There are many amazing places and beautiful cities on our planet that will take your breath away. And it is not at all necessary to go to distant lands to see them. The beautiful is much closer. See for yourself by visiting Dnepropetrovsk, sights, interesting places of which are worthy of the attention of even the most experienced tourist.

City on the Dnieper
Many tourists believe that there can be nothing interesting in the city, because it is relatively young. Indeed, the sights of Dnepropetrovsk are not older than the 18th century, because the construction of Yekaterinoslav (the first name) began in May 1787. But still, Sicheslav, aka the city of Dnipro, can boast of objects that are not found anywhere else.
The spirit of history
There is no doubt that the most important sights of Dnepropetrovsk are historical sites. The first such object is the Kodaka fortress built during the time of B. Khmelnitsky. The remains of the ramparts of the once grandiose Polish structure (1635) can still be seen above the mirror-like surface of the Dnieper near the Kodak threshold. The fortress was captured twice by Zaporozhye Cossacks, as evidenced by the obelisk.

The well-known sights of Dnepropetrovsk, and indeed of the whole of Ukraine, are stone Scythian women. Eight dozen unique sculptures belong to the city historical museum. Among the oldest sculptures there are those that were created in the III millennium BC. They have no analogues in all of Europe, neither in age nor in manufacturing technology, which is almost perfect. Today, these sights of Dnepropetrovsk stand right on the street in front of the entrance to the museum, and everyone can see them.
You should definitely take a look at the Potemkin Palace, one of the first buildings of Yekaterinoslav. True, the palace lost its original appearance during the Second World War and numerous reconstructions. In Soviet times, there was a holiday home for workers, and then the building was turned into the Palace of Culture of Students, which was named after the first cosmonaut - Yu. A. Gagarin.
Other interesting things
Sights of Dnepropetrovsk, photos and descriptions of which can be found in our article, are very diverse. What is the park worth? T. Shevchenko in the form of an arched colonnade, broken near the Potemkin Palace. This is a favorite vacation spot for local residents and guests of the city. If you walk across the bridge, you can get toMonastery Island, where, according to legend, a monastery operated during the time of Princess Olga. And if you walk in the other direction from the park, you will find yourself on the longest embankment in the Old World.

Other sights of Dnepropetrovsk, which you want to at least briefly stop at, are the main street of the city, Prospekt im. K. Marx. There are buildings of different style and time of construction here: the Governor's House (mid-19th century), the Khrennikov House (now the Ukraine Hotel, early 20th century), the post office building.
There are religious buildings in the city: the Transfiguration Cathedral, built according to the rules of the Russian classical school, the stone St. Nicholas Church, the Trinity Cathedral (all from the 19th century), the Bryansk Nicholas Church (the beginning of the 20th century). Also, walking around Dnepropetrovsk, you should not miss the hotel "Ukraine" (1912), the musical and drama theater with a sculptural facade (1913), the sculptural composition "Youth of the Dnieper" made of bronze, the diorama "Battle for the Dnieper". But all this is better to see with your own eyes, so come to Dnepropetrovsk!