Many service and sales systems have now shifted to the virtual realm. Today, for example, you can buy a train or air ticket to anywhere in the world in a few minutes without even leaving your home! The act of purchase will be confirmed by a mysterious itinerary receipt of an electronic ticket. What functions does it carry? Is it a substitute for a regular ticket? What does it say? We will discuss these and other questions in the article.
Itinerary receipt - what is it?
It's actually very simple. An itinerary receipt is a document that confirms your purchase of an electronic ticket. It is by no means a substitute for a regular ticket! However, this is a valuable reminder for the passenger: it contains data about him, the departure time of the route, the name of the flight, baggage, additional services included, and so on.

Usually, after you have gone through the procedure of paying for the ticket, the railway or airline sends it to the postal address you previously specified - the itinerary receipt of the electronic ticket. In the English version, the name of the document will sound like itinerary receipt. Such an option as an itinerary-receipt is also allowed.
Main information in the document
Depending on the company where you made the purchase, the information in the document will be different, as well as its design. However, it invariably includes the following:
- F. Acting passenger.
- Information about the last payment.
- Comprehensive flight information.
- Additional service details.
- Some important rules of flight, travel.
What is it for
"What to do with the itinerary receipt?" - that's an important question. It is not necessary to have it with you upon arrival at the station / airport. Registration for the flight is carried out according to the passport, "foreigner" and other documents. But its value is not only in guiding you along the route. Let's look at cases where the usefulness of this document is difficult to overestimate:
- If the security in the waiting room is too strict, you can confirm with a document that you are in the room for a reason, but are waiting for your flight.
- It is often the itinerary receipt that is the basis for obtaining a visa. If you present such a document on your return flight, then confirm that you are not going to stay in another country for a long time, which can greatly facilitate the procedure.
- The document is also important when submitting reporting documents to the accounting department at your place of work in case of a business trip. You need to fill out a standard report form for it, do not forget to attach a boarding pass, and then calmly wait for payments. However, if the itinerary receipt is in a foreign language, then it will also be requiredher translation certified by a notary.

If for some reason you have lost this document, it does not matter - you can print as many copies as you like from the letter from the airline. For check-in and boarding, we note once again that it is not required - a boarding pass is issued to the passenger using his passport.
What she looks like
When you print the itinerary receipt (standardly it fits on an A4 sheet), you will see a document in front of you with the following columns and sections:
- Your ticket number.
- Number and possibly date of booking.
- Data about you: full name, date of birth, passport number, citizenship, etc.
- Flight number, seats, baggage details, additional services.
- Date, departure time, city, name of departure airport.
- Time and date of arrival, city, name of arrival airport.
- Confirmation of successful payment.

If you booked a certain seat in the cabin for an additional fee, paid for baggage, additional hand luggage, animals, all these data must also be reflected in the itinerary receipt of the ticket.
Tax, fare and fees
The itinerary-receipt is an understandable and fairly easy-to-understand document, especially if it is written in Russian. However, there is still a section in it that raises questions from passengers - this is ticket payment. So, for example, you deposited one amount, and in, say, a routeAeroflot's receipts contain completely different figures. What's the matter?
Let's look at what amounts can be shown here and what they mean:
- Fare - the full cost of the ticket should be written here. It is on the basis of it that you will be charged fines, fees for exchange or return, if such a possibility exists.
- Tax - this column contains taxes and fees collected by airlines from passengers. The most popular is the fuel surcharge. Note that only some of them you can get back in case of a ticket refund. Most of them are fixed amounts, which, alas, cannot be returned if plans are cancelled.
- Fees - this includes fees for various additional services: insurance, large luggage, seat selection, etc.

What if it's a mistake?
So, imagine the situation. The passenger filled in all the data of the online form, paid for the railway or air ticket. He receives an itinerary-receipt by e-mail, upon acquaintance with which he notices with annoyance that somewhere he nevertheless managed to make a mistake - in the last name, first name, document number. What to do?
If the ticket was bought for a domestic, Russian flight, then there will be fewer problems. With the wrong last name, you will still be issued a boarding pass. But still it is worth consulting about this with the company itself. But if the flight is international, then due to discrepancies in the data, you may well not be allowed to fly.
In both cases, we recommend that you do not panic and contactairline specialists who will help solve the problem.

So, we found out that the itinerary receipt is not an air ticket or a boarding pass. With one of them you will not be put on a plane or train - you must present the required documents. However, the itinerary receipt is not only a useful memo, but also a multifunctional document that can even help in obtaining a visa.