Philippines. Reviews of tourists say that you need to go

Philippines. Reviews of tourists say that you need to go
Philippines. Reviews of tourists say that you need to go

Philippines… Reviews of tourists say that this is a great place for all travelers and you should definitely visit this country. Why? There are actually many reasons. But among the main ones I would like to highlight the wonderful cuisine, exotic nature, wonderful resorts, amazing ultra-modern cities with skyscrapers and a good climate.

Section 1. Philippines. Reviews of tourists. General information

Philippines reviews of tourists
Philippines reviews of tourists

Every year many tourists come here, although holidays here are considered relatively expensive. Couples, eco-tourists, divers - everyone finds a lot of interesting things here. You can spend time on several islands - combined tours provide such an opportunity.

The capital is named Manila (Philippines). Reviews unanimously agree that this is a huge conglomerate, which includes 18 cities. In the central - Metro Manila - you can dine in a wonderful restaurant located on the street, the decoration of which resembles ancient Spain. It is recommended to take a walk along the embankment and relax in one of the establishments where you should definitely order a delicious national dish. Local restaurants also offer oriental and western dishes. Seafood is prepared to suit the taste of each individual tourist!

One of the main resorts in the Philippines - Boracay. Those who are interested in nightlife "party" life should definitely come here. During the day you can visit a beautiful beach. And the selection of souvenirs here is just amazing.

Section 2. Philippines. Reviews of tourists. Leisure Features

reviews of tourists about the Philippines
reviews of tourists about the Philippines

The Philippines has a hot tropical climate and high humidity. In May, the rainy season begins, which is very long and ends only in November. The period from December to April is relatively dry in the Philippines. A feature of the climate of the resorts located in the center of the archipelago is the absence of the rainy season. When planning a trip to this country, you should pay attention to the fact that climatic conditions change throughout the year. In this regard, three seasons can be distinguished: from March to May - warm, from June to November - rainy, from December to February - cold.

Reviews of tourists about the Philippines indicate that excellent communication has been established between the islands, both by ferry and by plane. In cities, you can conveniently travel by bus, taxi and rail. Jeepney - a fixed-route taxi, which in the past was a military jeep. This is a very popular mode of transport. An exotic option - three-wheeled cycle rickshaws. There are also motorcycles equipped with passenger sidecars.

Earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions are dangerous. However, you should not refuse a trip to thisan exotic country due to the likelihood of natural disasters - after all, destructive natural phenomena do not happen so often. Usually you have to wait until the service resumes due to the cancellation of flights. The rest of the country is safe for tourists.

Section 3. Philippines. Reviews of tourists. Attractions

Manila Philippines Reviews
Manila Philippines Reviews

Diving in the Philippines is great! Tropical seas, coral reefs, invertebrates, sponges, a variety of fish - all this is presented to tourists who are keen on scuba diving.

Fearless surfers find excellent conditions for their exciting activity on the beaches of this country. Shiragao Island hosts the World Surfing Championship in September-October.

There are so many entertainments in the Philippines that no one will be bored! Museums, exhibitions, ancient architectural monuments await those who are interested in culture.
