Rafting on the rivers of the Urals. mountain rivers

Rafting on the rivers of the Urals. mountain rivers
Rafting on the rivers of the Urals. mountain rivers

Rafting is one of the tourist types of recreation. Such a trip makes it possible to evaluate one's own strengths, to gain new experience. The most common routes are rafting on the rivers of the Urals.

Rivers of the Ural mountain system

The Ural mountain system is the guardian of river sources. Mountain rivers originate in the Ural Range, then they flow down the western and eastern slopes of the mountain system. The major rivers of the Ural mountain system are: Kama, Ural, Yuryuzan, Chusovaya, Belaya, Ufa, Ai, Vishera, Tobol, Tura, Sosva, Miass, Pelym, Iset, Pyshma, Lozva, Ui, Tagil.

A large number of rivers and their diversity have made water tourism the most popular type of outdoor activity in the Urals. It is also important that the range of difficulty categories is very large - from 1 to 5 categories of difficulty. Therefore, rafting on the rivers of the Urals is available to anyone.

rafting on the rivers of the Urals
rafting on the rivers of the Urals

Ural River

The Ural River is the third longest after the Volga and Danube, flows through the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan. Until 1775, the river was called Yaik, which means “overflowing river” in Turkic.

Once the Ural was a large river, and navigation was developed. Recently, the water artery has become smaller. But while there isthe opportunity to conduct tourist rafting on the rivers of the Urals.

The source of the Urals is located in Bashkiria on the Ur altau ridge and represents springs gushing from the foot of the mountain. The mouth of the river belongs to the Caspian basin. The course of the Ural River is quite winding and forms a large number of loops. There are many settlements along the coast. You can organize rafting on the Ural River, Orenburg within the city - the city is suitable for such an event.

rafting on the rivers of the Urals
rafting on the rivers of the Urals

Rivers of the Polar Urals

In this part of the Urals, the surface of the mountain system is indented by numerous rivers and temporary streams. These water systems replenish river systems such as the Pechora and Ob.

The mountain rivers of this region are very swift, the current is rough, with a large number of rapids. Sometimes rivers flow into gorges. Rivers, the valleys of which do not have a very pronounced relief, have a winding channel and a calmer course. Navigation, depending on the area, is possible from three to four months. Rafting on the rivers of the Urals is favorable in July and August.

Water arteries that originate in lakes of tectonic, karst or dam origin are suitable for water trips throughout the entire navigation from source to mouth. Very shallow in the upper reaches of the river, which starts from swamps or small lakes, so it is almost impossible to get to their sources.

Rivers of the Subpolar Urals

The Subpolar Ural is the highest part of the Ural Mountains. From the ridges of this part of the mountain system, numerous rivers of the Kara andBarents Seas. The main water systems of this region pass through high-mountain, mid-mountain, ridge and flat zones.

In the highland zone, the valleys have steep slopes, and the channels have sharp breaks. The speed of the current and the fall of the rivers are usually large. Often the riverbeds are littered with fragments of rocks and boulders.

In the mid-mountain zone, the river valleys are expanding, the steepness of the slopes is decreasing. Here the mountainous character of the river is preserved, but the current becomes slower. It also happens that the channels are divided into branches.

Rafting on the rivers of the Urals is extreme and unpredictable.

Rafting on the rivers of the Northern Urals
Rafting on the rivers of the Northern Urals

Rivers of the Northern Urals

The Northern Urals is a harsh and hard-to-reach region, but very popular among tourists. The rivers of the Northern Urals are also characterized by fast and turbulent currents, steep falls, rapids and rifts.

Often in rough and rapid areas, one can observe a picture of a mountain range breaking through by a river. In valleys with less pronounced relief, the current becomes calm.

Rafting on the rivers of the Northern Urals is possible from May to October, but a favorable period for tourist water trips is from mid-June to mid-September. Water systems retain high water and great depth until the first days of July, starting from the second half of July, the water level drops.

Flash floods can start at this time of the year, as a result, the water level in the river can rise by two to three meters in a matter of hours. Crossing and lifting boats against the current in the flood is more difficult. Convenient and comfortableraft downstream and rise to the sources of the rivers.

Rafting on the rivers of the Urals
Rafting on the rivers of the Urals

Rivers of the Middle Urals

A dense system of rivers is also developed in the Middle Urals. In this part there is one of the most recognized by tourists water arteries - Chusovaya. The nature of the rivers of the Middle Urals is calm and slow. In the valleys of river systems, coastal cliffs can be found.

Rafting on the rivers of the Middle Urals is possible from April to October inclusive. Favorable period for water travel are July and August. The only negative is that many rivers become shallow in summer, and the number of routes decreases.

Rafting on the rivers of the Urals
Rafting on the rivers of the Urals

South Ural

The water systems of the Southern Urals are very diverse in complexity. Here, both an experienced athlete and a beginner can find a river to their liking. Therefore, rafting on the rivers of the Urals is very popular. Chelyabinsk and the Volga region are the closest regions, and the number of applicants here is much larger than in other areas. Water trips peak in spring and summer.

On the territory of Bashkiria, the Yuryuzan, Belaya, Zilim, Lemeza, Ai, Nugush, Bolshoi Inzer rivers are popular water routes. The level of their complexity is low, and they are quite comfortable for untrained people. For example, Yuryuzan contains rapids of the first and second categories of difficulty, but in addition to this, you can enjoy beautiful mountain landscapes, rocky shores and caves.

River rafting is a bright and emotional kind of outdoor activity. Sometimes he is fraught with incredible dangers - the boat canroll over or stumble on something, but the received dose of adrenaline colors life with vivid impressions.