Planning to go on holiday abroad? Calculate the most interesting and at the same time sparing your wallet options? There are no questions that cannot be answered: an inexpensive vacation abroad is organized without problems, the main thing is to know where to look. There are two important things to keep in mind when planning your vacation:
- Profitability. Remember, there are things you shouldn't skimp on.
- Plan your time around your expectations.
Keeping the balance between these two points will make even the most inexpensive holiday abroad unforgettable. However, first things first.
Last-minute tours - our choice?
If you have already decided to plan a vacation abroad, the prices for which will not destroy all your stocks, then obviously you should not rush. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of tour operators. Sometimes offers even in one direction can differ in price and quality of rest, like heaven and earth. A good ticket can be purchased after the holidays, when demand is not so active. With due luck, you will be able to take a ticket to the desired place forvery nice price.
Main destinations
The absolute leader in popularity among Russians is Turkey. The second place in the ranking is occupied by Egypt, followed by Bulgaria. The agencies offer a huge variety of budget tours, the price of which directly depends on the number of people who will go on vacation. This is due to the fact that a large number of charter flights increases competition on the line, causing the price of flights to drop rapidly.
However, you should not focus your attention only on the most popular tours, perhaps some exotic is more suitable for you personally. Let's take a closer look at the most interesting tourism destinations.
United Arab Emirates
Travel from $433. The United Arab Emirates is famous for its beaches. In winter, the air temperature here drops to 26 degrees, and the water remains pleasantly cool - 24 degrees Celsius. Those who do not like swimming may well be interested in elite boutiques where you can buy everything your heart desires. Holidays abroad are good because you can buy really worthwhile things in a company store, while you will not be charged exorbitant prices.

Travel price from $470. The best time to visit Cuba is in December. Closer to summer, due to high humidity, it becomes too hot and stuffy for a European. The nature of Cuba is striking in the diversity and grandeur of its riches. High mountains, powerful rivers, clean lakes, healing thermal springs togetherwith a mild climate and beautiful sandy beaches, this small country is very attractive for those who are looking for an inexpensive vacation abroad.

Travel from $325. How to ignore this ancient country when discussing an inexpensive beach holiday abroad? Rich cultural traditions, great historical heritage, warm sea and beautiful beaches - Egypt is able to satisfy anyone, even the most demanding traveler. The climate of the country allows you to relax there all year round, but the peak of the season falls on winter: at the end of December, Europeans come here to celebrate Christmas, and then Russian tourists go for a walk on the New Year.
The government is well aware of the importance of tourism for the country, therefore it tirelessly develops infrastructure and does everything to keep Egypt in the position of an ideal place for those who want to go on vacation inexpensively.

Travel price: from 600 dollars. Today, this Asian country is one of the most popular exotic destinations. Thailand is famous for its shopping: local prices make it a paradise for shopaholics. Those for whom purchases are not so important will be pleased with a rich excursion program and a quality beach holiday. In Thailand, there are a lot of different nature reserves of various kinds: here you can find majestic palaces, ancient temples, and slender pagodas.
Hotels here are relatively inexpensive and offer a good level of service, while it costsnote that, as a rule, they do not have large territories.
Depending on the time of year, the cost of a tour can vary significantly. But during the rainy season, it is possible to buy a tour with a discount of up to 50%, which makes Thailand a great place for those who want to go on a cheap summer holiday abroad.

Travel from $380. Those who do not like holidays in hot countries should definitely pay attention to Finland. This northern country is famous for its nature, thousands of clean rivers and lakes make it extremely attractive for lovers of water tourism and fishing. The cool climate will appeal to sea lovers who cannot stand the heat. In addition to swimming and hunting, Finland offers great opportunities for winter sports.

Travel price from $500. Family holidays inexpensively abroad can be found in Croatia. The pebbly, concrete and sandy beaches of this country are not yet as densely packed with tourists as in other popular destinations. Croatia is washed by the almost transparent Adriatic Sea - at one time Jacques Yves Cousteau himself admired its purity. Great news for those who do not do well with English: Croatia is a Slavic country, and its language has a lot in common with Russian, so you should not worry too much about mutual understanding.
The country is known for its Plitvice Lakes and numerous resorts. You will find excellent service, good conditions foraccommodation, as well as get to know a very interesting national cuisine.

