Historically, the ancient Russian city of Samara stands on the banks of the great river. It is already difficult for its modern residents to imagine that Samara once ended in the place where the Volzhskaya embankment, beloved by the townspeople, is now located. And absolute chaos began: a heap of sheds, stables, warehouses and garbage pits.
Looking back
One cannot say that the sad state of the Volga facade of the city did not bother anyone. The urban progressive community constantly brought to the attention of the authorities the idea that the city needed a decent embankment. Samara without it looks miserable and unpresentable. The classic of Russian literature and the future petrel of the revolution, Maxim Gorky, wrote sarcastic feuilletons in the city press about the realities of the Volga coast, he lived then in this city. It should be noted that this position was not unusual. Like many ancient Volga cities, Samara began to be built up the slope from the river.
Numerous piers, warehouses and trading floors were more relevant than the embankment. Samara will feel in herthe need much later, as the city developed and turned into the largest industrial and cultural center of the entire Volga region. But at that time, only the white-stone Alekseevskaya chapel and the red-brick building of the brewery in the Gothic style decorated the embankment.

New embankment. Samara today
Really for the improvement of the city undertook only during the period of expanded socialist construction. The author of the master plan of the Volga facade of the city was the famous Soviet architect M. A. Trufanov. To a large extent, it was this person who determined the compositional solution, according to which more than five-kilometer embankment was built up and developed in all subsequent years.
Samara should be grateful to him for his contribution to the image of the city. The architect thought of everything correctly, the builders for several decades, these ideas have been translated into reality. A significant contribution to the improvement and gardening was made by ordinary citizens with their selfless work on subbotniks. And the result of their work impresses guests of the city and tourists. The Volga slope is terraced by four tiers of the coastal zone, smoothly descending to the river. Over the past years, not even hundreds, but thousands of perennial trees have been planted on them. This gives the city an expressive floral appearance and a bright personality.

In the warm season, luxurious flower beds bloom here and fountains beat. Cascades of stairs connect open areas for recreation and terraces, from which it is convenient to view the Volga distance.
VolzhskayaThe embankment has become a favorite place for many citizens. People like to spend their free time here. Here you can just take a walk or take a picture and send a picture to relatives or friends with the inscription "… embankment, Samara".

Of course, many public, mass and sports events of citywide importance are held here. And from the River Station you can go on a trip along the Volga.