Moneron (island): history and water resources

Moneron (island): history and water resources
Moneron (island): history and water resources

In our quest to travel the world, we often forget how beautiful our own country is. Among the sights of Russia that everyone should visit, Moneron stands out - an island called the real pearl of the Far East. The amazing beauty of this place attracts many tourists, but due to its location in the border zone, only a small number of people can fulfill their desire to visit it.

General information about the island

Moneron is an island located at a distance of about 40 km from the south-west of Sakhalin. The uniqueness of this place is in a rare combination of beautiful mountains, green meadows and rocky gorges. Bizarre rocks, large stone pillars, mysterious grottoes - every corner of this amazing place emphasizes its charm. The sea water here is so clear that you can easily observe the life of the underwater kingdom.

This small island, with a total length of 30 square meters. km, is a plateau. The highest point is Mount Staritsky, whichrises above sea level at 439 m.

History of occurrence

Moneron Island arose on the site of a volcano that died out relatively recently - two million years ago. This theory is supported by forever frozen lava tongues, from which bizarre bays were formed. In some cases, they are bordered by outcrops of columnar bas alt.

moneron island
moneron island

In addition, on the shore of the island, which consists of pebbles, you will come across small pieces of jasper and agate. It is believed that they were left from volcanic rocks that were destroyed earlier. In some places you can find small pillar-shaped rocks sticking out of the water - kekurs.

Due to its unique features, Moneron Island is included in the list of the Seven Wonders of Sakhalin. For local residents, it seems to be a mysterious corner of the earth, only occasionally appearing from the sea fog. Many mysteries and legends are associated with Moneron.

History of the island

Moneron is an island that has existed in its current form for no more than 2 million years, which is considered relatively young. It was first mentioned in the 17th century, when the Japanese samurai Murakami Hironori marked it on his map. It was compiled by him personally and is considered the oldest map of Sakhalin. This document is also known as the "Shoho Era Country Map", dated 1644.

As for the locals, they knew about the existence of the island much earlier, but did not record it in any documents and used the island only as a place to stop on the road. This is evidenced by the ancient remainshuman sites that are found on the island. These are primitive pottery, pieces of harpoons and arrows, bones of various fish and animals, as well as an anchor, which, undoubtedly, was brought from another place. Despite such evidence of human presence on the island, no traces of dwellings have been found. This indicates that the island was never inhabited.

In the 18th century, the island was discovered by French navigators, who put it on the nautical maps of Europe. The discovery belongs to the famous French navigator Jean-Francois de La Perouse, who, while traveling around the world, explored, among other things, the Sea of Japan. That is why Moneron is an island with a French name, which received it in honor of the engineer officer who participated in this expedition.

moneron island
moneron island

Engineer Paul Moneron attempted to make a rough map of the island that bears his name. But for the first time a detailed map of the area appeared only many years later. In 1867, Russian hydrographers marked Moneron on the map of the Russian Empire. The expedition was led by Lieutenant K. S. Staritsky. The highest peak of the island, Mount Starytsky, was named in his honor.

Moneron's political changes

Moneron Island, whose history is not so rich in events, belonged to the Russian Empire for a short time. After the country was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War, it passed to the winner and was named Kaibato. Moneron was part of Japan until 1945, until after the end of the Secondworld war there were no significant changes in the political geography of the world.

However, it was during this period that the island finally became inhabited - the Japanese built a fishing village in which about 2,000 people lived, and also provided infrastructure. So there were roads, a pier, a lighthouse, a weather station and even a telephone line. Rice fields with an irrigation system, orchards were also founded by the Japanese, who conducted the first archaeological and geological studies of the area.

After Moneron again became part of the Sakhalin region of the USSR, several Soviet fishing villages were replaced by a Japanese fishing village. However, over time, living here was considered unprofitable, and it was decided to assign the status of a border zone to the area, strictly limiting visits.

In the late 1970s, Moneron Island (Sakhalin) was visited by hydrobiologists who laid the foundation for the first natural marine park in Russia.

