This ancient city is mentioned in the Old Testament. It existed even a thousand years before the birth of Christ. This city is very peculiar and is located quite far from the densely populated regions of the country. Only after overcoming a vast area of the desert, you can get to Eilat. Israel in this place has access to the Red Sea and a sea route towards the Indian Ocean. This circumstance is decisive in its economy in general and in the field of tourism in particular. And its tourism potential is quite significant.

Eilat, Israel. Natural and geographical features
This place is almost iconic in certain circles. From very remote places, often from other continents, people rush to this edge of the desert to rest. "Israel, Eilat" - these two words say a lot to diving fans. Fans of diving into the depths have studied the road here well, and many return to the shores of the Gulf of Eilat more than once. The unique underwater world of the Red Sea does not let go of those who have seen it. This is authoritatively testified by those who have the opportunity to compare who have ever gone under water in other seas, on the shores of other continents and islands. And these natural features are generously supported by a highly developed touristinfrastructure of the city.

The people of Israel know how to do business and make a profit. And they did everything in their power to make tourists and sports divers feel good and comfortable on this narrow stretch of coast. And this was largely successful - from a little-known settlement on the edge of the desert to create a world-famous diving center - Eilat. Israel on this coast for many does not end, but only begins. After all, not everyone has a desire to get acquainted with the underwater world. But Eilat is also a world-famous resort with a beach holiday of the highest level. This is a hot place, the temperature of air and water here depends little on the season of the year. If the question arose about where to fly to bask in the endless Russian winter, then this is, of course, Eilat, Israel. It is possible that the price level here is not too affordable, but the level of service offered is quite consistent with these prices.

Israel, Eilat. Excursions and cultural program
The city of Eilat itself is not distinguished by an abundance of historical relics and architectural monuments. The infrastructure of this city is built to provide a comfortable beach holiday. But its natural environment deserves attention for its expressiveness and dissimilarity to anything else. Mountains and rocks in this place meet with the desert. Their colors and outlines with their unusualness make you remember the scenery for science fiction films about extraterrestrial civilizations.

A cIn order to join the cultural and religious sights of the host country, there have never been any particular problems here. Israel is not that big of a country. And in Eilat, it will not be difficult to find a suitable tour according to an individually compiled route. There are enough options for such excursions here.