Districts of Sochi are numerous, but there are only four large ones. To put it more competently, there are only 4 of them, but the rest are part of them as microdistricts. Well, it is worth talking in more detail about each of them. This will be useful to know, especially if you are planning an ambulance trip to this beautiful city.

Large neighborhoods
There are such neighborhoods in this city that they can be safely mistaken for full-fledged large areas. These include Donskaya Street, Makarenko, Mamaika and New Sochi. It is worth talking about them in more detail.
Donskaya, for example, is one of the busiest and busiest in the city. It is here that a lot of shops are located, the Sochi Meat Plant is also located there. Donskaya Street is also considered one of the oldest neighborhoods in all of Sochi. However, not the most comfortable, because there is a very busy traffic here.
A few words should be said about such an area as Mamaika. There is a boarding school in which children who are lagging behind in development study and are brought up. But Makarenko is the calmest microdistrict. It is ideal for a peaceful holiday as all attractionsand noisy tourist places are far from it.

Adler is a legend of Sochi
Speaking about the districts of Sochi, it is impossible not to say anything about Adler. It is rightly the most interesting, expensive and visited. By the way, there are still disputes about whether it can be called a separate city. But no, in fact it is part of the city of Sochi. The Adler district is notable for the fact that it was here that the Olympics, Formula 1 and other large-scale competitions, festivals, events, etc. were held. In addition, it is in the Adler region (a little higher than it) that the famous ski resort with the beautiful name "Krasnaya Polyana" is located.
Also in Adler there is a resort town - a place where a huge number of hotel complexes, guest houses and hotels are concentrated. The Nizhneimetinskaya Bay is also located here - the Olympic Village was erected next to it. The Adler district of Sochi is the most popular, it has everything you need for a good rest. Entertainment, various nightlife, Sochi Park, beaches - this and much more attracts the attention of numerous tourists.

Peace and tranquility
Many areas of Sochi are noisy and lively, but there are also those that are considered an ideal place for solitude and tranquility. These include Lazarevsky. Not as many people live here as in Adler or in the center, and a large number of small villages are dispersed here. Dagomys is also located here - a microdistrict named inhonor of the river that flows into the Black Sea. Today, this village is considered a resort, but few people know that it was originally created for peasants who served the dachas of we althy landowners.
Another village in the Lazarevsky district is called Loo. One of the most comfortable and secluded corners of Sochi. Based on this specificity, a comic interpretation of the name of the village appeared: Loo - I Love to Rest Alone. Indeed, single travelers, tired of city noise and routine, are often found here. The rest are going to Adler.
For those who want to improve their he alth
So, Sochi districts are noisy, quiet and… healing. These include Matsesta. From the Adyghe language, this name is translated as "fiery water". What kind of place is it? Hydrogen sulfide waters flow here, which brought fame to the resort. People from all over the world come here to improve their he alth. The truly unique healing properties of Matsesta waters and mud work wonders. Since 1902, Matsesta has become famous and still continues to receive tourists from different cities and countries.
By the way, Matsesta is closer to the Adler district - that's another reason why it is so popular.

Khostinsky district
Khosta is also included in Sochi districts. It is also called Khostinsky. He was christened so in honor of the river that flowed nearby. From the Adyghe, again, Khosta is translated as "clean water". How is this area different from the rest? Stunning landscapes, high mountains, close to the sea, and comfortableair temperature. It is for this reason that people actively settled here several centuries ago. Some were stopped only by malaria. However, today this is not a problem - it simply does not exist here, it has disappeared.
By the way, Khosta was originally supposed to be an industrial center. Factories for the production of artificial ice and bricks began to appear, a sea station and a railway station were built. But then, in the middle of the last century, the tourism industry began to actively develop - several hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums were built, which are still standing today.

Center - for business and activities
Well, the city of Sochi, the areas of which were discussed above, is very diverse and multifaceted. A well-developed metropolis with many hotels, boarding houses, large companies - everything you need for a full life, work, recreation and self-development is here. Finally, I would like to say about the most important thing that concerns Sochi. The central region - we will talk about it.
What can you say about him? Numerous shopping centers, companies, firms, banks, entertainment venues, restaurants, bars, business centers, hotel complexes … Everything is here to work productively. So the majority of the city's residents, even if they live in Adler or Lazarevsky, are employed here. But all areas of Sochi have a well-developed transport infrastructure, so there are no problems with moving here.