with waters from seventeen mineral thermal springs, including hydrogen sulfide ones. The sanatorium offers its patients procedures of a special package of services "Pilot" with mineral, oxygen, mud baths, massage through deep silt deposits. Specialization:

  • Cosmetology;
  • post-traumatic rehabilitation;
  • neuralgic disorders.


Oneof the leading clinics, DMZ is a multidisciplinary medical center that stands out for the outstanding experience of its specialists, an outstanding technical base and many years of positive treatment results. Core Specialization:

  • dermatology;
  • endocrinology;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pulmonology;
  • pathology of the genitourinary organs;
  • neurology.


"Rachel" is a small cozy boarding house and a compact medical complex in the city of Arad. For maximum effect and long-term remission, when prescribing a wellness program, an individual approach of doctors is used for each patient. The main direction of the sanatorium:

  • musculoskeletal disorders;
  • psycho-neurological diseases;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia;
  • diseases of ENT and respiratory organs.

Water, mud, mineral springs, the climate of the Dead Sea - a blessed gift of nature. It offers the acquisition of strength, he alth and youth, makes you forget about chemicals and doctors. And while large pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies are looking for new chemical compounds that will defeat a number of diseases or restore faded youth, nature has done everything itself, creating such a phenomenon as a lake called the Dead Sea. People can only take what this unique reservoir presents them.