Island Nature Park

For all the time of its existence, the island has no land connection with its closest neighbors - Japan and Sakhalin. It is thanks to this isolation that the amazing nature of Moneron has been preserved in its original form.

moneron island climate
moneron island climate

The most important we alth of this place is its vegetation and marine life. The level of water transparency reaches 30-40 m, and the beneficial effect of the Tsushima current, which contributes to an increase in the temperature of coastal waters up to 20 ° C, creates unique underwater landscapes. This explains the existence ofthe rarest representatives of marine fauna.

Such unique features gave rise to the creation of a natural park on the island.

Tourism organization is under the authority of OBU "Natural Park" "Moneron Island". Here you will be offered boat trips, underwater tourism, fishing for amateurs, exciting and exotic excursions around the island and much more. Existing since 1995, the natural park (Moneron Island) has won many loyal fans who come here every year to enjoy the amazing beauty of the place.

Nature Park Entertainment

Here is highly developed hiking, which is divided into two types. The first of them is along the coast, and the second is circular - tourism on a scientifically based network. All routes are available even in the absence of a certain physical form. All you need to do is wear the right clothes, as the local weather is unpredictable.

However, if you prefer extreme relaxation, a route will be selected for you that requires certain mountaineering skills.

A mandatory element of this tourism is a visit to the footbridge, which was built by the Japanese during the period of ownership of the island. Its length is 30 m, width - 1.5. The bridge crosses the deepest gorge and is the only one in the Sakhalin region designed exclusively for walking.

Most Popular Routes

"On the west coast" - a route that originates in the bay of Kologeras. You will walk very close to the picturesque rock of the Path of Death,which is a geological monument of nature. On the rocks you will see a bird market, as well as sea lion rookeries.

Another route called "Telephone Operator's House" starts on an old Japanese rock and also leads to Kologeras. Your path will lie across the beach along the coastline where the Japanese village once stood. You will also pass the Thumb Rock.

Moneron Island in the Tatar Strait
Moneron Island in the Tatar Strait

Park (Moneron Island) offers you swimming with fins and snorkels. You can do this near the northern cape, which is located in Chuprov Bay. You can catch sea urchins this way, which you can eat later.

In the same place, on the Japanese trail, the third route - "Lighthouse" originates. It goes along the ravines that cross the coastal slope of the cliff, and ends with a steep descent, from which, from a height of 20 m, you have to go down on a rope. Your path will pass through another picturesque bridge built by the Japanese, which has the poetic name "Bridge to Nowhere". Then you will climb the lighthouse, near which there is a well with the purest water, rich in minerals. The route will end near the bay of Izo, located opposite the Eastern Islands. Here you are invited to relax with swimming in the purest emerald water.

As for the circular route, it originates in the "bucket", where it ends. This is the name of Chuprov Bay, which goes through the highest point of Mount Staritsky. Along the entire length of the route there are about nine information and viewpoints. This route is notable for its extraordinary natural landscapes. At the highestpoint of the mountain you will be able to see a stunning circular panorama of the ocean. The overview will be approximately 50 km. The entire route will take an average of 6 to 8 hours.

Exotic lovers can take a boat trip towards the grotto with colorful walls. Through the crystal transparency of sea water, you can enjoy a whole bouquet of bottom colors.

Moneron Island in the Tatar Strait offers entertainment for lovers of outdoor activities. They will be able to rent water transport, driving which they have the opportunity to independently plan their route.

Moneron (island): water resources

Despite the fact that Moneron is an island, it has no shortage of fresh water. The largest watercourses are the Usova River, 2.5 km long, and the Moneron River, which stretches for 1.5 km. The first one flows towards the north, the other towards the south.

The excess of fresh water is due to the fact that in addition to these large rivers, many small streams flow along the banks, which are V-shaped. The mouths of the streams are narrow and hanging, and the channels have very steep rapids slopes. The freezing period here begins in December and lasts until early April. There are also many waterfalls on the island.

