Dragon Mountains… Have you ever heard of this unusual place? To be honest, many people think that this is not the name of a real geographical object, but landscape elements in some fantastic book, for example, in The Lord of the Rings or the works of S. Lukyanenko.
Section 1. Dragon Mountains. Description

This is an unusual name for a thousand-kilometer mountain range in southern Africa. The Dragon Mountains, or as they are also called, Drakensberg, are located in the province under the complex name of KwaZulu Natal.
Some of the peaks in this mountain range exceed 3300m.
The nature of South Africa is amazingly beautiful. In winter, the mountains covered with snow look a little ascetic. It's hard to imagine that all this is just a two-hour drive from the ever-warm Indian Ocean!
Many vacationers at first often catch themselves thinking about whether they really are in Africa and whether their fate has thrown them somewhere into a magical city from old childhood dreams. Trout is found in transparent mountain lakes, the rocks are decorated with drawings of Bushmen, on the horizonwhite caps of high mountain peaks and a stone's throw to the mighty ocean.
Section 2. Dragon Mountains. Local Attractions

Very often, tourists come here just to admire the very peculiar rock art, once made by representatives of the San tribe. Unpretentious pictures depict, as one would expect, hunting, battles with enemies and domestic life.
Today, approximately 40,000 pieces of Bushman art can be seen in Drakensberg. Nowhere else in the world does such a large collection exist. Scientists find it difficult to determine the age of many images. Why? Mainly because of the quality and location of their application. But, according to anthropologists, the first civilization of the Bushmen of this region was born, according to very conservative estimates, already more than 40 thousand years ago (sometimes the figure of 100 thousand years is also voiced!).
Another of the most popular attractions is the Tugela Falls, located in the Royal Natal National Park. This is a whole complex of five springs that create a truly magnificent spectacle, transforming into the second highest waterfall on the planet. With a deafening roar, the water falls from a height of 947 m. In some especially cold winters, the waterfall freezes, turning the jets into dazzling ice columns.
Worth, of course, to visit the so-called "amphitheater", once formed by a crescent-shaped mountain wall. The length of this natural structure is about 5 km, and the height is 500 m.
Section 3. Dragon Mountains. Tips and tricks for travelers

According to numerous tourists, the most convenient way to get here is by bus as part of a tourist group or by your own car. Those who want to explore the northern part are best to start their journey from Pretoria, and to the south - the nearest road leaves from Durban.
It is best to travel from November to March, because It is at this time that a comfortable and favorable air temperature is maintained here. The probability of precipitation is minimal, and the mountains are able to give their most distinct colors. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the winter months it can become cold here, literally in one day.
Horseback riding lessons are usually offered during free time, and everyone can also go on an exciting horse safari.
Hiking will appeal to those who prefer to get to know the local flora and fauna, take wonderful pictures and admire the surrounding landscapes. The most common pastime is watching the behavior and life of mountain birds, as well as fishing in local reservoirs and lakes.
Thrill-seekers can book a seat in a helicopter to go on an exciting aerial ride in the mountains.
Those who are tired of outdoor activities are recommended to visit the colorful souvenir markets or play golf measuredly.