Reservoir is a fairly large body of water created by human hands. This article lists all the reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory - names, their sizes, recreation opportunities. How many artificial reservoirs have been created within this region? And how suitable are they for fishing and recreation?
A reservoir is… The largest reservoirs in the Krasnodar Territory
The photo below gives a clear idea of what a reservoir is. This is an artificial (man-made) hydrological object created to accumulate fresh water. They are river or lake.

Water accumulated in such reservoirs is used for a variety of needs: municipal, industrial, agricultural. Some reservoirs are created solely for recreational purposes.
It is known that the first artificial reservoir in the world was made by the hands of the ancient Egyptians (in the III millennium BC). The purpose of its creation was the economic development of land in the Nile Valley. The first reservoir in Russia was built in the Urals in 1704. To date, hundreds of man-made lakes of various sizes have been created within the country. And among them, an important place is occupied by the reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory. The names of the largest of them: Krasnodar, Shapsugskoe, Kryukovskoe and Varnavinskoe.
It is worth noting that the creation of such objects radically changes the local landscape, greatly affects the microclimate, flora and fauna of the territory. If the reservoir is built on a large river, then changes in its hydrological regime are noticeable for hundreds of kilometers along the channel. The water temperature, ice regime, current speed are changing, the height of wind waves is increasing.
All reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory: names and their sizes
There are nine reservoirs within the Krasnodar Territory. Their water is used to generate electricity, irrigate agricultural fields, and supply water to cities and towns. The coastline of these reservoirs is a great place for short-term recreation of the inhabitants of the region.
The following lists all the reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory. The list also contains information on the total area of the water surface of reservoirs:
- Krasnodar reservoir (area - 420 square kilometers).
- Shapsugskoye (46 square kilometers).
- Varnavinskoye (45 square kilometers).
- Kryukovskoye (28 square kilometers).
- Takhtamukay (9.5 square kilometers).
- October (9square kilometers).
- Shenji (7.8 square kilometers).
- Neberdzhaevskoe (0.76 square kilometers).
- Maikop (0.5 square kilometers).
Krasnodar reservoir is the largest in the region
The so-called Kuban Sea is the largest reservoir in the entire North Caucasus. Its total area is 420 square kilometers. The length of the reservoir is 45 kilometers, and the maximum width is 15. Depths here reach 15-20 meters.

The idea to create a huge man-made lake at this place came from Soviet engineers in 1967. Eight years later, it was brought to life. During the filling of the reservoir, about two dozen villages went under water. Most of the local residents were relocated to the new city of Adygeysk.
Today, among Krasnodar residents and residents of the region, there is a version that the reservoir is located on one of the tectonic faults. And this, in turn, threatens to flood vast areas. In fact, this is just a myth that has no scientific basis.
Many recreation centers for fishermen, hunters and ordinary vacationers have been created on the banks of the reservoir.
Varnavinsky reservoir
Varnavinsky reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory is the third largest in this region. It is located ten kilometers northeast of the city of Krymsk. The reservoir was built and launched in 1971. The pond stretched almost eleven kilometers in length.
On its banksseveral villages with poetic names are comfortably located: Yuzhny, Chernomorsky, Sadovy, Mova … The locals are very fond of and take care of their artificial "sea".

Varnavinsky reservoir is considered a Mecca among the fishermen of the region. It is here that the V. Popov Cup for fishing with a float rod is held annually.
Kryukovskoe reservoir
Kryukovskoe reservoir in the Krasnodar Territory, perhaps, can be called one of the most picturesque in the region. It is located west of Krasnodar, near the village of Lvovsky.
The reservoir was commissioned in 1972. It was created in order to be able to regulate floods on local rivers, as well as to irrigate the local arable land. Reconstruction of the reservoir is planned in the near future, providing for the strengthening of its banks, the increase in the dam.

Features of fishing in the waters of the Krasnodar Territory
On the reservoirs of the region, you can not only fully relax after hard working days, but also go fishing well. Fishing, as you know, is a great way to relax and gain new vitality. And the numerous fresh water bodies of the Krasnodar Territory are an excellent place for this purpose.
There are crucian carp, carp, carp, ram, tench, pike, catfish and other fish here. Fishing in the Krasnodar Territory is possible all year round, except for the period from March 1 to May 31.

Before you go fishing on one of the reservoirs of the region, you should study the information about it as much as possible. This will help you choose the right place and pick up the necessary gear.
In conclusion…
The reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory are distinguished by excellent conditions for recreation. The names of the largest of them are: Kryukovskoye, Varnavinskoye, Krasnodarskoye, Shapsugskoye and Oktyabrskoye. On the banks of all these reservoirs you can have a good rest, and even go fishing. Their waters are home to carp and crucian carp, ram and pike, catfish and perch.