Flora of the island

The number of rare and endangered plant species on the island reaches 37. At the same time, 9 of them are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. 26 species are in the Red Book of the Sakhalin Region, and another 32 are recommended for protection throughout the entire Far East.

Most of the forests were cut down by the Japanese during their reign on the island, and the Soviet authoritiescontinued this work. Thus, many valuable species of trees have disappeared, and the forest cover is only 20%. Despite this, the plant world of Moneron has certain features. So, on the island, its oldest tree, the Ayan spruce, has been preserved.

Island fauna

The most important feature of Moneron is an unusually rich underwater world. This place is the only one in the country where haliotis is found. The Tsushima Current, on the path of which this island lies, provides water temperatures up to 20 ° C, and the amazing transparency of the water allows you to see the smallest inhabitants of the seabed. One of the areas of underwater tourism is shooting. By visiting the island of Moneron, you will make photos simply magnificent. They will become the most unusual in your collection. Sea urchins and stars, trepangs, giant mussels, scallops and a variety of fish species provide breathtaking underwater viewing. And the riot of colors of algae, which form an abstract pattern, will fascinate every tourist.

moneron island history
moneron island history

Such a we alth of the underwater kingdom provides an opportunity for everyone to go fishing. The main objects of fishing are flounder, perch and ruff.

The fact that the island rarely becomes an object of visitation contributes to the fact that the marine fauna is represented here in large numbers. This enables fishermen to get a good catch at any time they are here. In addition, the local inhabitants of the underwater world are not afraid of humans and boldly swim up to the very shore, which makes it possible to observe them well. it's the samecontributes to a rich bite and good shooting.

Moneron (island): climate

Despite the fact that this corner is located on the same parallel with the Krasnodar resorts, the climate here is completely different from them. Strong winds blow here almost all year round. They are especially strong in winter and summer. However, thanks to the Tsushima current, the water here does not freeze all year round. Also, the island is characterized by good moisture.

The warmest month is August, although the summer is generally quite overcast. At the same time, the winter period is characterized by moderate softness. Severe frosts are rare on the island. Snow cover forms in December but reaches its maximum thickness in March.

Secrets of the island

The inaccessibility of this place gives rise to many different legends about the island. And the presence of mysterious places makes you come up with truly fantastic explanations.

One of the main secrets of the island of Moneron is a few unmarked graves. They are in the forest, instead of earthen mounds, there are hills of stones on them. The most remarkable thing is that primitive monuments with a red star are installed on the graves. It still remains a mystery who lies in these graves, what caused the death, and most importantly, who and why buried them here, given the uninhabited island.

Another secret of the island is a liner that disappeared off its coast. On September 1, 1983, a liner with passengers, the number of which was at least 300, fell into the water not far from the island.found nothing. There are not the slightest traces of the aircraft, and not a single body of the dead. Where the crashing plane disappeared to and what actually fell into the water near the island remains an unsolved mystery.

how to get to moneron island
how to get to moneron island

There are also many legends associated with the construction of a fishing village on the island during Japanese rule. The creation of powerful and complex structures on an island that is unsuitable for life seems strange. This gave rise to many rumors about the secret purpose of Moneron. Among them:

  • legends about small Japanese boats hidden in underground grottoes;
  • about the existence of a school here that trains combat swimmers - saboteurs;
  • about the creation of a leper colony on the island, isolating patients with leprosy.

None of these legends have been refuted by either the Japanese side or the Russian side. Such silence contributed to the consolidation of the fame of a mysterious and mysterious place for Moneron.

How to get to the island

This place is located in the border zone of Russia. That is why it is important to know how to get there. Moneron Island is not accessible to everyone, as it is under the direct protection of the FSB. To visit this place, you need to obtain official permission from the border services, which in itself is quite difficult. But even with the appropriate document, stay on the island is strictly regulated and does not exceed two days.

oboo natural park moneron island
oboo natural park moneron island

However, despite all the difficulties that Moneron Island creates for visiting,rest here will be one of the best memories for every visitor. The amazing nature of this place, as well as the beauty of the underwater world, will impress any tourist.