Planning a vacation on our own
It's no secret that travel agencies also want to eat. They earn their money from extra charges for tours. The logical conclusion: if you want to seriously save money, plan your vacation yourself. If you approach the matter competently, then you can cheaply, and most importantly, have a good rest, and all you need to do is follow simple rules:
- First of all, make a brief overview of the country where you are going to go. If you have friends or acquaintances who have been there, then talk to them, ask about the specifics of the destination country.
- It is imperative to find out what you can bring into the country. It sounds strange, but sometimes import bans just seem unreasonable, for example, in Singapore it is strictly forbidden to import regular gum.
- Outside the group without knowing the language, it will be difficult for you. It is wise to travel only if you are fluent in at least English. If you have no desire to study the phrase book, but you want to go, then sign up for excursions with a Russian-speaking guide or go with friends.
- See your doctor to make sure you have all the necessary vaccinations. In exotic countries, to secure, say, your holiday abroad in May, you need to be protected from malaria and other specific diseases.
- Plan your itinerary ahead of time. Rational logistics will not only significantly save your money, but also allowmake your vacation unforgettable.
- Remember that booking early will save you a lot of money. Find out in advance how and on what you can get to the hotel or inn where you are going to stay for the night.
- Plan your budget in advance. Find out in which currency it is better to take cash travel money, and also find out which plastic international cards can be used to pay in the country of destination. Give preference to cashless payments - it is safer, and carrying pockets full of cash is not very convenient. Note: The last rule only applies to civilized countries.
- Last in number, but not least - visa processing. Take care of documents in advance. When buying a ticket at an agency, you immediately pay the cost of paperwork, in the case of an independent voyage, you need to be patient and heroically stand in all queues in order to collect the necessary information.
How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers: an overview of tricks
It happens that when trying to plan the most inexpensive vacation abroad, people become victims of scammers. In order to avoid an unpleasant experience, you should remember a simple rule: nothing is sold cheaper in this world. In order to protect ourselves as much as possible, let's look at the most common traps for naive tourists:
- Luxury stay at an ultra low cost. Only in the proverb, free cheese in a mousetrap looks ridiculous and ridiculous. In fact, the myth of a two hundred dollar luxury week-long vacation "olinclusive" in a five-star hotel is very tenacious. And no one cares that only the cost of a flight to the same Turkey is $ 300. Remember, if you are offered a ticket at an ultra-low price, then this is another reason to inquire about your tour operator, otherwise a vacation in the summer for border may well turn into a dull drag in the courts.
- Super stocks. These are sentences like: "Pay 40%, and the rest will be covered by a charitable foundation." There are cases when several hundred tourists fell into such a trap at a time. An interesting fact: for some reason, none of the victims thought about why some charity fund would pay for someone else's vacation.
- Lucky. This is one of the most common tourist scams. Just imagine - it was you who was chosen by a computer from a couple of hundred applicants. The tour operator offers you an unprecedented 70% discount on a voyage anywhere! It sounds attractive, but in fact this luck too often turns out to be a cynical deception. The scheme is simple: promoters survey people in crowded places. The company then calls the phone left by the person and, under any pretext, makes him a “super offer.”

How not to become a victim of scammers: checking the tour operator
So, we have considered the main tricks of scammers, but how to protect yourself from them, you ask. First of all, remember: it is pointless to evaluate the beauty and high cost of the office, it may well be rented for a week. First of all, evaluate the site of the tour operator. Serious firms have websites made forpeople: they abound with all sorts of convenient features, information about tours is constantly updated, and the site itself is regularly maintained and filled. Fraudsters, on the other hand, often order simple business card sites, which, apart from a catchy offer on the main page in the style of “Half-price summer holidays abroad”, contain almost nothing.
In addition to the site, you can also evaluate the reputation of the company by asking about the reviews of tourists. Look for mentions of the tour operator you are interested in in the news feeds. As a rule, fraudulent firms simply do not have time to earn at least some reputation.
The third indirect method to assess the seriousness of a tour operator is its advertising campaigns. Look for advertising on large sites: often scammers have neither the money nor the desire to build an effective advertising campaign for themselves.