The Mediterranean has always attracted people. This is a region with a favorable climate, rich flora and fauna. It covers the coast of the countries of two continents - Eurasia and Africa, archipelagos and a large number of islands. Among the latter, it is worth highlighting Cyprus, located in the eastern part of the region and having an area of just over 9 thousand square kilometers. It is he who is most attractive for tourist trips. When planning a trip, you should first take care of the weather for the period of the trip.
General information about the geographical position and climatic features of the island
The island was formed as a result of volcanic activity in this region. Therefore, the main part of it is mountains.

Almost the entire northern coast is represented by an extended mountain range, the highest point in the west is Mount Akromanda, which towers oversea level at 1023 m. In the southwest, there is a mountain range with Mount Olymbos, two thousand meters high. Ranges and massifs are cut by longitudinal river valleys and separated by a fertile plain.

Formally, the climate of Cyprus is defined as tropical Mediterranean. But in reality this is not so. It is closer to that which is typical for New Zealand, but in no way to what reigns, for example, on the islands of M alta or Rhodes, the Apennine or Balkan Peninsula.

The climate of Cyprus has a clear division into seasons. The summer period lasts from May to October. It is characterized by high temperatures and low rainfall. Dense fogs often fall on the south coast at night and in the morning. Winter, as a rule, is mild and short, it has a slightly more pronounced character in the climate of Northern Cyprus. Autumn and spring are swift.
Temperature regime by month
A traveler planning a trip to Cyprus first of all keeps track of all the nuances of the weather in order to plan his route and vacation with them in mind. Therefore, we will study all the subtleties of the climate of Cyprus:
- air temperature for the whole island and for individual resort towns;
- water temperature at popular beaches;
- rainfall type and intensity.

Let's start from the first point. The following table reflects the temperature regime by months.
Name of the month | Day air temperature, in °С | Air temperaturenight, in °С |
January | +12…+16 | +6…+8 |
February | +18…+19 | +8…+12 |
march | +18…+22 | +10…+14 |
April | +22…+25 | +14…+16 |
May | +24…+27 | +18…+21 |
June | +28…+31 | +21…+24 |
July | +31…+35 | +24…+27 |
August | +31…+35 | +25…+28 |
September | +29…+32 | +24…+27 |
October | +25…+27 | +21…+23 |
November | +21…+23 | +13…+15 |
December | +16…+18 | +5…+7 |
Thus, it is conditionally possible to distinguish the high season from the end of May to the beginning of October, the low season from November to February and the intermediate season, which includes March, April and partly October. The last period is quite comfortable, but not suitable for swimming. The opportunity to splash in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea will be considered further.
Cyprus climate: monthly water temperature
The most comfortable for swimming is the period from June to September. Water at this time warms up to +24 … +27 degrees Celsius. May and October are relatively suitable, since the year can vary considerably from year to year. On average, these months are characterized by water temperatures from +20…+23 °С. In the low season, this indicator of the Cyprus climate usually ranges from +10 to +19 ° С.
Precipitation:number and localization of the main masses
Because the island is characterized by a heterogeneous geography, plains and valleys alternate with mountain ranges, the types and rainfall are quite diverse. So, snow falls on peaks approaching a thousand meters and above, and rains irrigate lowlands.

The snow layer on the southwestern slopes of the ridge can reach 0.5-1.5 m, on the northern and eastern slopes - up to 30 cm. According to statistical reports over the past three decades, its volume has been steadily declining. This type of precipitation is extremely rare in the lowlands.
From the end of October to May, quite heavy rains fall 2-3 times on the territory of the island, while thunderstorms are rare. Hail is possible between December and April.
In the summer, there is practically no precipitation, which leads to a low average annual rate: 480 mm. The period is accompanied by high air temperatures and low humidity.
Features of individual resorts
In order not to make a mistake in choosing a particular resort, you should study the situation in Cyprus with the climate by city. If the trip is planned for the intermediate season, then it is better to select tour offers for the resorts of the northeast coast. It is there that the temperature of air and water will last within the maximum limits within the period.

Cyprus climate for the most popular resorts can be represented as follows.
Name of the city - resort | Air temperature byseasons, in °С | |||
December to February | March to May | June to August | September to November | |
Paphos | +15…+18 | +18…+24 | +28…+32 | +22…+30 |
Protaras | +16…+18 | +18…+25 | +30…+34 | +22…+32 |
Ayia Napa | +16…+18 | +18…+26 | +30…+33 | +22…+31 |
Larnaca | +15…+17 | +19…+26 | +31…+35 | +23…+32 |
Limassol | +15…+17 | +18…+25 | +30…+33 | +22…+31 |
Thus, you can choose the region that best meets your expectations. But often travelers come to Cyprus not only to swim, sunbathe, see the sights and enjoy the Mediterranean landscapes. Surprisingly, there is a ski season on the island. It is very short: only from the beginning of January until March.

The center of such pleasure at this time becomes Mount Olymbos (Olympos) as part of the Troodos ridge. It is equipped with several tracks named after the gods of Olympus. There is a division into professional and those designed for beginners and amateurs. The weather in winter is unpredictable, an emergency warming is likely. In this case, all the plans of the skiers go to waste.
Cyprus is an amazing island. Regardless of the time of year, it will always provide travelers with plenty of opportunities.